Outline 7

Construct a detailed outline of one of the readings from Module 1 (your choice. A good outline will include a thesis of the article, as well as the important arguments and points offered in support of that thesis. 

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The outline is worth 20 points and should be no less than 250 words in length. 

Outside research is not necessary, but if you use external sources you must provide complete citations. Your outline will automatically be checked for text that matches websites and other submitted outlines. Failure to cite your sources is academic misconduct and will result in a failure of the assignment.

I have provided a copy of how the outline should look!

Exantus 1

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Erica Exantus

Professor Southworth


February 15, 2021.

Outline: A Consensus Statement on Sweatshop Abuse

Article Thesis: International sweatshops abuse and exploit workers to a great extent and their existence is justified through fallacies that they contribute immensely to economic development among other myths which are used to keep these industries running.

Key problems associated with sweatshops include;

· Worker imprisonment

· Physical abuse

· Very small wages

· Horrific labor practices

· Burning or mutilation of workers are the work place

· Forcing women to take birth control or carry out abortion

· Exposure to noxious fumes risking respiration diseases.

-The claim that sweatshops are very necessary in economic development is false considering the economic and social impacts that these work places bring.

Arguments of those that lead objections to anti-sweatshops include;

· Sweatshops are the best opportunities to those living in poor conditions

· Sweatshops give the poor a way to earn a living rather than staying jobless and starving

· Sweatshops ensure that companies do not shift operations to places with fewer restrictions.

· Demands for wages to be raised lead to less workers being hired and therefore more unemployment rates.

· Sweatshops are necessary as at now and will vanish as economies become more developed.


All the above claims by sweatshop supporters are just excuses for them to continue exploiting and abusing workers as they continue to reap big from their industries. There is need for proper reforms to be put in place to eliminate bad practices. Sweetsops lead to economic and social problems and most important they are an easy way of instituting modern day slavery, they should be banned.

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