Observation, Interview, and Reflection

Pedagogy is a broad term used to describe the science and art of effective teaching. Student learning is reliant upon a teacher’s ability to select specific methods and strategies that meet the needs of all students.

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Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Part 1: Observation

Observe your mentor teacher in your chosen content area delivering lessons and interacting with students. While observing one specific lesson, take notes using the “Observation, Interview, and Reflection” template.

Part 2: Interview

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Outside of class time, interview your mentor teacher on his or her instructional strategies. Keep in mind the most recent lesson you observed and the pedagogical approaches used during this lesson.

Include the following topics in your interview:

  • What effective, research-based pedagogical strategies does your mentor teacher typically use during instruction?
  • How does your mentor teacher connect instruction to students’ backgrounds and interests?
  • How does your mentor teacher differentiate instruction to meet the needs of exceptional students, including students with gifted abilities, students with disabilities, as well as English language learners?
  • How does your mentor teacher integrate technological tools into instructional planning and day-to-day professional practices?

Part 3: Reflection Summary

In 500-750 words, summarize your observation and interview with your mentor teacher, as well as synthesize outside research to further your understanding of best pedagogical approaches. Drawing on your observation and interview, address the following questions in your reflection:

  • What effective, research-based pedagogical strategies did you observe during the lesson? What strategies does your mentor teacher typically use in instruction?
  • How does your mentor teacher connect instruction to students’ backgrounds and interests?

  • How does your mentor teacher differentiate instruction to meet the needs of exceptional students?
  • How does your mentor teacher integrate technological tools into instructional planning and day-to-day professional practices?

  • What pedagogical approaches do you anticipate using in your future professional practice?

Synthesize what you experienced in your mentor teacher’s classroom or learned in your interview by drawing on outside scholarly resources to support or extend your understanding of the best pedagogical approaches.

Support your reflection with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, 

Observation, Interview, and Reflection

Part 1: Observation

Complete Part 1 based on the most recent observation of your mentor teacher’s classroom.

Summary of Instruction and Activities
How did the instruction and activities flow? Consider what the students completed, as well as how the students transitioned from one activity to the next.

Instructional and Engagement Strategies
What strategies were used to keep students engaged throughout the lesson? Include the use of technological tools as relevant.

Higher-Order Thinking
What did the teacher do or say to foster higher-order thinking?

What adaptations or modifications to the instruction/activities were used to meet the needs of exceptional students, including students with gifted abilities, students with disabilities, and English language learners?


What technological tools were used throughout the lesson? Did they help to foster higher-order thinking and if so, how?

How did your mentor teacher incorporate multiple cultural perspectives and connect to students’ backgrounds and interests?

Formative and Summative Assessments
In what ways did your mentor teacher measure the learning of students throughout the lesson?

Part 2: Interview Notes (optional)

Part 3: Reflection Summary


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