Order 1614120: Sociology


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  • Type of paperArticle (Any Type)
  • SubjectSociology
  • Number of pages2
  • Format of citationOther
  • Number of cited resources1
  • Type of serviceWriting

Must be scholarly, Professor also said the minimum is 2-3 pages and only need to cite the article

Finding an article

Go to library.gsu.edu.

Find the sociological abstracts database. You can get to it by subject (sociology) or by name a-z (s).

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Search for an article by topic, title, journal or author.

Choosing an article
You will choose an article of interest to you. The article you choose must 1) contain sociological content related to something we’ve discussed in class 2) have been written in the last 10 years 3) come from one of these approved journals AND 4) be an empirical study:

Possible Article Topics
School Shootings
Climate Change and Energy
The Bathroom Bill
Prostitution and Sex-work
Criminal Justice Reform
Universal Basic Income
Drug Legalization
Gender Wage Gap
Affirmative Action
Cost of College and Student Loan Debt
Human Trafficking
Sex Education in Schools
Welfare Reform
Football Players Kneeling
Activist movements
Domestic Violence
Elite university admissions
Mental Illness in the US
Environmental Racism/Classism

How to read a research article

Main components of a scholarly article
Abstract – summary of the paper
Introduction/Background (not usually labeled)
You will usually find the Research Questions here
Literature Review (not usually labeled)
This section often has subheadings by theme or topic
You will usually find specific hypotheses here and any theory used will be here
Data/measurements/methods (may use one or several of these labels depending on the journal)
Here you will find the source of the data, the list of variables, and the type of study
This section is usually tables along with analysis and interpretation (written description of the findings)
Restate the research question/hypotheses along with the relevant results
Some interpretation, application, policy proposals, future research etc.

Tips for reading a scholarly article
Read the abstract and discussion first. This gives you the best overview of the entire paper.
Then read the other sections based on what you want to know.
Want to know what they learned? Read the results.
Want to know what theoretical perspective they’re using? Read the background/literature review.
Want to know how they set up their study? Read the methods section.

How to write an article review

Questions to answer
What is the purpose of the article? What are the research questions and why are they of sociological importance?
What research methods did the author(s) use to answer their research questions? Where did their data come from and how was it collected?
What were the key findings?
What conclusions did the author(s) make?
Choose one of the following areas to address as a critique:
Alternate explanations for the findings
A different methodological approach
An additional research question or hypothesis that would have added clarity or weight to the argument
Problems with the methods such as selection bias, sampling error, etc.
An ethical concern or question

How to format your review
Respond to the questions in the previous slide in paragraph form. Each question should be answerable in one to two paragraphs.
The final paper will probably be between 2-3 pages.
1” margins using 12” standard font.
Works cited list at the end.

Plagiarism and how to cite

Using Evidence, Proper Citations and the risks of Plagiarism
Why do we need evidence? When do we need evidence?
How do we cite someone’s words? How do we cite someone’s ideas?
What constitutes plagiarism and what are the consequences?
Did I know this information before I took this course?
Did this information/idea come from my own brain?

Proper citation
If citing someone’s IDEAS, using your own words (AKA paraphrasing) citations should include (author name, year).
If citing someone’s WORDS (AKA quoting) citations should include (author name, year: page number) and the selection should be in “quotes.”

ASA reference list format
Ferris, K. & Stein, J. 2018. The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology, 6th edition. W.W. Norton & Co: New York, NY.
Last name, First initial. Year of publication. Title. Editor: City.
Coe, D. L. & Davidson, J.D. 2011. “The Origins of Legacy Admissions: A Sociological Explanation.” Review of Religious Research 52(3):233-47.
Last name, First initial. Year of publication. “Journal article title.” Journal name Volume number(issue number): page numbers.

ASA in-text citation
If paraphrasing or referencing an idea simply cite (Last name year of publication) like so (Roche 2019)
If you are directly quoting from the source, your citation must also include page numbers (Last name year of publication: page) like so (Roche 2019: 1-2).

Submit in icollege. Go to Assessments>Assignments>Article Review.
Upload your paper. Please make sure it is either saved as a or . I cannot open a .pages file.
Due by 11:59 pm on Tuesday April 9th. I give a few minutes wiggle room, but after that there’s a -5% per 24 hours late.
If you’re having trouble submitting it, email me!

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