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General Aviation

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Weather conditions are a contributing factor to the daily lives of people globally some effects being fatal while others are positive


General aviation is one sector where weather plays a crucial factor despite the business being made up of two sectors commercial or non-commercial (Brotak, 2018). However, in my opinion, both sectors in general aviation are not adversely affected by weather like in other aviation sectors. It is because the General aviation sectors are capable of defining when their aircraft will be used and whether it is necessary when weather conditions are not favorable. General Aviation can survive even after weather fatal accidents because it is a booming industry, especially in the United States. Therefore, the United States rebounds easily than other countries because it has a diverse and the largest General Aviation community in the world. 

One of the strengths of General Aviation is global recognition which gives it a huge strength for attracting customers and venture into the business of general aviation in any region globally. Another strength is diversification which produces and gives back profit to the industry. A major weakness for the General Aviation industry especially the non-commercial sector is a market that is advancing so fast but the relevant facilities needed are not available such as airports. Opportunities for the industry include government support and a wide growing market especially the commercial sector. Government support helps in developing legal frameworks that help expand the industry into a diverse field. Fierce and volatile market structures along with competition create threats that affect the general aviation industry. Market structures can create problems within the industry that can lead to the collapse of the non-commercial industry.

Weather as a crucial factor in general aviation contributes to too many accidents that cause many people’s death. Adverse weather can cause the delay of airplanes, which end up delaying a given country’s economic and social activities. Some planes also transport crucial merchandise such as medicines and vaccines, and delay could mean severe consequences. Some hospitals can request or pay for emergency delivery of medical supplies which might get delayed because of bad weather. Adverse weather such as fogs and snow-filled runways could lead to fatal accidents that could cause severe damage to the passengers and pilot. Thunderstorms and hurricanes can also lead to deadly accidents for those around and where the plane will fall. Such unplanned weather can cause an unexpected amount of damage, especially when private and commercial helicopters are involved. For example, helicopters fly low reaching non-standardized levels of flying hence causing huge amounts of damage that affect the owners.

One recommendation is for pilots to consult with flight service station briefers to provide insight into weather conditions that cannot be supplied by newspapers or published weather reports. Another recommendation is for a pilot to conduct a preplanning flight planner to predict weather patterns before the official flight day. Several mobile applications could help predict the weather in such situations. However, a risk assessment should be conducted throughout because weather is at times unpredictable no matter how many sites and predictions are done (National Business Aviation Association, 2017). Professional pilots that are used to fly aircraft in General Aviation can undergo further training in hazardous places such as snow areas to help prepare them PIREPS is another site that could help pilots and aviation people expect weather conditions to keep the passenger and flight attendants safe.



Brotak, E. (2018. June, 25). Weather Concerns for General Aviation. Flight Safety Foundation. https://flightsafety.org/asw-article/weather-concerns-for-general-aviation/

National Business Aviation Association. (2017, October 30). Tips and Tools to Help Single Pilots Mitigate Weather Risks. Retrieved from National Business Aviation Association. https://nbaa.org/aircraft-operations/airspace/weather/tips-tools-help-single-pilots-mitigate-weather-risks/

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