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Clinical Field Experience A: Shaping School Culture Interview and Observation


It is important for school leadership to plan and implement strategies for promoting and communicating the school mission and vision. The purpose of this field experience is to gain insight into the effect of a school’s vision and mission on the school’s culture and be able to apply this insight to future roles..

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In this field experience, identify the school’s vision and mission. Interview two school staff members to determine how each supports the school’s vision and mission in shaping school culture. In addition, ask what strategies each interviewee utilizes to promote the school’s vision and mission with other stakeholder groups such as district representatives, fellow teachers, students, parents, and community members.

Use any remaining field experience hours to observe or assist the principal mentor.

Compose a 250-word summary of your interviews. Incorporate PSEL Standard 1 and describe how you will apply what you have learned to your future professional practice.

APA style format


(15) Interviewee 1 Supports Vision, Mission, and Culture: Reflection creatively describes how interviewee 1 supports the school’s vision and mission in shaping school culture.

(15) Interviewee 2 Supports Vision, Mission, and Culture: Reflection creatively describes how interviewee 2 supports the school’s vision and mission in shaping school culture.

(15) Interviewee 1 Strategies to Promote Vision and Mission Reflection proficiently describes the strategies interviewee 1 utilizes to promote the school’s vision and mission with other stakeholder groups.

(15) Interviewee 2 Strategies to Promote Vision and Mission Reflection proficiently describes the strategies interviewee 2 utilizes to promote the school’s vision and mission with other stakeholder groups.

(20) PSEL Standard 1 and Implications for Future Practice: Reflection proficiently discusses implications for application as a future practitioner. Elements of PSEL Standard 1 are expertly incorporated into reflection.

(20) Sources, Mechanics, Organization

Interviewee 1: Beth Anderson: Speech and Language Pathologist:

Beth supports the school’s vision of all students can soar by cheering on the students as they learn to pronoun new letter sounds and words. She constantly is in contact with parents which supports the school’s vision of collaboration with stakeholders. She gets along well with her collaborative team: Beth co-teaches small group with the Occupational Therapist to support OT goals, She teaches in Small Group to support the students as well as build comradery with teachers, & Aides.

Interviewee 2: Gretchen Wuersch: APE Teacher

Gretchen supports the school’s mission and vision by having a happy optimistic attitude and encourages students to have the same. She keeps up on data monitoring and paperwork to find areas to improve. She loves teaching children and helping them progress with their goals.


Anderson, B. Interview on April 3, 2020.

Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. (n.d.). Retrieved from


STUDENT-PARENT HANDBOOK – Northridge. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://northridgeprep.org/student-handbook-2/

Wuersch, G. Interview on April 3, 2020.

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