Overcoming difficulties as a foreign student in America.

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Speech #1 outlined


Professor spence

Topic- Overcoming difficulties as a newcomer in America

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General purpose- to inform

Specific purpose- After hearing this speech people will learn that everything is possible if we put our mind to it.

Thesis- coming to new country I faced difficulty with communicating, adapting new culture and writing academically.


my name is Sara.


Attention getter- coming to new county is very difficult when you know you will be dealing with all the difficulties yourself.
Thesis- coming to new country I faced difficulty with communicating, adapting new culture and writing academically.

Transition- This all started 1, 2 years ago.

Main Point-

1. This started from the first day, my plane landed in America. I thought I learned English I knew, so communication would not be a problem but as soon as I stepped in college I left like an outsider.

2. Then comes the academic write which was way different and formally toned than I was used to of. I kept trying and trying but essays after essay felt like a step back.

a) Took tutor helps

b) Failed and kept trying

3. Lastly, culture difference where …………………………………………….

Conclusion- In conclusion, I faced so many difficulties but I have learned a lot. And I like this country more than when the first day I came here. I wish somebody have warned me about this, io would have being more prepared………………………….

Speech notes.

Name- Fnu Sara

Date 9/13/2020

Topic- Overcoming difficulties as a newcomer in America

Attention getter- coming to new county is very difficult when you know you will be dealing with all the difficulties yourself.
Thesis- coming to new country I faced difficulty with communicating, adapting new culture and writing academically.

How I struggle?

What I face?

How have I overcome?


What happened first few months

1- Challenges communicating with people.

· Advising office example.

· Solution- wrote question on paper so I would not forget.

2- Challenges in academic writing.

Wrote the way I spoked.

Kept on failing

Every essay made me realize I do not belong there.

3- Culture difference.

Adapt certain way of talking. Appreciating people. Making eye contact all the time while talking.

Conclusion- In conclusion, I faced so many difficulties but I have learned a lot. And I like this country more than when the first day I came here. I wish somebody have warned me about this, io would have being more prepared………………………….

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