Operations Security

Using Security Policies and Controls to Overcome Business Challenges

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Assignment Requirements

Using the scenario, identify four possible information technology (IT) security controls for the bank and provide rationale for your choices.

Required Resources

  • Access to the Internet

Submission Requirements

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  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Citation Style: APA style

Length: 1–2 pages

Assignment: Using Security Policies and Controls to Overcome Business Challenges

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

· Understand the importance of information security policies and the role they play in business activities to ensure sound, secure information.

· Identify four IT security controls for a given scenario.


· The organization is a regional XYZ Credit Union/Bank that has multiple branches and locations throughout the region.

· Online banking and use of the Internet are the bank’s strengths, given limited its human resources.

· The customer service department is the organization’s most critical business function.

· The organization wants to be in compliance with Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and IT security best practices regarding its employees.

· The organization wants to monitor and control use of the Internet by implementing content filtering.

· The organization wants to eliminate personal use of organization-owned IT assets and systems.

· The organization wants to monitor and control use of the e-mail system by implementing e-mail security controls.

· The organization wants to implement this policy for all the IT assets it owns and to incorporate this policy review into an annual security awareness training program.

Assignment Requirements

Using the scenario, identify four possible information technology (IT) security controls for the bank and provide rationale for your choices.

Required Resources

· Access to the Internet

Submission Requirements

· Format: Microsoft Word

· Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space

· Citation Style: Your school’s preferred style guide

· Length: 1–2 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

· I listed four IT controls based on the scenario.

· I provided rationale for my selection of IT security controls.

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