operational excellence week1 assi

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ITS-631 Operational Excellence

Chapter 1 – Information Systems for Business
and Beyond (2019)

Learning Objectives

• define what an information system is by
identifying its major components;

• describe the basic history of information
systems; and

• describe the basic argument behind the article
“Does IT Matter?” by Nicholas Carr.

Information Systems Constantly Changing

• IS Systems change daily
• Electronic components also change constantly

– Smartphones
– Laptops
– Personal computers

• Defining Information Systems
– A set of related components that collect, process, store, and distribute

information to support decision making and control in an organization.
– Combine hardware, software, and networks to collect, create, and

distribute data (used typically in an organization).

Components of Information Systems

• Technology
– Hardware

– Software

– Data

• Networking Communication

• People

• Process

The Role of Information Systems
• Based on Era
• The Main Frame Era
• The PC Revolution
• Client Server
• The Internet, World Wide

Web and E-Commerce
• Web 2.0
• The Post-PC World

Information Systems and Competitive

• Implementation of IS can bring a competitive advantage
– Efficiencies
– Effectiveness

• Nicholas Carr “I.T. Doesn’t Matter”
– IT is as common as electricity
– Something to be managed to reduce costs

• Read Sidebar: Walmart Uses Information Systems to
Becomethe World’s Leading Retailer


• Bourgeous, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J.
(2019). Information Systems for Business and
Beyond. Retrieved from


School of Computer & Information Sciences

ITS-631 Operational Excellence

Chapter 2 – Information Systems for Business
and Beyond (2019)

Learning Objectives

• describe information systems hardware;

• identify the primary components of a
computer and the functions they perform; and

• explain the effect of the commoditization of
the personal computer.

• desktop computers
• laptop computers
• mobile phones
• tablet computers
• e-readers
• storage devices, such as flash drives
• input devices, such as keyboards, mice, and scanners
• output devices such as printers and speakers.

Digital Devices
• Processes electronic signals into discrete values
• Binary values (1=on, 0= off)
• Each value (1 or 0) is a bit

– Eight bits = 1 byte

• PCs
– 1st PCs could only process 8 bits of data at once
– Today PCs can process 64-bits of data at once

• Read Sidebar: Understanding Binary

Tour of a PC
• Processing data: The CPU
• CPU = Central Processing Unit
• The brains of the device

• Read: Sidebar: Moore’s Law and Huang’s Law
– The number of integrated circuits on a chip

doubles every two years
– VS
– Speeds of GPUs are increasing faster.

Hardware Components
• Motherboard

– the main circuit board on the computer
– Other components (CPU, memory, and storage) connect into the motherboard, contain

integrated components like network cards, video, etc.., contains the bus of the PC (which
determines the computer’s speed)

– Working Memory (Random Access Memory)

• Hard Disk
– Used for longer term storage

• Solid State Drives
• Removable Media

Connections, Input and Output
• Network Connections- digital network
• Input and Output

– Bluetooth – a method to connect via wireless technology

• Input Devices
– Scanners
– Microphones
– Keyboard/Mouse
– Webcams

• Output Devices
– Display/ Monitor
– Speakers
– Printer

Sidebar: Which Hardware Components

• Many elements contribute to the speed of your computer

– Hardware = increase by giving electrons less distance to travel in completing a circuit

– Multi-core processors (CPUs)

Other Computing Devices

• Portable Computers

• Smartphones

• Tablet Computers

• Integrated Computing and Internet of Things


• Bourgeous, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J.
(2019). Information Systems for Business and
Beyond. Retrieved from


School of Computer & Information Sciences

ITS-631- Operational Excellence

Chapter 2 – Information Technology and
Organizational Learning

• The IT Dilemma
• What are the perceptions and realities regarding the importance

of technology from organization leaders, business managers, and
core operations personnel?

• The assimilation of technical people into an organization presents
a special challenge in the development of true organizational
learning practices.

• IT and non-IT personnel must be integrated to enhance
organizational learning.

Recent Background and IT in the Organizational

• Recent Background
– IT seen as a kind of variable that allows the business to reinvent


• IT in the Organizational Context
– The impact it bears on the organizational structure
– The role it can assume in business strategy
– The ways in which it can be evaluated
– The extent to which CEOs feel the need to manage operational

knowledge to manage IT effectively

IT and Org Structure
• IT can lead to centralization of organizational control

• IT can lead to decentralization of organizational control

• IT can bear no impact on organizational control

• Organizations and IT can interact in an unpredictable

• IT can enable new organizational arrangements such as
networked or virtual organizations

The Role of IT in Business Strategy

• Grid to assess the impact of IT operations and strategy based on specific questions:

Ways of Evaluating IT and Executive Knowledge
of IT

• Ways of Evaluating IT
– Cost allocations
– Statistical probabilities of returns

• Executive Knowledge and Management of IT
– Vision
– Insights
– Skills
– Core competencies
– Review: IT A View from the Top (table 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3)

Defining the IT Dilemma
• Wide range of inconsistent practices

– Should executives use IT as part of their business strategy and

– Cultural assimilations lag behind the actual involvement of IT in
the strategic direction of the organization.

• Recent Developments in Operational Excellence
– Decline in financial markets and mergers = opportunity for IT that

reinforces the need for integration via organizational learning.


• Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology
and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition.
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-138-

School of Computer & Information Sciences

ITS-631- Operational Excellence

Chapter 1 – Information Technology and
Organizational Learning


• The book reviews from a personal perspective
the explanation of IT, organizational learning,
and the practical relationship between IT and
organizational learning.

• Utilizes the Ravell Corporation examples
throughout the book

A New Approach
• Fix the Problem

• Gather Information

• Single loop and double-loop learning

• The Blueprint for Integration – day-to-day operations

• Enlisting Support

• Assessing Progress

Resistance in the Ranks and Line Management

• Resistance in the Ranks
– Political behavior can be detrimental to organizational learning effort

• Line Management to the Rescue
• Critical for success in transformational situations
• IT Begins to reflect
• Defining an Identity for IT

– Who we are and what is our purpose

• Implementing the Integration: A Move toward Trust and Reflection
– Through credibility

Key Lessons
• Defining Reflection and Learning for an Organization
• Working toward a Clear Goal
• Commitment to Quality
• Teaching Staff “Not to Know”
• Transformation of Culture
• Alignment with Administrative Departments

– Vitally important to integrate IT with various departments to increase
adoption of organizational learning


• Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology
and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition.
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-138-

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