Organizational Paper

Wk 1 Individual: Organizational Behavior Paper [due Mon]

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Review the Assignment Examples located at the top of the course content page in the folder – Recommended Reading and Handouts.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word Microsoft® Word® paper describing the forces of change and approaches to managing organizational change in criminal justice agencies, including identifying observable aspects of organizational cultures.

Answer the following questions:

· Explain how social, political, and organizational behavior can influence change in criminal justice agencies?

· Explain the relationship between organizational behavior and organizational systems?

· How can the perceptions of organizational stakeholders be managed? What techniques might we use?

· What are some observable aspects of the organizational culture of criminal justice agencies?

· How can change management strategies benefit criminal justice agencies and the criminal justice system?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Paper should include a Title Page, Introductory Paragraph, Topic Paragraphs preceded by Level 1 and Level 2 Headings, Conclusion Paragraph, and a Reference Page. See Rubric.

Include at least one citation/reference from the Week 1 University Library Readings, one citation/reference from Course Textbook, and one citation/reference from the UOP Library, Google Scholar, or eBook Collection.

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