
In your Executive Summary Final Paper,

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1)  Describe the mission, vision, nature of the business, the services or products, customers served by your chosen health care organization.

2)  Identify two to three key problems that have profound impacts on one of the stated areas.

3)  Propose a minimum of one solution to each of the identified problems.

4)  Identify a minimum of three specific, measurable, attainable, realist, and timely (SMART) project goals.

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5)  Appraise two possible obstacles and opportunities in your proposed solutions.

The Executive Summary Final Paper Format:

·  Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length

·  Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

·  Must use at least seven scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible sources in addition to the course text. Each resource should be published within the last five years.

·  Must document any information used from sources in APA Style a

·  Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style 

Attached is rough draft



Hospice or Palliative Care


Aubhrey Davis

December 12, 2020


(Item 1)

· 386 in hospital bed located in Corpus Christi, TX

· Mission- To improve healthcare and offering quality care through in a compassionate and technologically and efficient environment.

· Vision- To become a leading health care provider regionally an beyond through promoting quality, patient engagement and timely access.

· Services provided: cancer care, Surgery, women health, labor and delivery, dialysis and others.


(Item 2)

· Poor quality care for patients with terminal illnesses.

· Inadequate patient diagnosis.

· inadequate palliative care.


(Item 3)

· Improving care quality through the use of updated technology and advanced medical systems to offer the best and accurate care for patients with terminal illnesses. Ensure patients get the right diagnosis by offering support they need to lead a painless and quality life during the remaining period.


(Item 4)

· Specific: By end of December 2021, the quality of care and patient satisfaction will increase.

· Measurable: Have regular medical reviews in real time to ensure patients are provided with the appropriate care.

· Attainable: Ensure that all staff complies with the objective of offering quality care to patients by giving them the support they need.

· Equip the hospital with necessary equipment that helps in handling patients.

· Timely: Ensuring the right atmosphere is created for the staff to offer the best to the patients and improve the reputation of the organization.




(Item 5)

· Obstacles: High cost of obtaining better equipment. Hiring more staff who is experienced in handling patients with serious illnesses. Proving overtime for staff to ensure patients are cared for at all times.

· Opportunities: Improve quality of care, improve patient satisfaction, offering timely acre for better results, and increase the number of staff to ensure high quality.


(Item 6)

In the appendix



Bostwick, D., Wolf, S., Samsa, G., Bull, J., Taylor Jr, D. H., Johnson, K. S., & Kamal, A. H. (2017). Comparing the palliative care needs of those with cancer to those with common non-cancer serious illness. Journal of pain and symptom management, 53(6), 1079-1084.

De Palma, R., Fortuna, D., Hegarty, S. E., Louis, D. Z., Melotti, R. M., & Moro, M. L. (2018). Effectiveness of palliative care services: a population-based study of end-of-life care for cancer patients. Palliative medicine, 32(8), 1344-1352.

Gulati, R., Mikhail, O., Morgan, R. O., & Sittig, D. F. (2016). Vision statement quality and organizational performance in U.S. hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 5.

Kassianos, A. P., Ioannou, M., Koutsantoni, M., & Charalambous, H. (2018). The impact of specialized palliative care on cancer patients’ health-related quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26(1), 61-79.

Scott, I. A., Sullivan, C., & Staib, A. (2019). Going digital: a checklist in preparing for hospital-wide electronic medical record implementation and digital transformation. Australian Health Review, 43(3), 302.

Stans, S. E. A., Dalemans, R. J. P., Roentgen, U. R., Smeets, H. W. H., & Beurskens, A. J. H. M. (2018). Who said dialogue conversations are easy? The communication between communication vulnerable people and health‐care professionals: A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 21(5), 848–857.

Walston, S. L. (2017). Organizational behavior and theory in healthcare: Leadership perspectives and management applications.



Required Tasks

Individuals involved

Resources Needed



1. By end of December 2021, the quality of care and patient satisfaction will increase.

Offer training to the staff to ensure they are equipped to offer high quality care.

Nurses, physicians, administrators.

Patient surveys, and member views.


Regular patient reviews and surveys.

2. Appropriate equipment

Budget approval.

Technical and medical staff

Patient website for easier communication.


Using patient systems such as electronic health records to access their data for better care.

adapted from

Healthcare Executive Summary Template

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