Order 350767: The impact of the Ebola outbreak of 2014 on West Africa

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Thesis:This paper will concentrate on the impact of the Ebola outbreak of 2014 on West Africa. Instructions will be uploaded.

Franklin Lizardo

MATC Spring 2017


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Prof. Neumann

Ebola Outbreak in West Africa

Ebola is a dangerous disease and spreads very fast. I’d wait until later in the paper to provide data on the scope of the outbreak and the severity of the disease. In the recent pastIn 2014 and 2015, West Africa has experienced an the largest recorded outbreak of Ebola outbreak of the diseasesince the disease was first identified in 1976., especially in Sierra Leone and Liberia were especially hard hit. According to Adegun (P 48), the disease causes a lot of suffering among the people and becomes a challenge in the country. Make sure to provide statistics here. How many people were affected in West Africa (might want to break it down by country), how many died and how many other countries did it spread to. The outbreak was very strong and necessitated the intervention of the international community through the world bank (UNDP 7). As a result of this outbreak, Sscientists are exploring a range of fields in an attempt to come up with a sustainable solutions should another outbreak occur. to the disease that turns into a pandemic if an outbreak occurs. The disease outbreak left a trail of devestation in the hardest hit countries of West Africa.leaves a trail of impacts as it left the West African countries suffering after it was sustained. This paper concentrates on the impact of the Ebola outbreak of 2014 on West Africa.

Before the 2014 epidemic of Ebola in the West African region, business and trade were starting to develop. Investors had started to be confident with the potential in the areagained confidence in the economic potential of the area (cite data here to support the statement that there was increased growth. However, with the emergence of the disease, the economy was severely hurt. The fForeign investors and other skilled people from other nations fled for fear of being affected by the disease. Human capital is essential for the smooth running of the economy (Adegun 49). (How many people fled?) A L’ack of people to operate corporate skilled workers reduces the GDP of the nations. It had a severe shock on the economy of all countries that were affected. I’d remove this sentence since you’ve already made this observation. The prices of many products increased and the income was reduced. (Cost of goods increased by how much and income was reduced by how how much?) The tradeTrade in the affected countries was reduced drastically, increasing which increased the rate of poverty and unemployment (by how much?) in the region. Reference?

Ebola also reduced the rate of growth in the nations that it had infectedaffected. One of the key factors needed to enhance the growth of any country is government funding. The governments of the nations affected by Ebola injected a lot of its resources in trying to fight the disease (World Bank 6). The economy, thus, suffered the effects of diverting the capital that could have been utilized for maintenance of infrastructure, wages, materials was used in theinto containing programthe outbreak. The world bank notes that growth of the economy reduced by a large percentage from the previous year. (Be more specific. By how much?) The virus outbreak also affected the social interactiosn among the community members. The peoplePeople often choose to stay at home and avoid public places for fear of getting affected by the diseaseinfected. It was one of the reasons why businesses made incurred high losses during that period. Moreover, public facilities such as hospitals were overwhelmed, and the resources such as medicines got depleted as the demand was very high. (Make sure to reference appropriately using APA style).

Individuals concentrate more on the human expensesare typically more concerned with the cost of illness than the monetary effectrather than the economic cost. In any case, as indicated by studies As noted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the effect of pandemics on economies can be profoundly hugeprofound. (Do they cite some data?) According to World Bank, (p 6), a healthy workforce enhances physical and mental capacity and can deliver more. Economies with better wellbeing conditions appreciate a positive and direct effect on monetary development, to a great extent through expanded specialist profitability. Amidst the latest Ebola outbreak, a report exhibited by the World Bank evaluated estimated that, at the top of the line, the illness outbreak could cost up to $32.6bn if it proceeded and was not able to bewas not contained in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia (World Bank 5).I’d probably move the highlighted paragraph to the section where you start talking about economic impacts since this paragraph seems to focus on the effects of a sick workforce. It also influenced the economy in different ways. Ebola had an impact of having a genuinely noteworthy diminishment in labour supply over the economy. It had an impact on all areas. Because the work force was ill, leading to a decrease in labor efficiency, this too affected the economy of West Africa. With Ebola, a great part of the financial effect can be followed by decreases in labour efficiency, and additionally expanded human services costs. Ebola -hit workforces in every one of the three of the influenced affected nations: agricultural, mining and education (as children were unable to attend school, which meant guardians could not go to work)., bringing about huge harm to farming yield. Investments such as mining were downsized even with the episode, while schools were liable to long-term closure, bringing about guardians looking after their kids as opposed to working. (Reference?)

