Nutrition DAP essay


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The Final DAP Summary is an in-depth, comprehensive essay summary that covers:

  • ALL the content from your Dietary Analysis Project reports
  • Your textbook course content
  • Information you obtained over the semester from analyzing your food intake and exercise habits

Essay process:

  • Review the core competencies skills the essay assesses below
  • Review and include detailed discussions about your specific DAP Reports 
  • Write a minimum 750- 1200 word essay in a ( x) document ahead of time, using correct grammar and spelling. 

  • You will attach your essay document assignment file to your submission 
  • This essay is a comprehensive evaluation showing you mastered the course learning objectives and possess the core intellectual competency (listed below) as it relates to your nutrition. Specific references to your individual report values must be addressed. The essay assesses:

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    a) Critical Thinking Skills – to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information 
    b) Communication Skills – to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication 
    c) Empirical and Quantitative Skills – to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions 
    d) Social Responsibility – to include inter cultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.

    Answer the questions below as well as include all the elements critical thinking skills, communication skills, empirical and quantitative skills and your social responsibility impact:

    • What specific modifications or changes could you make to improve your current eating habits, exercise habits, and current lifestyle choices?
    • How does your nutrition & fitness plan impact your personal, economic health as well impact your social/society responsibility as a whole?
    • Please be specific about what foods, nutrients and changes in behaviors you will do, making sure to address all the nutrients that were out of the recommendations.

    *Make sure you use all components from your DAP project reports in your project summary. This is not just a generalized assessment and should be specific for your nutrient changes needed. See grading rubric for how points will be awarded.



    Name: Rubric Dietary Analysis Project (DAP) Final Essay

    Description: This rubric will be used to grade the Final DAP essay  Plagiarism software will be used to confirm academic honesty.  Confirmed cases of academic dishonesty will receive a zero for the assignment plus an additional 10% points penalty. 

    • Grid View
    • List View

    NoviceCompetentProficientSpelling and GrammarPoints Range:0 (0.00%) – 9 (9.00%)Numerous spelling or grammatical errorsPoints Range:10 (10.00%) – 14 (14.00%)1 or 2 spelling or grammatical errorsPoints Range:15 (15.00%) – 15 (15.00%)No spelling or grammatical errorsContentPoints Range:2 (2.00%) – 18 (18.00%)Minimal details as appropriate (exercise, alcohol, portion of macro and micronutrients low/high in discussion) or connecting the foods to add/delete based on low/high macro/micronutrients, may lack personal example showing application of course content. May not address exercise, economic or societal impact of changes. Does not show clear connection or understanding of content shown by unable to apply appropriate example that show understanding and application of course concepts.Points Range:19 (19.00%) – 45 (45.00%)Missing a few details as appropriate (exercise, alcohol, portion of macro and micronutrients low/high in discussion missing with foods rich in nutrients) and/or lacking discussion of economic and/or societal impact. Some nutrients outside of normal range discussed, leaving a portion of nutrients out of essay. May lack clear connection of content to application of personal dietary and exercise changes.Points Range:46 (46.00%) – 55 (55.00%)Presents full details as appropriate (includes alcohol, exercise, all macro and micronutrients low/high in discussion). Establishes a clear connection with DAP reports and changes needed to improve nutritional and fitness health. Discusses all content from DAP reports outside of normal range (including vitamins and minerals and foods to add/delete to align with recommendations), discusses societal and economic impact of personal changes that show the application of conceptsWord Content/LengthPoints Range:2 (2.00%) – 5 (5.00%)399 words or underPoints Range:6 (6.00%) – 19 (19.00%)400 to 749 wordsPoints Range:20 (20.00%) – 30 (30.00%)750 – 1000 words 

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    Manoj Sapkota 7/10/2020 combinationReport

     Report Parameters

    Start Date : 07/07/2020 End Date:


     Combination Report

    DRI Report

    Breakfast Morning Snack


    Afternoon Snack Dinner Evening Snack

    Choose Reports to Combine

    DRI Report

    Intake vs. Goals

    Macronutrient Ranges

    Fat Breakdown

    Source Analysis

    MyPlate Analysis

    Intake Spreadsheet

    Exchanges Spreadsheet

    Activities Spreadsheet



    Daily Food Log

    Daily Activity Log

    Profile Information


    Active Profile: Manoj Sapkota

    Height: 5 ft. 8 inches

    Weight: 143 lbs.

