Order 501043: Apple and Macroeconomics


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  • Type of paperResearch Paper
  • SubjectEconomics
  • Number of pages6
  • Format of citationAPA
  • Number of cited resources3
  • Type of serviceWriting

The company chosen is Apple, I need the Milestone section labeled clearly.

MBA 502 Final Project Part II Guidelines and Rubric

For this second part of the final project, you will produce a macroeconomic analysis paper related to the publicly traded company and its product or service
that you chose for your microeconomic analysis. First, you will select three macroeconomic variables for the United States that directly impact the supply and
demand of the company’s product or service you previously selected. Second, you will analyze the extent to which macroeconomic conditions in the United
States have affected the financial performance of your chosen company over the last three years using macroeconomic and company performance data. Finally,
you will evaluate how current monetary and/or fiscal policies in the United States are likely to impact your chosen company’s financial performance in the near

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This project addresses the following course outcomes:

 Assess how macroeconomic variables and policies impact the supply and demand of a company’s products or services based on trends in economic data

 Evaluate the effects of macroeconomic variables and policies on the financial performance of companies in the United States

The project includes one milestone, which will be submitted in Module Eight to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. The final macroeconomic
analysis paper will be submitted in Module Ten.

Part II Prompt
Your macroeconomic analysis paper should respond to the following prompt: Analyze the extent to which the macroeconomic environment in the United States
impacts the supply and demand of your chosen company’s product or service and assess the effects of macroeconomic conditions on your company’s financial

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Overview: Provide an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company, your chosen product or service, and annual sales.

II. Macroeconomic Variables
For this section, you will utilize macroeconomic variables such as GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, and so on to relate trends in data to the supply
and demand of your product or service. Include all calculations in an Excel file.

a) Select three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service. Justify your

b) Interpret the trends of the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years. Be sure to include gathered data. Based on the
trends of the three macroeconomic variables, assess how they will impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service.

III. Macroeconomic Policies
a) Describe the current monetary and fiscal policies in the United States. Consider including how these policies affect your company and its

products and services.
b) Predict how possible changes in monetary and/or fiscal policy may impact the supply and demand of your product or service.

IV. Macroeconomic Conditions and Company Performance

a) Describe the trends of two previously selected company performance variables (e.g., sales, stock pricing, net income) over the past three years.
Keep in mind these are the performance variables selected in the microeconomic analysis.

b) Analyze the relationship between the two company performance variables and the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three
years using a correlation graph. Be sure to include the graph that represents the correlation.

c) Assess how the current monetary policy and fiscal policy in the United States may impact your chosen company’s financial performance in the
short term (six months to one year). Justify your response.


Part II Milestone: Overview and Macroeconomic Variables
In Module Eight, you will submit the overview (Section I) and macroeconomic variables (Section II) components of your macroeconomic analysis paper. This
milestone is a two-page paper structured as follows: First, it provides an overview consisting of a brief description of the chosen company, your chosen product
or service, and annual sales. Second, it describes three macroeconomic variables in the United States that impact the supply and demand of your chosen product
or service. Third, using graphs in Excel, it interprets the trends of the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three years. Fourth, based on the
trends of the three macroeconomic variables, it assesses how the trends will impact the supply and demand of your chosen product or service. Include all
calculations in an Excel file. This milestone will be graded with the Part II Milestone Rubric.

Part II Final Submission: Macroeconomic Analysis Paper
In Module Ten, you will submit your complete macroeconomic analysis paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of
Final Project Part II, including Sections III and IV. The final submission should first describe the current monetary and fiscal policies in the United States. Consider
including how these policies affect your company and its products and services. Second, it should predict how possible changes in monetary and/or fiscal policy
may impact the supply and demand of your product or service. Third, it should describe the trends of two previously selected company performance variables
(e.g., sales, stock pricing, net income) over the past three years. Keep in mind these are the performance variables selected in the microeconomic analysis.
Fourth, it should analyze the relationship between the two company performance variables and the three selected macroeconomic variables for the past three
years using a correlation graph. Be sure to include the graph that represents the correlation. Finally, it should assess how the current monetary policy and fiscal
policy in the United States may impact your chosen company’s financial performance in the short term (six months to one year). Justify your response. The final
macroeconomic analysis paper should incorporate feedback from Part II Milestone and should also reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the
course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Part II Rubric.