The effect of Ebola on the family income was contemplated determined by assessing monetary insurance of families against medical services use not clear. One measure is pervasiveness of disastrous medicinal services consumptions.Not clear. Living considerably nearer to destitution lineWhat percentage of families were living close to destitution?, these Ffamilies living close to destitutionconfronted the substantially higher danger of falling into poverty trap if treatment is looked for and use acquired risked becoming even pooer in trying to cover treatment costs. Ebola was connected intimately with improvement objectives (Adegun 50). Overseeing Ebola was of focal significance to advance toward the accomplishment of these objectives. Not clear. By taking a noteworthy bit of family’s ability to payconsuming a significant portion of a family’s pay, Ebola left little to be spent on training (on how to prevent infection?). Inequity improving the impact of out-of-pocket instalments made to address Ebola shrouds the unjustly bring down use treatment rates for poor who confront money related obstructions to mind (UNDP 56).Not clear. Ebola battling likewise prompted noteworthy pay misfortune for the families. This is particularly valid for inpatient treatment. Expanded pervasiveness of Ebola additionally prompted expanded weights on the wellbeing frameworks. As the commonness of Ebola ascends, there was a more noteworthy interest for Ebola-related medicinal services administrations, including conclusion and treatment (World Bank 7). What makes the circumstance promote drearily is the biased appropriation of specialists and other paramedical workforce in urban and rustic ranges. Not clear. Wealth and health fortify each other and wellbeing frameworks were an impetus for both, so reinforcing the health framework was critical to address the test ofdevestation of Ebola.

The emergence of the disease also led to a reduction in tourism activities in the nations. (By how much did tourism decrease?) Tourism is a very important aspect of economic development. Tourists offer a chance for the countries to grow as well as introduce new cultures and practices. The reduction in tourists, therefore, led to people losing jobs. For example, tourists need hotels to stay as well as cars to drive them around. Other jobs created as a result of tourism include taxi drivers as well as room attendants . The reduction in tourists, therefore, led to the loss of jobs. (How many people lost their jobs?) Reduction in tourism might make the companies employing them to lay some of them due to unsustainability. It was an impact that highly hit the nations that had suffered due to the outbreak.

Most of the countries in the region are agricultural. There is a high reliance on agriculture for survival. Residents plant many crops both for sale and for consumption. People avoided their farms since they feared to be affected by the airborne disease. (It’s not technically airborne). The world bank indicates that many areas across the globe rely on the production in some of the affected countries for goods such as cocoa (UNDP 62). For example, the region produces over seventy percent of the cocoa consumed across the globe. The disruptions due to the disease impacted highly on many global companies. Individuals could not bewere not available to tend on the large farms that produce the cocoa. The lack of enough supply led to an increase in the fiscal gap. Companies had to search for other sources to acquire the raw materials (Adegun 53). For productsAgricultural products that could be produced elsewhere, other than the West African countries were highly demandedwere in high demand. This meants that the disease made the countries lose market to some of their goods. many countries lost their markets. (Any data on how costly the agricultural losses were?)

The disease also led to the segregation of certain individuals. One of the ways that the government was able to counter the disease was secluding isolating the affected individuals. ItThis practice led to psychological resulted in the development of trauma from some of thein some family members. It hurts to see a family member secluded and knewknowing that the person has limited time to live. The children, especially, suffered from the effects when their parents were affected. Sometimes, the disease made children orphans when both parents. were affected by the disease. Additionally, it delayed the study time for the students. In Liberia, for example, schools were closed for over seven months. Over half of the school year was lost since the government had ordered all the institutions of study to close down as a control mechanism (UNDP 37). This means that the disease caused social harm of the young people. I’d move this up to where you discuss the impact on education.

