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Discussion Assignment


Zara is the main chain of the apparel retailer Inditex Group, developed in the 1990’s, and is a quick operations system that enabled its fast global expansion. This system introduced the concept of Fast Fashion and revolutionized the sector.

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Zara’s Fast Fashion Edge

and answer the following questions: 

Based on Zara’s outsourcing strategy and physical


  distribution scheme described in the article, what do you think are      challenges that the company will face to sustain its growth?

  • Briefly describe a strategy to address the most      compelling challenge facing the organization.
  • In the discussion forum, you are expected to participate often and engage in deep levels of discourse.  Please post your initial response as early as possible and continue to participate throughout the unit. You are required to post an initial response to the question/issue presented in the Forum and then respond to at least 3 of your classmates’ initial posts.  You should also respond to anyone who has responded to you.

    Berfield, S. & Baigorri, M. (2013). Zara’s Fashion Edge. Retrieved from:

    Zara’s Fast-Fashion Edge

    Learning Guide Unit 4

    Written Assignment


    Case Study: The supplier selection process is a critical activity within the operations of a company. Once the outsourcing decision is taken, a process aimed at analyzing and choosing the appropriate suppliers begins.

    Suppose that you are a Procurement Analyst in a large company. You have been asked to create a proposal to the Chief Procurement Officer identifying the best supplier to outsource, for a 3-year period, a complex part of your company’s value chain. Your company operates in a mature market where the qualifying and winning factors are quality and time to customer respectively.

    Based on the information included in the table, address the following questions:

    • What supplier would you select?
    • What is your rationale for your election?
    • What supplier would you select if your company’s      factors changed to price and quality?  Would your election change?








    Overseas   supplier
      (transport lead time 3 weeks)





    Supplier   facing financial issues


    Proximity   supplier
      (transport lead time 3 hours)

     *Figures are expressed in % as follows:

    • Price: price quoted by supplier vs. outsourcing company      target price
    • Quality: parts accepted vs. parts delivered
    • Delivery: parts delivered on time vs. parts delivered

    Provide a 2-3 page paper proposal, as the Procurement Analyst, that outlines the issues of the case, states your choice of supplier and provides a rationale for your choice. 

    Before you begin writing, please see the

    General Guidelines for Case Studie

    s and review the assessment criteria below. 

    Papers will be assessed on the following criteria:

    • Description of the Case and Identification/Coverage of      Major Issues
    • Depth and Scope of Analysis
    • Solutions and Strategies
    • Writing Clarity and Quality
    • APA formatting

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