    Age: 25 years

    BMI: 21.741

    Gender: Male

    Activity Level: Very Active

    Smoker: no

    Strict Vegetarian/Vegan: no

    Nutrient Data

    Nutrient DRI Notes


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    Intake vs. Goals
    07/07/2020 – 07/09/2020

    Nutrient DRI Notes


    3137.0 kcal

    Protein 51.89 g AMDR: 10%-35% of kilocalories
    RDA: Daily requirement based on 0.8 grams of
    protein per kilogram body weight

    Carbohydrate 352.91 – 509.76 g AMDR: 45%-65% of kilocalories
    RDA: 130 g/day for adults and children

    Fat, Total 69.71 – 121.99 g AMDR: 20%-35% of kilocalories

    Fat (Specific)

    Saturated Fat < 34.9 g Less than 10% of kilocalories

    Monounsaturated Fat * No recommendation

    Polyunsaturated Fat * No recommendation

    Trans Fatty Acid * No recommendation

    Cholesterol < * Less than mg recommended

    Essential Fatty Acids

    PFA 18:2, Linoleic

    17.00 g

    PFA 18:3, Linolenic

    1.60 g

    Carbohydrates (Specific)

    Dietary Fiber, Total

    38.0 g

    Sugar, Total * No recommendation



    3700.00 g

    Alcohol * No recommendation



    1.20 mg


    1.30 mg


    16.00 mg

    Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 1.30 mg

    Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

    2.40 µg

    Folate (DFE)

    400.00 µg

    Vitamin C

    90.00 mg

    Vitamin D (ug)

    15.00 µg

    Vitamin A (RAE) 

    900.00 µg

    Vitamin A (IU) 

    3000.00 IU

    Vitamin K

    120.00 µg

    Alpha-Tocopherol 

    15.00 mg



    1000.00 mg


    8.00 mg


    400.00 mg

    Potassium 4700.00 mg DRI Adequate Intake


    11.00 mg


    1500.00 mg

    DRI Adequate Intake




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    Report Data

    Nutrient DRI Intake % of DRI Notes

    below DRI over DRI

    at DRI (if range)

    Reported Intake


    Kilocalories 3137.0 kcal 1,875.241 kcal 59.778%

    Protein 51.89 g 74.805 g 144.161%

    Carbohydrate 352.91 – 509.76 g 254.572 g 72.135%

    Fat, Total 69.71 – 121.99 g 64.744 g 92.876%

    Fat (Specific)

    Saturated Fat <34.9 g 18.194 g 52.133%

    Monounsaturated Fat No suggestion 12.384 g

    Polyunsaturated Fat No suggestion 8.192 g

    Trans Fatty Acid No suggestion 0.069 g


    Essential Fatty Acids

    PFA 18:2, Linoleic 17.00 g 7.163 g 42.133%

    PFA 18:3, Linolenic 1.60 g 0.822 g 51.381%

    Carbohydrates (Specific)

    Dietary Fiber, Total 38.0 g 19.736 g 51.937%

    Sugar, Total No suggestion 56.397 g


    Water 3700.00 g 3,263.583 g 88.205%

    Alcohol No suggestion 0.00 g


    Thiamin 1.20 mg 0.865 mg 72.054%

    Riboflavin 1.30 mg 1.118 mg 85.989%

    Niacin 16.00 mg 11.001 mg 68.754%

    Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 1.30 mg 1.035 mg 79.644%

    3137.0 kcal

    51.89 g

    352.91 g

    509.76 g

    69.71 g

    121.99 g

    34.9 g

    17.00 g
    1.60 g
    38.0 g
    3700.00 g
    1.20 mg
    1.30 mg
    16.00 mg
    1.30 mg

    7/10/2020 Diet & Wellness Plus!/ng/reports/combinationReport 4/23

    Macronutrient Ranges
    07/07/2020 – 07/09/2020

    Nutrient DRI Intake % of DRI Notes
    below DRI over DRI
    at DRI (if range)
    Reported Intake

    Cobalamin (Vitamin

    2.40 µg 1.959 µg 81.611%

    Folate (DFE) 400.00 µg 366.301 µg 91.575%

    Vitamin C 90.00 mg 60.053 mg 66.726%

    Vitamin D (ug) 15.00 µg 2.101 µg 14.006%

    Vitamin A (RAE)  900.00 µg 169.387 µg 18.821%

    Vitamin A (IU)  3000.00 IU 3,065.871 IU 102.196%

    Vitamin K 120.00 µg 34.86 µg 29.05%

    Alpha-Tocopherol  15.00 mg 3.85 mg 25.664%


    Calcium 1000.00 mg 625.198 mg 62.52%

    Iron 8.00 mg 18.167 mg 227.084%

    Magnesium 400.00 mg 195.056 mg 48.764%

    Potassium 4700.00 mg 1,489.455 mg 31.691%

    Zinc 11.00 mg 5.667 mg 51.517%

    Sodium 1500.00 mg 2,529.081 mg 168.605% DRI Upper Limit

    2.40 µg
    400.00 µg
    90.00 mg
    15.00 µg
    900.00 µg
    3000.00 IU
    120.00 µg
    15.00 mg
    1000.00 mg
    8.00 mg
    400.00 mg