Final Project Part II Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your final macroeconomic analysis paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: 5–6 pages, double-spaced, using
12-point Times New Roman font and the most current version of APA formatting.

Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Overview Meets “Proficient” criteria and
expertly balances key detail
with brevity

Provides an overview consisting
of a brief description of the
chosen company and product
or service, including annual

Provides an overview consisting
of a brief description of the
chosen company and product
or service, including annual
sales, but overview has gaps in
accuracy or detail

Does not provide an overview
consisting of a brief description
of the chosen company and
product or service, including
annual sales


Variables: Impact

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the effects of
macroeconomic variables on
the supply and demand of the
company’s product or service

Selects and logically justifies
three macroeconomic variables
in the United States that impact
the supply and demand of
product or service

Selects and justifies three
macroeconomic variables in the
United States that impact the
supply and demand of product
or service but selection has
gaps in accuracy or justification
is illogical

Does not select three
macroeconomic variables in the
United States that impact the
supply and demand of product
or service, justifying selections


Variables: Trends

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the meaning
behind trends in
macroeconomic variables

Logically interprets the trends
of the three macroeconomic
variables for the past three
years, including gathered data

Interprets the trends of the
three macroeconomic variables
for the past three years,
including gathered data, but
interpretation is illogical or
data has gaps in accuracy or

Does not interpret the trends
of the three macroeconomic
variables for the past three
years, including gathered data


Variables: Assess

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows sophisticated insight into
the effects of macroeconomic
variables on supply and
demand of products or services

Assesses how macroeconomic
variables will impact supply and
demand of product or service
based on trends

Assesses how macroeconomic
variables will impact supply and
demand of product or service
but with gaps in accuracy or
relevance to trends

Does not assess how
macroeconomic variables will
impact supply and demand of
product or service


Policies: Monetary
and Fiscal Policies

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description includes key details
about how U.S. policies affect

Describes current monetary
and fiscal policies in the United

Describes current monetary
and fiscal policies in the United
States but with gaps in
accuracy or detail

Does not describe the current
monetary and fiscal policies in
the United States



Policies: Possible


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows keen insight into how
monetary and/or fiscal policies
impact supply and demand

Logically predicts how possible
changes in monetary and/or
fiscal policy may impact supply
and demand of product or

Predicts how possible changes
in monetary and/or fiscal policy
may impact supply and
demand of product or service
but with gaps in logic or detail

Does not predict how possible
changes in monetary and/or
fiscal policy may impact supply
and demand of product or


Conditions and


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of recent
company performance variable

Describes trends of two
company performance
variables over the past three

Describes trends of two
company performance
variables over the past three
years but with gaps in accuracy

Does not describe trends of
two company performance
variables over the past three

Conditions and


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the
relationship between company
performance variables and
macroeconomic variables

Analyzes relationship between
company performance
variables and selected
macroeconomic variables over
the past three years, including
graph of correlation

Analyzes relationship between
company performance
variables and selected
macroeconomic variables over
the past three years, including
graph of correlation, but with
gaps in accuracy or necessary

Does not analyze relationship
between company
performance variables and
selected macroeconomic
variables over the past three
years, including graph of

Conditions and

Performance: Policy

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows keen insight into how
current monetary and fiscal
policies in United States may
impact company’s financial
performance in the short term

Logically assesses how current
monetary and fiscal policies in
United States may impact
company’s financial
performance in the short term,
justifying response

Assesses how current monetary
and fiscal policies in United
States may impact company’s
financial performance in the
short term, justifying response,
but assessment or justification
has gaps in logic or detail

Does not assess how current
monetary and fiscal policies in
United States may impact
company’s financial
performance in the short term
and justify response


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
read format

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of


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