
The Course Project Outline is due this week.

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The assignment is for an outline. This mean that you use outline format, not paragraphs. 

The product is Mckesson

This assignment for the outline requires that you cover all of the issues/areas noted and include a standard introduction, conclusion and reference page:

  • Name of the product
  • Uses of the product
  • Integration with other information systems
  • User friendliness of data entry and data retrieval
  • Benefits of this particular software over similar types of software
  • The implementation process you would use to implement the EHR
  • Critically analyze your findings

Additionally as suggestions you may want to wrap in there areas for content suggestions into the appropriate issue area from above:  

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  • Terminology
  • Philosophical views of the EHR
  • Advantages

    Reduction of cost
    Improved quality of care
    Promote evidence-based medicine
    Record keeping and mobility

  • Disadvantages


  • Governance, privacy, and legal issues

    Privacy concerns
    Legal issues

    Legal interoperability

    Regulatory compliance

  • Technical Issues


    Open specifications

    Long-term preservation and storage of records
    Synchronization of records

  • E-health and tele-radiology

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