nutrition team work paper

Cultural Aspects of Food

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List your approved presentation topic (food tradition or practice).


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1.  Social influences of superfood 


What topics covered in class can be tied to the presentation? Briefly explain how.


1.  Food crossing borders.  We have learned in class how food crosses borders, this is the same with superfoods.  Many superfoods become big in countries that they are not grown in. For example, avocados are mainly grown in Mexico, but avocados are also large superfoods in countries outside of Mexico such as the United States.  This topic can also be tied to the presentation by looking at what superfoods are popular across borders.

2. Gender and food.  Certain superfoods are tied to certain genders.  For example, ‘femine’ superfoods are chia seeds, avocados, kale, these superfoods are tied to a femine identity.  On the other hand, ‘masculine’ superfoods include things like protein powder, eggs, and other high building protein foods.  There is a clear distinction in this and a lot to explore in the topic of gender and superfoods.


3. Nutrition and needs.  As some foods become superfoods, they may become more available, but the price of these foods will probably also increase because of the demand.  This rush of demand may change what needs are fulfilled for those who are in poverty. Also, as people consume these superfoods, do they focus on the superfoods too much?  Some people may not be getting enough nutrition because they are too focused on the superfood, and end up getting too much of a certain vitamin.  


What research/resource materials can be used to support your presentation? Include titles and authors of journal articles and resources. 


1. “Wellness: just expensive hype, or worth the cost?” By Suzanne Bearne from The Guardian (London, England)


2. “SuperFoods or Superhype?” by Harvard University School of Public Health (Katrina)


3. “Superfoods” Lunn, J. Nutrition Bulletin, September 2006, Vol.31(3),


4. “A future sown thousands of years ago” 


5. “The Health Benefits of Superfoods” March 18, 2019(Mahnoosh) 


List 3 key points to be covered in the presentation (think about cultural connection, significance, and influence):


1. History of the superfood outside of U.S 


0. Where do the social influences for these superfoods mainly come from?  


0. Social influences on the popular demand of certain superfoods globally


Rubric Assignments

– Explain what that/those specific food practice(s)/tradition(s) (how food is prepared, eaten, when, where, with whom, etc.) are.

How well is the food practice/tradition explained? Is adequate background information on the chosen topic included in the paper?

Why are these food traditions significant and meaningful to those who practice them?

How well is the significance of these food practices/traditions explained in the paper?

How do these food practices influence the way people who employ these traditions interact with and eat with other people? How well can the reader ascertain the ways in which these practices/traditions impact social and cultural interactions?

Identify when the food practices are used.

When are these food practices used (for example, only on certain holidays, religious days, etc.)?

How well is it explained when these food practices/traditions occur? This criterion can be met by describing specific dates, holidays, etc. or by providing historical information related to the timeline of this specific food practice.

– Describe a specific aspect of a food practice/tradition (for example, religious, ethnic, regional, familial traditions around food) that is related to a topic covered during the course of the semester.

How well can the reader relate to and understand the food practice/tradition examined as it is portrayed in the presentation? How well does the paper educate the reader to the practice/traditions? Did the paper provide detail and specific information beyond what was presented in lecture?

*Whatever source you use, put it in the comment section of the doc (highlight in the doc)

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