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For this assignment you will need to locate three sources on a topic of your choice and write a 3-page paper, double-spaced. The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to:

– synthesize information from multiple sources

– locate peer-reviewed resources using the library databases

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– put together a well-organized and edited paper

– properly cite sources in APA format 

– write for your discipline using formal language 


For this paper you MUST include two journal articles from peer-reviewed sources and one electronic source.

Be Sure to:

– Start each paragraph with a sentence or phrase that informs the reader of the topic.

– Clearly indicate which material comes from which source. Use lead-in phrases (According to Smith (2004)….) and in-text citations.

– Show similarities and/or differences between the different sources in ways that make the paper as informative as possible.

– Represent texts fairly. Remember, just because you are restating information in your own words, does not mean you are in anyway changing what the source says.

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