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In this mentor-focused check-in, you will look at the project scenario for this course and have an asynchronous discussion regarding any initial concerns about the project scenario and the course project submission due in week nine. Review the course infographic to review the course structure and check when each of the three milestones, which pave the path to the project, is due.

As you submit, consider the criteria listed in this assignment.

You are highly encouraged to continue reaching out to your instructor so any concerns and questions are addressed prior to when Milestone One is due. Discuss your progress and these concerns with your instructor through this submission.

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Write a short document sharing your expectations and understanding of the project. Address the following criteria:

1. Identify any initial questions or concerns you have regarding:

· The project scenario

· Your role as the director of strategic planning

· Selecting a company

· The deliverables expected

2. In preparation for the upcoming milestones, address the following:

· Identify and explain one internal influence that might impact a company’s success.

· Identify and explain one external influence that might impact a company’s success.

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