    4700.00 mg

    11.00 mg
    1500.00 mg




    7/10/2020 Diet & Wellness Plus!/ng/reports/combinationReport 5/23

    Carbs Protein Fat Alcohol
















    Fat Breakdown
    07/07/2020 – 07/09/2020

    Source Analysis
    07/07/2020 – 07/09/2020

    Report Data

    Recommended Actual Intake

    Total Calories 3137 kcal 1,875.241 kcal

    Carbs 1,411.65-2,039.05 kcal 45%-65% 1,018.286 kcal 54.302%

    Protein 313.7-1,097.95 kcal 10%-35% 299.221 kcal 15.956%

    Fats 627.4-1,097.95 kcal 20%-35% 582.693 kcal 31.073%

    Alcohol 0 kcal 0% 0 kcal 0%

    Report Data

    Source of Fat Percent of Average Daily Value

    Monounsaturated Fat 5.957%

    Polyunsaturated Fat 3.941%

    Saturated Fat 8.752%

    Trans Fatty Acid 0.033%

    Unspecified 12.46%

    * Transfat data is not yet reported by all sources and therefore may be under-represented.

    Selected Nutrient:

    Report Entries

    Item Name Amount of Food Nutrient Amount of Nutrient Percent of Average Daily Value

    * A gold star marks foods containing more than 20% of the DV. A silver star marks foods containing 10% to 20% of the DV.


    7/10/2020 Diet & Wellness Plus!/ng/reports/combinationReport 6/23

    MyPlate Analysis
    07/07/2020 – 07/09/2020

    Your results are based on a 3137 calorie pattern.

    Make Half Your Grains Whole! Aim for at least 5.0 oz. eq. whole grains.

    Vary Your Veggies! Aim for this much every week:
    Dark Green Vegetables = 2.5 cups weekly
    Orange Vegetables = 7.5 cups weekly
    Dry Beans & Peas = 3 cups weekly

    Starchy Vegetables = 8 cups weekly
    Other Vegetables = 7 cups weekly

    Oils: Aim for 11  teaspoons of oil a day.

    Go Lean with Protein! Aim for this much every week:
    Seafood = 11 oz weekly
    Meat, Poultry & Eggs = 34 oz weekly
    Nuts, Seeds & Soy Products = 5 oz weekly

    * MyPlate contains recommendations only for calorie levels up to 3,200 per day. If Diet & Wellness Plus recommends
    more than 3,200 calories per day for you, talk to your instructor for guidance on how to use MyPlate.

    Intake Spreadsheet


    Report Data

    Goal * Actual % Goal

    Grains 10.0 oz. eq. tips 8.27 oz. eq. 82.7 %

    Vegetables 4.0 cup eq. tips 1.042 cup eq. 26.042 %

    Fruits 2.5 cup eq. tips 0.867 cup eq. 34.667 %

    Dairy 3.0 cup eq. tips 1.38 cup eq. 46.0 %

    Protein Foods 7.0 oz. eq. tips 5.791 oz. eq. 82.733 %

    Empty Calories 596.0 kcal 514.366 kcal 86.303 %


    Entries for 07/07/2020

    Item Name Meal Quantity Wt (g) Kcal

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared Breakfast 2.00 slice(s) 92.00 255.76

    Coffee, Instant, Powder Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 1.80 6.354

    Sugar, White Granulated Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 4.20 16.254

    Eggs, Hard Boiled Morning Snack 2.00 item(s) 100.00 155.00

    Banana Morning Snack 1.00 item(s) 118.00 105.02

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled Lunch 0.50 cup(s) 79.00 102.70

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry Lunch 1.00 serving(s) 905.12 1,349.85

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor Afternoon Snack 1.00 ounce(s) 28.35 146.853

    Soda, Cola Afternoon Snack 8.00 fluid ounce(s) 245.60 90.872

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping Dinner 2.00 piece(s) 340.80 653.71

    Total 5,706.87 2,882.373
















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    Item Name Meal Quantity Wt (g) Kcal

    Water, Tap Total Water 1.00 gallon(s) 3,792.00 0.00

    Total 5,706.87 2,882.373

    Nutrients for 07/07/2020

    Item Name Protein (g) Carb (g) Fat (g) Sat Fat (g)

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 7.728 47.288 4.968 0.732

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.22 1.357 0.009 0.004

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 4.199 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 12.58 1.12 10.61 3.267

    Banana 1.286 26.951 0.389 0.132

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 2.125 22.254 0.221 0.061

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 58.03 156.25 55.20 10.15

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 1.71 17.863 8.054 1.024

    Soda, Cola 0.172 23.479 0.049 0.00

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 34.148 63.642 29.259 15.463

    Water, Tap

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 117.999 364.404 108.759 30.832

    Nutrients for 07/07/2020

    Item Name Mono Fat (g) Poly Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Chol (mg)

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 1.065 2.704 0.00 0.00

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.001 0.004 0.00 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 4.077 1.414 0.00 373.00

