Paper #1

Close Descriptive Paper/Paper #1 (20% 3-4 pages/900-1200 words): The objective of this paper is not to ‘critique’ the film but rather to do a screening report of particular scene of your choosing from the films we watched as part of the class. The task is to use the film analysis language (shot/cinematography; art design/mise-en-scene; editing/narrative structure; performance/acting; sound/music) to accurately and in your own interpretation describe the scene chosen while connecting it to larger themes of the course and film. For an optional detailed description of a screening report please refer to Corrigan page 8. This is not an exact guide but provides some helpful pointers. It is not necessary to use the Corrigan if you feel confident in conducting a close reading of a particular scene with what you’ve learned from the Yale Guide and class. 

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**You must use screenshots/still images from the work(s) you choose within your paper for visual evidence. If you don’t know how to do this, just google ‘take a screenshot on a Mac/PC’ etc, it’s pretty simple. You will include these images in the body of your paper with the [Title, Director. 00:00] format as the citation. **


Sonatine (Takashi Kitano, 1993, 94 mins)

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