outreach letter and proposal

ENG 202

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Outreach Letter for Business Proposal

Write a letter or email to the company you have chosen to create a joint venture with. Your letter will be from Company A to Company B (you will also have to create a letter from Company B to Company A accepting the proposal). Your letter should clearly explain what product or service you are proposing to create or produce with the other company.

Your letter should include the following:

· One sentence about who you are and what company you represent

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· One sentence about what your company does

· One sentence that includes one or two examples of other business partnerships your company has had in the past (if your company has not been involved in any other partnerships, you can describe a similar business venture in the market that applies to the new product or service you wish to create)

· One sentence explaining why you chose to work with Company B and why they would be a good match for a partnership with your company?

· Two sentences explaining what the proposed joint product or service will be and how it will benefit both companies.

· Ask to set up a call or meeting for the following week

· In your email signature, link to your company’s website (which will provide some more relevant information about what you do)

· If no one is likely to have heard of your company before, you should include a brief example of what you do and why this partnership is a good opportunity for both companies.

Remember to keep your letter to one page only. You must be brief, concise, and to the point.

ENG 202

Proposal Guidelines


Your proposal should be 1½ to 2 pages long and should contain the following:

1. What is the purpose of this joint venture? Be specific and detailed.

2. Describe the actual product in detail. This should be a detailed description of all aspects of your product. What is it? What will it look like? How will it work?

3. What are the new features/characteristics and differences in this product? How does it separate itself from its competitors, if any?

4. How will this product be helpful or useful? What are its benefits?

5. Who is the target market for your product? Why? What does the current market look like for this type of product?

6. Explain the production and manufacturing of this product/service. How will you make it? What are the steps involved? What are the required materials? How long will it take to manufacture or produce?

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Executive summary

           Global trade is becoming more competitive each day because new enterprises with new ideas emerge and they are a threat to the incumbent companies in the industry that have dominated for a long. Regardless of how long we have stayed in the industry, our position is under constant threat because each enterprise in the industry is thinking of various ways it can reinvent itself and attract more customers for more growth. With this in mind, Nike and Tamimi’s outlet has dominated their respective industries and they can leverage their strengths by entering into a partnership that can increase their market reach globally. The partnership will see all Tamimi’s outlets display and sell Nike products including shoes. 

           Tamimi is a trusted brand in Saudi Arabia, the group has established itself in the country for many years and it is well-known for providing numerous quality products in different sectors. The said partnership will benefit both parties with more revenue and profits. The venture will be a strategic move because it will not include marketing costs since the two parties are trusted brands in their respective fields. The venture will allow the Nike Company to penetrate the Saudi Arabia market while Tamimi will generate more sales as a result of providing products from a trusted brand globally. 

           Owing to Saudi Arabia’s large population, the partnership will lead to a significant increase in revenue for both companies. The country’s economy is growing rapidly and the government takes actions to promote involvement in physical activities and this implies that most people will be glad to visit multiple Tamimi’s outlets to purchase basic commodities as well as Nike sporting equipment such as uniforms and shoes. The venture seeks to generate over $13 billion which will be shared equally by the two companies. To understand the potential of the partnership, the next parts give background information about the two enterprises. 

Nike company background information

           Nike is an American based multinational company that designs, develops, manufactures, and sells sporting equipment such as footwear, equipment, apparel, services, and accessories. It is the largest producer of athletic apparel and shoes. The company is committed to doing everything possible to promote human potential. To achieve this, the company creates groundbreaking innovations in the sporting industry so that its products are sustainable (Sichol, 2019). The company has been successful due to the innovation mission that has given it a competitive edge through the designing of footwear that is not only used for sporting activities but also fashion and leisure. The shoes are designed with a comfortable feel that makes them unique and most sought after. 

           One of the company’s most popular shoe designs is sneakers. The product has been in existence for many years and it is redesigned and given a new name regularly. Each new release comes with new features that give sneaker fans a reason to purchase it. To enhance its global reach, Nike products are produced or sold by independent enterprises that act as sales representatives, distributors, and licensees. Nike’s historic points can be associated with its advertisements. The company has had some of the most influential advertisements in history. These advertisements have contributed to the company’s historic sales.

           Nike’s milestones and unique aspects include its strategy to target women with its products. To take care of women’s tastes, the company has taken action to revise its sizing options so that it can produce sports shoes and sneakers that favor women. Some of the vintage sneakers that were designed without considering women have been redesigned to reach women who may wish to have them. 

Tamimi background information

Tamimi is a group of companies that operate in Saudi Arabia. The group operates in different sectors of the country’s economy where they offer supplies, catering, hotels, supermarket chains, transportation services, and road construction. It is one of the fasted growing companies in the country. Although the companies have specialized in different areas of the economy, they have strongly established themselves as the leading outlet stores and supermarkets whose mission is to offer the best products to the people of Saudi Arabia at the lowest prices possible (Mansour, 2019). To embrace consumers’ diversity, the company imports from different countries such as Canada, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Australia, Mexico, France, Syria, China, Lebanon, and the USA. 

           Besides food products, the group’s outlet stores import other consumer products from other countries to give its stores a diverse stock from which customers can select from. Some of these products include footwear, clothes, family appliances, and other commodities. These commodities are made locally according to the country’s culture while others are imported from different countries that offer the best products. One of the group’s powerful strategies is the unveiling of the Grab and Go option that allows customers to purchase the best products at their most convenient time. The solution saves time because the payment mechanism is implied such that consumers can purchase without interacting with the sales personnel. 

           Tamimi’s success is associated with its strategy of serving customers with commodities at affordable prices. Through this approach, the group has remained relevant in the country and it has been recording a continuous revenue growth. Additionally, the group has taken most of its stores to online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for easy product promotion and that has been working effectively. 


Mansour, A. (2019). The influence of Islamic values on retail brand equity and store loyalty: a Saudi Arabian perspective (Doctoral dissertation, Middlesex University).

Sichol, L. B. (2019). From an Idea to Nike: How Marketing Made Nike a Global Success. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

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