    Banana 0.038 0.086 0.00 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.07 0.06 0.00 0.00

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 0.00 0.00 0.13 118.73

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 2.243 3.972 0.00 0.00

    Soda, Cola 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 8.406 2.829 0.008 89.586

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 15.899 11.069 0.138 581.316

    Nutrients for 07/07/2020

    Item Name Linoleic (g) Linolenic (g) Diet Fiber (g) Sugar (g)

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 2.411 0.292 5.52 3.533

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.003 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.192

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 1.188 0.035 0.00 1.12

    Banana 0.054 0.032 3.068 14.431

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.049 0.01 0.316 0.04

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 0.00 0.00 10.52 10.22

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 3.909 0.063 1.503 0.329

    Soda, Cola 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.03

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 2.337 0.491 4.371 7.206

    Total 9.952 0.923 25.298 63.10

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    Item Name Linoleic (g) Linolenic (g) Diet Fiber (g) Sugar (g)
    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 9.952 0.923 25.298 63.10

    Nutrients for 07/07/2020

    Item Name H2O (g) Alcohol (g) Thiamin (mg) Ribo (mg)

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 30.084 0.00 0.279 0.209

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.056 0.00 0.00 0.001

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.001

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 74.62 0.00 0.066 0.513

    Banana 88.394 0.00 0.037 0.086

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 54.068 0.00 0.129 0.01

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 0.094 0.00 0.005 0.181

    Soda, Cola 221.801 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 208.424 0.00 0.705 0.752

    Water, Tap 3,788.213 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 4,465.754 0.00 1.22 1.753

    Nutrients for 07/07/2020

    Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (µg) Fol (DFE) (µg)

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 3.666 0.183 0.00 71.76

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.507 0.001 0.00 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.064 0.121 1.11 44.00

    Banana 0.785 0.433 0.00 23.60

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 1.166 0.073 0.00 76.63

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 0.103 0.033 0.00 3.686

    Soda, Cola 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 5.55 0.207 2.586 240.076

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 11.841 1.052 3.696 459.752

    Nutrients for 07/07/2020

    Item Name Vit C (mg) Vit D (ug) (µg) Vit A (RAE) (µg)  Vit A (IU) (IU) 

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.76

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.00 2.20 149.00 520.00

    Banana 10.266 0.00 3.54 75.52

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Soda, Cola 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 8.577 0.454 0.00 1,333.452

    Total 18.843 2.654 152.54 1,931.732



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    Item Name Vit C (mg) Vit D (ug) (µg) Vit A (RAE) (µg)  Vit A (IU) (IU) 
    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 18.843 2.654 152.54 1,931.732

    Nutrients for 07/07/2020

    Item Name Vit K (µg) Alpha-T (mg)  Calcium (mg) Iron (mg)

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 8.648 0.699 30.36 2.852

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.034 0.00 2.538 0.079

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.042 0.002

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.30 1.03 50.00 1.19

    Banana 0.59 0.118 5.90 0.307

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00 0.032 7.90 0.948

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 1.786 0.386 46.494 0.374

    Soda, Cola 0.00 0.00 4.912 0.27

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 21.919 2.212 628.242 5.32

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 113.76 0.00

    Total 33.277 4.477 890.148 11.342

    Nutrients for 07/07/2020

    Item Name Magn (mg) Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 74.52 288.88 1.38 318.32

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 5.886 63.63 0.006 0.666

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.084 0.00 0.042

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 10.00 126.00 1.05 124.00

    Banana 31.86 422.44 0.177 1.18

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 9.48 27.65 0.387 0.79

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,063.33

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 23.814 38.272 0.448 154.508

    Soda, Cola 0.00 4.912 0.049 9.824

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 59.516 551.796 4.164 1,084.822

    Water, Tap 37.92 37.92 0.00 113.76

    Total 252.996 1,561.584 7.662 3,871.242


    Entries for 07/08/2020

    Item Name Meal Quantity Wt (g) Kcal

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 4.972 0.099

    Eggs, Hard Boiled Breakfast 2.00 item(s) 100.00 155.00

    Sugar, White Granulated Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 4.20 16.254

    Mango Morning Snack 1.00 item(s) 207.00 124.20

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled Lunch 0.50 cup(s) 79.00 102.70

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) Lunch 1.00 serving(s) 190.00 342.72

    Taco, Chicken Afternoon Snack 1.00 item(s) 154.802 299.983

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry Dinner 1.00 cup(s) 198.00 322.74

    Water, Tap Total Water 1.00 gallon(s) 3,792.00 0.00

    Total 4,729.974 1,363.696




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    Nutrients for 07/08/2020

    Item Name Protein (g) Carb (g) Fat (g) Sat Fat (g)

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.005 0.017 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 12.58 1.12 10.61 3.267
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 4.199 0.00 0.00