In conclusion, Ebola had very severe effects in the western countriesBeyond the mmediate health concerns, Ebola impacted the economy of West African. One of the main and expected results from an outbreak is an increase in the number of deaths. The high death toll It was traumatizing for some of the family members, especially when the young ones lose theiryoung children who lost their parents to the disease. A traumatized individual is not a productive employee. It also led to slowed production as the labour force chose not to work as a preventive measure to avoid infection. It also resulted in to a reduction in revenue due to lack ofa decline in tourism and mining as well as other revenue- generating industries. Companies from other parts of the world also felt the impact as farmers, especially from big farms, stayed at home rather than participating in the production. .The analysis, therefore, shows the severe social and economic effects that the disease had on the people of West Africa. I’d try to find a punchier headline. Has the economy improved since the outbreak?

Hi Franklin,

An interesting topic which raises some interesting points. Just some things to keep in mind as you go over your draft:

1. Make sure you cite refences correctly throughout the text.

2. Cite data to strengthen your arguments.


Be careful not to be too wordy or repetitious. It’s better to have a short, concise paper.

Works Cited

Adegun, Olusegun. The Effects of Ebola Virus on the Economy of West Africa through the Trade Channel. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, Volume 19, Issue 10, 2014. PP 48-56.

UNDP. Socio-Economic Impact of Ebola Virus Disease in West African Countries: A call for national and regional containment, recovery and prevention. United Nations Development Group. 2015.


. Accessed on 30th Apr 2017.

World Bank. The Economic Impact of the 2014 Ebola Epidemic: Short and Medium Term Estimates for Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. World Bank. 2014


Accessed on 30th Apr 2017.

Your final paper should be 6-8 pages long including citations and title page.









· Title page: Your name, course name, date, title.


· 12 pt., New Roman, 1” margins, pages numbered at bottom of each page, double-spaced.

· -0.5/5 spelling grammatical errors

· You will lose points for lack of clarity, organization.




· Introductory paragraph. This should start with a broad, attention grabbing statement and finish with your thesis statement.


· Expand on your thesis statement. What have you found out on your research topic? Is there any data available? Describe specific examples. For example, if you are researching the influence of the Irish Potato Famine on Irish literature or music, give some examples of writings, lyrics.



· A statement succinctly summarizing what you have found out in answer to your thesis statement and concluding with a somewhat philosophical ending.



REFERENCES: 3-5 minimum (Wikipedia does not count).

· Reference page.

· References cited throughout text.





Franklin Lizardo

MATC Spring 2017


Prof. Neumann

Ebola Outbreak in West Africa

Ebola is a dangerous disease and spreads very fast. I’d wait until later in the paper to provide data on the scope of the outbreak and the severity of the disease. In the recent pastIn 2014 and 2015, West Africa has experienced an the largest recorded outbreak of Ebola outbreak of the diseasesince the disease was first identified in 1976., especially in Sierra Leone and Liberia were especially hard hit. According to Adegun (P 48), the disease causes a lot of suffering among the people and becomes a challenge in the country. Make sure to provide statistics here. How many people were affected in West Africa (might want to break it down by country), how many died and how many other countries did it spread to. The outbreak was very strong and necessitated the intervention of the international community through the world bank (UNDP 7). As a result of this outbreak, Sscientists are exploring a range of fields in an attempt to come up with a sustainable solutions should another outbreak occur. to the disease that turns into a pandemic if an outbreak occurs. The disease outbreak left a trail of devestation in the hardest hit countries of West Africa.leaves a trail of impacts as it left the West African countries suffering after it was sustained. This paper concentrates on the impact of the Ebola outbreak of 2014 on West Africa.

