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Research Paper – Customer Service related

Picking up from your annotated bibliography and outline submitted in earlier weeks, prepare a final research paper on the topic you choose.  The paper should be 2500 words in length and include a cover page and Reference list.  All papers should be submitted in APA format. Please include a minimum of 10 references (see your annotated bibliography).

Title page
Table of contents
Lit review
Body (see your outline)
Reference page


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Graduate Level Rubric:





APUS Assignment Graduate Level Rubric












Student exhibits a defined and clear understanding of the assignment. Thesis is clearly defined and well constructed to help guide the reader throughout the assignment. Student builds upon the thesis of the assignment with well-documented and exceptional supporting facts, figures, and/or statements.

10 points

Establishes a good comprehension of topic and in the building of the thesis. Student demonstrates an effective presentation of thesis, with most support statements helping to support the key focus of assignment.

7 points

Student exhibits a basic understanding of the intended assignment, but the thesis is not fully supported throughout the assignment. While thesis helps to guide the development of the assignment, the reader may have some difficulty in seeing linkages between thoughts. While student has included a few supporting facts and statements, this has limited the quality of the assignment.

5 points

Exhibits a limited understanding of the assignment. Reader is unable to follow the logic used for the thesis and development of key themes. Introduction of thesis is not clearly evident, and reader must look deeper to discover the focus of the writer. Student’s writing is weak in the inclusion of supporting facts or statements.

1 point



Student demonstrates proficient command of the subject matter in the assignment. Assignment shows an impressive level of depth of student’s ability to relate course content to practical examples and applications. Student provides comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical sequence.

25 points

Student exhibits above average usage of subject matter in assignment. Student provides above average ability in relating course content in examples given. Details and facts presented provide an adequate presentation of student’s current level of subject matter knowledge.

20 points

The assignment reveals that the student has a general, fundamental understanding of the course material. Whereas, there are areas of some concerning in the linkages provided between facts and supporting statements. Student generally explains concepts, but only meets the minimum requirements in this area.

15 points

Student tries to explain some concepts, but overlooks critical details. Assignment appears vague or incomplete in various segments. Student presents concepts in isolation, and does not perceive to have a logical sequencing of ideas.

10 points



Student demonstrates a higher-level of critical thinking necessary for 500-600 level work. Learner provides a strategic approach in presenting examples of problem solving or critical thinking, while drawing logical conclusions which are not immediately obvious. Student provides well-supported ideas and reflection with a variety of current and/or world views in the assignment. Student presents a genuine intellectual development of ideas throughout assignment.

25 points

Student exhibits a good command of critical thinking skills in the presentation of material and supporting statements. Assignment demonstrates the student’s above average use of relating concepts by using a variety of factors. Overall, student provides adequate conclusions, with 2 or fewer errors.

20 points

Student takes a common, conventional approach in guiding the reader through various linkages and connections presented in assignment. However, student presents a limited perspective on key concepts throughout assignment. Student appears to have problems applying information in a problem-solving manner.

15 points

Student demonstrates beginning understanding of key concepts, but overlooks critical details. Learner is unable to apply information in a problem-solving fashion. Student presents confusing statements and facts in assignment. No evidence or little semblance of critical thinking skills.

10 points


Student thoroughly understands and excels in explaining all major points. An original, unique, and/or imaginative approach to overall ideas, concepts, and findings is presented. Overall format of assignment includes an appropriate introduction (or abstract), well- developed paragraphs, and conclusion. Finished assignment demonstrates student’s ability to plan and organize research in a logical sequence. Student uses at least of 5-7 references in assignment.

15 points

Student explains the majority of points and concepts in the assignment. Learner demonstrates a good skill level in formatting and organizing material in assignment. Student presents an above average level of preparedness, with a few formatting errors. Assignment contains less than 5 resources.

10 points

Learner applies some points and concepts incorrectly. Student uses a variety of formatting styles, with some inconsistencies throughout the paper. Assignment does not have a continuous pattern of logical sequencing. Student uses less than 3 sources or references.