    Mango 1.697 31.009 0.787 0.19

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 2.125 22.254 0.221 0.061

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 14.206 41.452 13.686 3.13

    Taco, Chicken 17.88 20.258 16.342 6.396

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 17.068 52.153 4.871 1.137

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 65.561 172.462 46.517 14.181

    Nutrients for 07/08/2020
    Item Name Mono Fat (g) Poly Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Chol (mg)

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 4.077 1.414 0.00 373.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Mango 0.29 0.147 0.00 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.07 0.06 0.00 0.00

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Taco, Chicken 5.373 3.425 0.039 61.587

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 1.374 1.822 0.00 63.36

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 11.183 6.868 0.039 497.947

    Nutrients for 07/08/2020
    Item Name Linoleic (g) Linolenic (g) Diet Fiber (g) Sugar (g)
    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Eggs, Hard Boiled 1.188 0.035 0.00 1.12
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.192

    Mango 0.039 0.106 3.312 28.276

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.049 0.01 0.316 0.04

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 0.00 0.00 2.97 4.924

    Taco, Chicken 3.123 0.145 2.169 2.213

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 1.596 0.162 1.782 0.713

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 5.995 0.458 10.549 41.477

    Nutrients for 07/08/2020
    Item Name H2O (g) Alcohol (g) Thiamin (mg) Ribo (mg)

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 4.927 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 74.62 0.00 0.066 0.513
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.001

    Mango 172.762 0.00 0.058 0.079

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 54.068 0.00 0.129 0.01

    Total 4,426.573 0.00 0.41 0.878

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    Item Name H2O (g) Alcohol (g) Thiamin (mg) Ribo (mg)

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 111.052 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Taco, Chicken 98.904 0.00 0.111 0.198

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 122.027 0.00 0.046 0.077

    Water, Tap 3,788.213 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 4,426.573 0.00 0.41 0.878

    Nutrients for 07/08/2020
    Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (µg) Fol (DFE) (µg)

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.012 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.064 0.121 1.11 44.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Mango 1.385 0.246 0.00 89.01

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 1.166 0.073 0.00 76.63
    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Taco, Chicken 4.301 0.286 0.527 47.108

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 5.144 0.232 0.099 11.88

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 12.072 0.959 1.736 268.628

    Nutrients for 07/08/2020
    Item Name Vit C (mg) Vit D (ug) (µg) Vit A (RAE) (µg)  Vit A (IU) (IU) 
    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.00 2.20 149.00 520.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Mango 75.348 0.00 111.78 2,239.74

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 34.01 0.00 0.00 1,116.98

    Taco, Chicken 4.407 0.099 0.00 867.028

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 0.00 0.198 17.82 0.00

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 113.765 2.497 278.60 4,743.748

    Nutrients for 07/08/2020
    Item Name Vit K (µg) Alpha-T (mg)  Calcium (mg) Iron (mg)

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.00 0.00 0.199 0.002

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.30 1.03 50.00 1.19
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.042 0.002

    Mango 8.694 1.863 22.77 0.331

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00 0.032 7.90 0.948

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 0.00 0.00 228.05 6.062

    Taco, Chicken 10.724 0.925 152.133 1.888

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 4.752 0.337 27.72 1.525

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 113.76 0.00

    Total 24.47 4.187 602.574 11.948

    Nutrients for 07/08/2020




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    Item Name Magn (mg) Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)Item Name Magn (mg) Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.199 1.492 0.00 0.199

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 10.00 126.00 1.05 124.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.084 0.00 0.042

    Mango 20.70 347.76 0.186 2.07

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 9.48 27.65 0.387 0.79

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 0.00 0.00 0.00 801.348

    Taco, Chicken 44.914 319.61 1.952 298.96

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 25.74 223.74 1.584 689.04

    Water, Tap 37.92 37.92 0.00 113.76

    Total 148.953 1,084.256 5.16 2,030.209


    Entries for 07/09/2020

    Item Name Meal Quantity Wt (g) Kcal
    Coffee, Instant, Powder Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 1.80 6.354

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat Breakfast 2.00 item(s) 70.00 236.60

    Sugar, White Granulated Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 4.20 16.254
    Banana Morning Snack 1.00 item(s) 118.00 105.02

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk Lunch 0.50 cup(s) 144.00 174.24

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) Lunch 0.50 serving(s) 120.00 360.478

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained Afternoon Snack 1.00 cup(s) 164.00 157.44

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled Dinner 0.50 cup(s) 79.00 102.70

    Dal Curry Dinner 1.00 cup(s) 358.788 189.367

    Cucumber Dinner 2.00 cup(s) 208.00 31.20

    Total 1,267.788 1,379.653

    Nutrients for 07/09/2020

    Item Name Protein (g) Carb (g) Fat (g) Sat Fat (g)
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.22 1.357 0.009 0.004

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 4.34 37.709 7.721 1.173

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 4.199 0.00 0.00
    Banana 1.286 26.951 0.389 0.132