Before the 2014 epidemic of Ebola in the West African region, business and trade were starting to develop. Investors had started to be confident with the potential in the areagained confidence in the economic potential of the area (cite data here to support the statement that there was increased growth. However, with the emergence of the disease, the economy was severely hurt. The fForeign investors and other skilled people from other nations fled for fear of being affected by the disease. Human capital is essential for the smooth running of the economy (Adegun 49). (How many people fled?) A L’ack of people to operate corporate skilled workers reduces the GDP of the nations. It had a severe shock on the economy of all countries that were affected. I’d remove this sentence since you’ve already made this observation. The prices of many products increased and the income was reduced. (Cost of goods increased by how much and income was reduced by how how much?) The tradeTrade in the affected countries was reduced drastically, increasing which increased the rate of poverty and unemployment (by how much?) in the region. Reference?

Ebola also reduced the rate of growth in the nations that it had infectedaffected. One of the key factors needed to enhance the growth of any country is government funding. The governments of the nations affected by Ebola injected a lot of its resources in trying to fight the disease (World Bank 6). The economy, thus, suffered the effects of diverting the capital that could have been utilized for maintenance of infrastructure, wages, materials was used in theinto containing programthe outbreak. The world bank notes that growth of the economy reduced by a large percentage from the previous year. (Be more specific. By how much?) The virus outbreak also affected the social interactiosn among the community members. The peoplePeople often choose to stay at home and avoid public places for fear of getting affected by the diseaseinfected. It was one of the reasons why businesses made incurred high losses during that period. Moreover, public facilities such as hospitals were overwhelmed, and the resources such as medicines got depleted as the demand was very high. (Make sure to reference appropriately using APA style).

Individuals concentrate more on the human expensesare typically more concerned with the cost of illness than the monetary effectrather than the economic cost. In any case, as indicated by studies As noted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the effect of pandemics on economies can be profoundly hugeprofound. (Do they cite some data?) According to World Bank, (p 6), a healthy workforce enhances physical and mental capacity and can deliver more. Economies with better wellbeing conditions appreciate a positive and direct effect on monetary development, to a great extent through expanded specialist profitability. Amidst the latest Ebola outbreak, a report exhibited by the World Bank evaluated estimated that, at the top of the line, the illness outbreak could cost up to $32.6bn if it proceeded and was not able to bewas not contained in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia (World Bank 5).I’d probably move the highlighted paragraph to the section where you start talking about economic impacts since this paragraph seems to focus on the effects of a sick workforce. It also influenced the economy in different ways. Ebola had an impact of having a genuinely noteworthy diminishment in labour supply over the economy. It had an impact on all areas. Because the work force was ill, leading to a decrease in labor efficiency, this too affected the economy of West Africa. With Ebola, a great part of the financial effect can be followed by decreases in labour efficiency, and additionally expanded human services costs. Ebola -hit workforces in every one of the three of the influenced affected nations: agricultural, mining and education (as children were unable to attend school, which meant guardians could not go to work)., bringing about huge harm to farming yield. Investments such as mining were downsized even with the episode, while schools were liable to long-term closure, bringing about guardians looking after their kids as opposed to working. (Reference?)

The effect of Ebola on the family income was contemplated determined by assessing monetary insurance of families against medical services use not clear. One measure is pervasiveness of disastrous medicinal services consumptions.Not clear. Living considerably nearer to destitution lineWhat percentage of families were living close to destitution?, these Ffamilies living close to destitutionconfronted the substantially higher danger of falling into poverty trap if treatment is looked for and use acquired risked becoming even pooer in trying to cover treatment costs. Ebola was connected intimately with improvement objectives (Adegun 50). Overseeing Ebola was of focal significance to advance toward the accomplishment of these objectives. Not clear. By taking a noteworthy bit of family’s ability to payconsuming a significant portion of a family’s pay, Ebola left little to be spent on training (on how to prevent infection?). Inequity improving the impact of out-of-pocket instalments made to address Ebola shrouds the unjustly bring down use treatment rates for poor who confront money related obstructions to mind (UNDP 56).Not clear. Ebola battling likewise prompted noteworthy pay misfortune for the families. This is particularly valid for inpatient treatment. Expanded pervasiveness of Ebola additionally prompted expanded weights on the wellbeing frameworks. As the commonness of Ebola ascends, there was a more noteworthy interest for Ebola-related medicinal services administrations, including conclusion and treatment (World Bank 7). What makes the circumstance promote drearily is the biased appropriation of specialists and other paramedical workforce in urban and rustic ranges. Not clear. Wealth and health fortify each other and wellbeing frameworks were an impetus for both, so reinforcing the health framework was critical to address the test ofdevestation of Ebola.

