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Chapter 4 and past chapters discussed about operational security, like Spear Phishing. Aimed specifically at high-level corporate users whose credentials could be used for high-level attacks.


Typically comes from a user that you think you know. Discuss why the social engineering method works and how.

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1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, please explain how DHS should handle the situation described in the preceding paragraph.

The initial post must be completed by Thursday at 11:59 eastern.  You must use at least one scholarly resource. 

Every discussion posting must be properly APA formatted.


Plagiarism in the discussion will not be tolerated.

Attached is PPT to the question.


Reasons for Defense In-Depth
The protection of national security and other DoD assets is accomplished through the application of active and passive complementary security controls. This integration of physical security measures is also known as security-in-depth. Security-in-depth is a determination by the senior agency official that a facility’s
security program consists of layered and complementary security controls sufficient to deter, detect, and document unauthorized entry
and movement within the facility. This is accomplished through the integration of active and passive complementary physical security measures. The best way to describe how security-in-depth works is to think of an onion and all the layers it takes to get through to the center. As you begin to peel an onion, it takes more of an effort to reach the center.



Risk Management Process
In order to plan and implement effective
physical security measures, you must use the
Risk management process to determine where
and how to allocate your security resources.
The steps in the
risk management
process are:
• Identify assets
• Identify threats
• Identify vulnerabilities
• Conduct risk analysis
• Determine countermeasure options
• Make risk management decisions



Week-5 Measures
Building Protective Measures
When you look closely at all the elements it takes to
construct a building, it is easy to see how there could be
many vulnerabilities that could allow someone to enter and
possibly access information that could damage our national
Security or other DoD assets. Protective measures inside and
outside a building all play a role. Here are some examples of
vulnerabilities, as well as protective measures than can be
taken to make them more attackresistant.



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