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 4.68 29.779 4.061 2.422

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 13.561 40.942 15.708 4.749

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 5.592 34.407 2.46 0.323

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 2.125 22.254 0.221 0.061

    Dal Curry 7.699 21.699 8.157 0.629

    Cucumber 1.352 7.55 0.229 0.077

    Total 40.855 226.849 38.955 9.569

    Nutrients for 07/09/2020
    Item Name Mono Fat (g) Poly Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Chol (mg)
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.001 0.004 0.00 0.00

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 3.253 2.925 0.00 0.70

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 10.071 6.639 0.031 16.54

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    Item Name Mono Fat (g) Poly Fat (g) Trans Fat (g) Chol (mg)
    Banana 0.038 0.086 0.00 0.00

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 1.104 0.15 0.00 15.84

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 0.613 0.989 0.00 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.07 0.06 0.00 0.00

    Dal Curry 4.981 2.359 0.031 0.00

    Cucumber 0.01 0.067 0.00 0.00

    Total 10.071 6.639 0.031 16.54

    Nutrients for 07/09/2020
    Item Name Linoleic (g) Linolenic (g) Diet Fiber (g) Sugar (g)
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.003 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 2.717 0.201 0.91 2.436

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.192
    Banana 0.054 0.032 3.068 14.431

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 0.091 0.059 0.144 23.55

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 0.00 0.00 4.757 5.602

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 0.961 0.03 3.936 7.446

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.049 0.01 0.316 0.04

    Dal Curry 1.607 0.743 9.19 3.445

    Cucumber 0.058 0.01 1.04 3.474

    Total 5.54 1.085 23.361 64.614

    Nutrients for 07/09/2020
    Item Name H2O (g) Alcohol (g) Thiamin (mg) Ribo (mg)
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.056 0.00 0.00 0.001

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 18.69 0.00 0.299 0.204

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.001
    Banana 88.394 0.00 0.037 0.086

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 104.285 0.00 0.107 0.199

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 42.163 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 120.392 0.00 0.153 0.093

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 54.068 0.00 0.129 0.01

    Dal Curry 272.296 0.00 0.184 0.059

    Cucumber 198.078 0.00 0.056 0.069

    Total 898.423 0.00 0.964 0.722

    Nutrients for 07/09/2020
    Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (µg) Fol (DFE) (µg)
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.507 0.001 0.00 0.00

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 2.346 0.033 0.098 77.70

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Banana 0.785 0.433 0.00 23.60

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 0.635 0.049 0.346 5.76

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 9.089 1.096 0.444 370.524

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    Item Name Niacin (mg) Vit B6 (mg) Vit B12 (µg) Fol (DFE) (µg)

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 2.76 0.228 0.00 37.72

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 1.166 0.073 0.00 76.63

    Dal Curry 0.686 0.196 0.00 134.554

    Cucumber 0.204 0.083 0.00 14.56

    Total 9.089 1.096 0.444 370.524

    Nutrients for 07/09/2020
    Item Name Vit C (mg) Vit D (ug) (µg) Vit A (RAE) (µg)  Vit A (IU) (IU) 
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.40

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Banana 10.266 0.00 3.54 75.52

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 1.008 1.152 41.76 165.60

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 13.804 0.00 0.00 1,468.91

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 9.02 0.00 21.32 431.32

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Dal Curry 7.63 0.00 0.00 160.983

    Cucumber 5.824 0.00 10.40 218.40

    Total 47.552 1.152 77.02 2,522.133

    Nutrients for 07/09/2020
    Item Name Vit K (µg) Alpha-T (mg)  Calcium (mg) Iron (mg)
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.034 0.00 2.538 0.079

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 2.87 0.924 34.30 2.31

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.042 0.002
    Banana 0.59 0.118 5.90 0.307

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 0.00 0.00 148.32 0.533

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 0.00 0.00 107.015 23.528

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 0.656 0.148 4.92 0.738

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00 0.032 7.90 0.948

    Dal Curry 8.571 1.602 38.656 2.182

    Cucumber 34.112 0.062 33.28 0.582

    Total 46.833 2.886 382.871 31.21

    Nutrients for 07/09/2020
    Item Name Magn (mg) Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 5.886 63.63 0.006 0.666

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 11.90 156.80 0.336 659.40

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.084 0.00 0.042
    Banana 31.86 422.44 0.177 1.18

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 18.72 184.32 0.547 155.52

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 0.00 0.00 0.00 423.377

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 42.64 357.52 1.017 1.64

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 9.48 27.65 0.387 0.79

    Dal Curry 35.692 304.32 1.291 439.018

    Total 183.218 1,822.524 4.178 1,685.793




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    Exchanges Spreadsheet
    Item Name Magn (mg) Potas (mg) Zinc (mg) Sodium (mg)