7 points

Assignment reveals formatting errors and a lack of organization. Student presents an incomplete attempt to provide linkages or explanation of key terms. The lack of appropriate references or source materials demonstrates the student’s need for additional help or training in this area. Student needs to review and revise the assignment.

1 point



Student demonstrates an excellent command of grammar, as well as presents research in a clear and concise writing style. Presents a thorough, extensive understanding of word usage. Student excels in the selection and development of a well-planned research assignment. Assignment is error-free and reflects student’s ability to prepare a high-quality academic assignment.

10 points

Student provides an effective display of good writing and grammar. Assignment reflects student’s ability to select appropriate word usage and present an above average presentation of a given topic or issue. Assignment appears to be well written with no more than 3-5 errors. Student provides a final written product that covers the above-minimal requirements.

7 points

Assignment reflects basic writing and grammar, but more than 5 errors. Key terms and concepts are somewhat vague and not completely explained by student. Student uses a basic vocabulary in assignment. Student’s writing ability is average, but demonstrates a basic understanding of the subject matter.

5 points

Topics, concepts, and ideas are not coherently discussed or expressed in assignments. Student’s writing style is weak and needs improvement, along with numerous proofreading errors. Assignment lacks clarity, consistency, and correctness. Student needs to review and revise assignment.

1 point


Student provides a high-caliber, formatted assignment. Learner exhibits excellent use of computer technology in the development of assignment. Quality and appropriateness of stated references demonstrate the student’s ability to use technology to conduct applicable research. Given assignment includes appropriate word processing, spreadsheet and/or other computer applications as part of the final product.

5 points

Assignment presents an above-average use of formatting skills, with less than 3 errors. Students has a good command of computer applications to format information and/or figures in an appropriate format. Student uses at least two types of computer applications to produce a quality assignment.

4 points

Student demonstrates a basic knowledge of computer applications. Appearance of final assignment demonstrates the student’s limited ability to format and present data. Resources used in assignment are limited. Student may need to obtain further help in the use of computer applications and Internet research.

3 points

Student needs to develop better formatting skills. The student may need to take additional training or obtain help from the Educator Help Desk while preparing an assignment. Research and resources presented in the assignment are limited. Student needs to expand research scope. The number of formatting errors is not acceptable.

1 point



Student provides sophisticated synthesis of complex body of information in the preparation of assignment. Research provided by student contributes significantly to the development of the overall thesis. Student incorporates at least of 7-10 quality references in assignment. Student incorporates a variety of research resources and methodology in the preparation of assignment.

10 points

Student achieves an above average synthesis of research, but interpretation is narrow in scope and description within assignment. Assignment contains less than 7 resources, and presents an average overview of key concepts.

7 points

Assignment provides a basic, but borderline perspective of student’s research abilities. Student has incorporated less than 4 sources, which does not attempt to cover key elements of assignment.

5 points

Student fails to provide an adequate synthesis of research collected for assignment. The lack of appropriate references or source materials demonstrates the student’s need for additional help or training in this area. Student needs to review and revise the assignment. The paper is not of acceptable quality for graduate-level work.

1 point




Annotated Bib on After-Sale Services



BUSN501 B002 Fall 2020


Annotated Bib on After-Sale Services

Marek Szwejczeweski, Keith Goffin and Zissis Anagnostopoulous. (2015). Product service systems, after-sale service and new product development.

The article reveals that after-the product service is important and an essential element when it comes to the provision of services. The individual has revealed that the successful marketing strategy is important in that it enables people to realize activities associated with this aspect and that would include giving a transport escort, and making that products and services have been offered to the right people and those that require it. The essential terms that exist in this case include the product-service system that are also involved in the academic literature. Therefore, the article reveals that after the sale service activities exist and they might not be compromised by any person. As per the information from the researchers, it is important to realize that new products will have to be developed and they also have to be delivered to the involved customers. The situation also involves the essential practice that information has been disclosed and since this information has been exposed to the outer consumers, then it will have to be delivered as it cannot be redefined.

Christopher M. Durugbo. (2019). After-sale services and after-market support; a systematic review, theory and future research directions.

