Order 1630655: Digital Marketing Report outline

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  • Type of paperOther
  • SubjectMarketing
  • Number of pages2
  • Format of citationHarvard
  • Number of cited resources30
  • Type of serviceWriting

I need to write a report about the digital marketing these are the instructions but I need you to write an introduction then what is the main points of the report that I WILL COMPLETE AND WRITE ABOUT then write a conclusion. so i need you to guide me how to write a this report because I do not have any idea about that, it is my first time but i want to know search about what and I can write but need your help to guide me in two pages by write the headlines and what serach about with references and i will write because it is too long it is about 3000 words. I will upload the requirments of the assignment to be followed

Below there are a list of key topics which are considered to be of potential future significance to the field of digital marketing.
Students are required to select ONE topic from the list and write a 3500 word report on the potential opportunities and potential challenges/problems that this topic presents to digital marketers.
It is vital that students make reference to literature, both academic literature and practitioner literature. Students can use examples to illustrate points and to make reference to case studies, if appropriate
Students need to be precise in their discussions and it is important to develop a balanced evaluation of the topic under discussion.

Students are encouraged to make recommendations as to when this topic may be of benefit to the digital marketing staff of organizations.

I choose BIG DATA (Talking about data comes into the organization- includes date in lots of different format , it might be voice, pictures or texts).

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1. Readings to be from 2015 .

2. current situation is

3. Benefits and challenges of

4. Introduction, challenges, benefits

5. Go back 2021 or 2013 if you don’t find any info about these topics .

6. North America is not good place for digital marketing , don’t do much shopping in online shopping because lot of people don’t have credit card. Look for Scandinavia, Sweden and UK.

7. REFERENCING-Literature using: Use news item, cases studies, Usig TED shows, Financial times is credible source ,




(about technology).

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