    Cucumber 27.04 305.76 0.416 4.16

    Total 183.218 1,822.524 4.178 1,685.793

    Values for 07/07/2020. 1 of 5

    Item Name Meal Quantity Weight Vegetable

    Bread, Whole Wheat,

    Breakfast 2.00 slice(s) 92.0 g 0.00

    Coffee, Instant, Powder Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 1.8 g 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 4.2 g 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled Morning Snack 2.00 item(s) 100.0 g 0.00

    Banana Morning Snack 1.00 item(s) 118.0 g 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain,

    Lunch 0.50 cup(s) 79.0 g 0.00

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera
    Chicken Curry

    Lunch 1.00 serving(s) 905.12 g 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese

    Afternoon Snack 1.00 ounce(s) 28.35 g 0.00

    Soda, Cola Afternoon Snack 8.00 fluid ounce(s) 245.6 g 0.00

    Pizza, with Cheese

    Dinner 2.00 piece(s) 340.8 g 0.00

    Water, Tap Total Water 1.00 gallon(s) 30,336.0 g 0.00

    Total 0.00

    Values for 07/07/2020. 2 of 5

    Item Name Bread/Starch Fruit Other Carbohydrate Milk

    Bread, Whole Wheat,

    3.20 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Banana 0.00 1.75 0.00 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain,

    1.28 0.00 0.00 0.00

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera
    Chicken Curry

    6.00 0.00 4.00 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese

    0.00 0.00 1.84 0.00

    Soda, Cola 0.00 0.00 1.14 0.00

    Pizza, with Cheese

    4.001 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 14.481 1.75 7.18 0.00

    Values for 07/07/2020. 3 of 5

    Item Name Meat/Meat Substitute Fat Meat-Very Lean Milk-Skim

    Total 0.00 6.001 0.00 0.00

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    Item Name Meat/Meat Substitute Fat Meat-Very Lean Milk-Skim
    Bread, Whole Wheat,
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Banana 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera
    Chicken Curry

    0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Soda, Cola 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Pizza, with Cheese

    0.00 2.001 0.00 0.00

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 0.00 6.001 0.00 0.00

    Values for 07/07/2020. 4 of 5

    Item Name Meat-Medium Fat Milk-Whole Meat-High Fat Milk-Low Fat

    Bread, Whole Wheat,
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Banana 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera
    Chicken Curry

    5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Soda, Cola 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Pizza, with Cheese

    0.00 0.00 2.001 0.00

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 7.06 0.00 2.001 0.00

    Values for 07/07/2020. 5 of 5

    Item Name Meat-Lean

    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 0.00

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.00

    Banana 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 0.00

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 0.00

    Total 0.00

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    Item Name Meat-Lean

    Soda, Cola 0.00

    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 0.00

    Water, Tap 0.00

    Total 0.00

    Values for 07/08/2020. 1 of 5

    Item Name Meal Quantity Weight Vegetable

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 4.972 g 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled Breakfast 2.00 item(s) 100.0 g 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 4.2 g 0.00

    Mango Morning Snack 1.00 item(s) 207.0 g 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    Lunch 0.50 cup(s) 79.0 g 0.00

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish
    made with Kidney Beans)

    Lunch 1.00 serving(s) 190.0 g 0.00

    Taco, Chicken Afternoon Snack 1.00 item(s) 154.802 g 0.00

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or

    Dinner 1.00 cup(s) 198.0 g 0.00

    Water, Tap Total Water 1.00 gallon(s) 30,336.0 g 0.00
    Total 0.00

    Values for 07/08/2020. 2 of 5

    Item Name Bread/Starch Fruit Other Carbohydrate Milk

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00

    Mango 0.00 2.24 0.00 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    1.28 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish
    made with Kidney Beans)

    2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Taco, Chicken 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or

    3.48 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 8.11 2.24 0.201 0.00

    Values for 07/08/2020. 3 of 5

    Item Name Meat/Meat Substitute Fat Meat-Very Lean Milk-Skim
    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Mango 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish
    made with Kidney Beans)
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 0.00 2.29 0.95 0.00

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    Item Name Meat/Meat Substitute Fat Meat-Very Lean Milk-Skim

    Taco, Chicken 0.00 2.10 0.00 0.00

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or

    0.00 0.19 0.95 0.00

    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 0.00 2.29 0.95 0.00

    Values for 07/08/2020. 4 of 5

    Item Name Meat-Medium Fat Milk-Whole Meat-High Fat Milk-Low Fat
    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Eggs, Hard Boiled 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Mango 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish
    made with Kidney Beans)
    2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Taco, Chicken 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Water, Tap 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 4.06 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Values for 07/08/2020. 5 of 5

    Item Name Meat-Lean

    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 0.00

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 0.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00

    Mango 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney Beans) 0.00

    Taco, Chicken 1.98

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 0.00

    Water, Tap 0.00

    Total 1.98

    Values for 07/09/2020. 1 of 5

    Item Name Meal Quantity Weight Vegetable
    Coffee, Instant, Powder Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 1.8 g 0.00