The article reveals that after-sale services are important and they can also be essential sources of revenue streams. They also make an important and a technical situation where consumers need care and might also be ensured of their securities in case they need to purchase and the product escorted to where they need it. The article has also revealed that the distribution of spare parts is required, customer care has to be provided and that the sale of accessories need to be recognized. Therefore, awareness will be important and that the management of the operations is an activity that require being monitored highly. Literature has also supported this information in that consumers require being escorted and that the materials they purchase has been supported since by escorting the people, then this will be an important assurance that the materials are genuine and that might not be compromised at all the times and by all means. The situation implies thatthe buyers have to acquire materials, they purchase it and then continue selling the same protocol and situation in that every purchasing aspect has to be associated with the protection of the commodities of the involved.

Melissa Toutant. (18th December 2017). The importance of having good after-sale service.

The article reveals that having good and effective after-sale services is important for enabling the marketers and even the purchasers to deal with providing people after the sale services. The reason is that when such individuals are provided with the after-sale-services, they are at apoint of coming back and purchasing from the same company or community. The situation reveals that offering the consumers with the after-sale service is important for enabling them to come back and purchase more from the same society and also influence the other members to come to the same society in that they will be offered with the services they require to export their commodities home. Therefore, as far as this article is concerned, it is important to reveal that the after-sale services are important and they will aid in the acquisition of products that the purchasers need to acquire and are also willing to pay for such services as the after-sale services have been accounted for in the commodities that the purchasers intend to acquire and are willing to pay for such services and this will not lead to any compromise.

Prachi Juneja. (2015). After the sale services or the Customer service.

The article reveals that the consumers are satisfied with the after-sale services. In this situation, not all the consumers are happy about carrying what they have purchased to their various destinations. Instead, they would claim that the company is important for helping them to transport their products to where they require them transported and even deposited to their doorsteps and this is a situation that has proven to be important when it comes to the various consumers that require the services of being assisted to transport their commodities to their door steps. The reason is that the consumers have claimed to be satisfied when they are provided with the after-sale services since they will not feel the pitch that has been involved in transporting their commodities. The after-sale service aspect is also important for ensuring that the consumers gain the satisfaction and the loyalty they require with the company and this will enable the customers to continue being loyal to the involved company. Therefore, numerous techniques prevail for dealing with the after-sale services and they are at a point of ensuring that the loyalty of the customers has been attained by all the means.

Hans Kasper and Jos Lemmink. (2018). The quality of the after-sale service: Views between industrial customers and service managers.

As far as the article is concerned, it is important to perceive that the quality of the after-sale service is important and this quality needs to be enhanced. The article also reveals that the office has to be involved with the supplying of the office equipment and those that will enable the managers of the organization to ensure that the materials supplied to them are those that will ensure that industrial consumers are the people that have been supplied with the commodities that will allow after-the-sale services. In this case, consumers are at a point of making sure that the facilities, services and even products that are provided by a given firm are those that might require the after-sale-services since individuals require being facilitated with the transport system after they purchase any commodity. The service managers require that such services are not provided so that they make profits but the consumers require that such services are provided as they are unaware of the cost that comes with the provision of this category of a service.

Sreevathsa Prabhakar. (2019). Reasons why after-sales is no longer an after-thought.

The article has revealed that after-the sale services do not require being an after-thought but an aspect of the fore-thought. In this case, every manager requires being involved or concerned with offering after the sale services as they will enable the consumers to come back and also purchase more from the same organization. The feeling of this author is that trust has to be created so that after the sale services have to be provided to the involved. As a result, the practice does not become an after-thought but it is before the thought.

Tejvan Pettinger. (2018).Introduction to the after-sale services

The article has revealed that after-the-sale services are important and numerous examples of after-sale-services exist. The notable examples include warranty where a person has to be guaranteed of the services that are to be offered. The next example is free service after certain months while the third example is advising on the manner of using the product. The after-sale services also have essential importance such as improving the long-term image and brand of the company as well as convincing the consumers that they might trust the involved organization. The third importance is reducing the extra costs that might be incurred by the consumers and due to this case, they are at a point of encouraging the consumers to come back to the involved organization.

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