The emergence of the disease also led to a reduction in tourism activities in the nations. (By how much did tourism decrease?) Tourism is a very important aspect of economic development. Tourists offer a chance for the countries to grow as well as introduce new cultures and practices. The reduction in tourists, therefore, led to people losing jobs. For example, tourists need hotels to stay as well as cars to drive them around. Other jobs created as a result of tourism include taxi drivers as well as room attendants . The reduction in tourists, therefore, led to the loss of jobs. (How many people lost their jobs?) Reduction in tourism might make the companies employing them to lay some of them due to unsustainability. It was an impact that highly hit the nations that had suffered due to the outbreak.

Most of the countries in the region are agricultural. There is a high reliance on agriculture for survival. Residents plant many crops both for sale and for consumption. People avoided their farms since they feared to be affected by the airborne disease. (It’s not technically airborne). The world bank indicates that many areas across the globe rely on the production in some of the affected countries for goods such as cocoa (UNDP 62). For example, the region produces over seventy percent of the cocoa consumed across the globe. The disruptions due to the disease impacted highly on many global companies. Individuals could not bewere not available to tend on the large farms that produce the cocoa. The lack of enough supply led to an increase in the fiscal gap. Companies had to search for other sources to acquire the raw materials (Adegun 53). For productsAgricultural products that could be produced elsewhere, other than the West African countries were highly demandedwere in high demand. This meants that the disease made the countries lose market to some of their goods. many countries lost their markets. (Any data on how costly the agricultural losses were?)

The disease also led to the segregation of certain individuals. One of the ways that the government was able to counter the disease was secluding isolating the affected individuals. ItThis practice led to psychological resulted in the development of trauma from some of thein some family members. It hurts to see a family member secluded and knewknowing that the person has limited time to live. The children, especially, suffered from the effects when their parents were affected. Sometimes, the disease made children orphans when both parents. were affected by the disease. Additionally, it delayed the study time for the students. In Liberia, for example, schools were closed for over seven months. Over half of the school year was lost since the government had ordered all the institutions of study to close down as a control mechanism (UNDP 37). This means that the disease caused social harm of the young people. I’d move this up to where you discuss the impact on education.

In conclusion, Ebola had very severe effects in the western countriesBeyond the mmediate health concerns, Ebola impacted the economy of West African. One of the main and expected results from an outbreak is an increase in the number of deaths. The high death toll It was traumatizing for some of the family members, especially when the young ones lose theiryoung children who lost their parents to the disease. A traumatized individual is not a productive employee. It also led to slowed production as the labour force chose not to work as a preventive measure to avoid infection. It also resulted in to a reduction in revenue due to lack ofa decline in tourism and mining as well as other revenue- generating industries. Companies from other parts of the world also felt the impact as farmers, especially from big farms, stayed at home rather than participating in the production. .The analysis, therefore, shows the severe social and economic effects that the disease had on the people of West Africa. I’d try to find a punchier headline. Has the economy improved since the outbreak?

Hi Franklin,

An interesting topic which raises some interesting points. Just some things to keep in mind as you go over your draft:

1. Make sure you cite refences correctly throughout the text.

2. Cite data to strengthen your arguments.

3. Be careful not to be too wordy or repetitious. It’s better to have a short, concise paper.

Works Cited

Adegun, Olusegun. The Effects of Ebola Virus on the Economy of West Africa through the Trade Channel. IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, Volume 19, Issue 10, 2014. PP 48-56.

UNDP. Socio-Economic Impact of Ebola Virus Disease in West African Countries: A call for national and regional containment, recovery and prevention. United Nations Development Group. 2015.


. Accessed on 30th Apr 2017.

World Bank. The Economic Impact of the 2014 Ebola Epidemic: Short and Medium Term Estimates for Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. World Bank. 2014


Accessed on 30th Apr 2017.

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