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to

    Breakfast 2.00 item(s) 70.0 g 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated Breakfast 1.00 teaspoon(s) 4.2 g 0.00
    Banana Morning Snack 1.00 item(s) 118.0 g 0.00

    Pudding, Rice, Mix,
    Prepared with Whole Milk

    Lunch 0.50 cup(s) 144.0 g 0.00

    Usal (Indian Curry made
    from Dried Peas)

    Lunch 0.50 serving(s) 120.0 g 0.00

    Total 1.24

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    Item Name Meal Quantity Weight Vegetable

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet,
    Boiled, Drained

    Afternoon Snack 1.00 cup(s) 164.0 g 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain,

    Dinner 0.50 cup(s) 79.0 g 0.00

    Dal Curry Dinner 1.00 cup(s) 358.788 g 0.00

    Cucumber Dinner 2.00 cup(s) 208.0 g 1.24

    Total 1.24

    Values for 07/09/2020. 2 of 5

    Item Name Bread/Starch Fruit Other Carbohydrate Milk
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to

    3.19 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00
    Banana 0.00 1.75 0.00 0.00
    Pudding, Rice, Mix,
    Prepared with Whole Milk

    0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00

    Usal (Indian Curry made
    from Dried Peas)

    2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet,
    Boiled, Drained

    2.22 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    1.28 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Dal Curry 1.753 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Cucumber 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 10.943 1.75 1.70 0.00

    Values for 07/09/2020. 3 of 5

    Item Name Meat/Meat Substitute Fat Meat-Very Lean Milk-Skim
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Banana 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Pudding, Rice, Mix,
    Prepared with Whole Milk
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Usal (Indian Curry made
    from Dried Peas)

    0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet,
    Boiled, Drained
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Dal Curry 0.00 1.169 0.584 0.00

    Cucumber 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 0.00 2.669 0.584 0.00

    Values for 07/09/2020. 4 of 5

    Item Name Meat-Medium Fat Milk-Whole Meat-High Fat Milk-Low Fat
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.50

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    Activities Spreadsheet

    No activity entries for the day(s) in question.

    Energy Balance
    07/07/2020 – 07/09/2020

    Item Name Meat-Medium Fat Milk-Whole Meat-High Fat Milk-Low Fat
    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Banana 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Pudding, Rice, Mix,
    Prepared with Whole Milk

    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50

    Usal (Indian Curry made
    from Dried Peas)

    1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet,
    Boiled, Drained
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Rice, White, Long Grain,
    0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Dal Curry 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Cucumber 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Total 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.50

    Values for 07/09/2020. 5 of 5

    Item Name Meat-Lean
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 0.00

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 0.00

    Sugar, White Granulated 0.00
    Banana 0.00

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 0.00

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 0.00

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 0.00

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.00

    Dal Curry 0.00

    Cucumber 0.00

    Total 0.00
    Report Data

    Date kcal Consumed

    kcal Burned
    Through Tracked

    Number of
    Hours of

    Number of
    Hours with
    No Activity

    kcal Burned at
    BMR Rate Total kcal Burned Net kcal

    07/07/2020 2,882.373 0 0 24 1,712.402 1,712.402 1,169.971

    07/08/2020 1,363.696 0 0 24 1,712.402 1,712.402 -348.705

    07/09/2020 1,379.653 0 0 24 1,712.402 1,712.402 -332.749

    Total: 5,625.722 0 0 72 5,137.206 5,137.206 488.517

    7/10/2020 Diet & Wellness Plus!/ng/reports/combinationReport 21/23

    Daily Food Log

    Total: 2,882.373 kcal


    Average: 1,875.241 0 0 24 1,712.402 1,712.402 162.839

    Entries for 07/07/2020


    Bread, Whole Wheat, Prepared 2 sl. 255.76 kcal

    Coffee, Instant, Powder 1 t. 6.354 kcal

    Sugar, White Granulated 1 t. 16.254 kcal

    Entries for 07/07/2020

    Morning Snack

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 2 item 155 kcal

    Banana 1 item 105.02 kcal

    Entries for 07/07/2020

    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.5 c. 102.7 kcal

    EARLS Big Bowl, Jeera Chicken Curry 1 svg. 1,349.85 kcal

    Entries for 07/07/2020

    Afternoon Snack

    Chips, Corn or Cheese Flavor 1 oz. 146.853 kcal

    Soda, Cola 8 fl. oz. 90.872 kcal

    Entries for 07/07/2020


    Pizza, with Cheese Topping 2 pc. 653.71 kcal

    Entries for 07/07/2020

    Total Water

    Water, Tap 1 gal. 0 kcal

    Entries for 07/08/2020


    Coffee, Instant, Prepared 1 t. 0.099 kcal

    Eggs, Hard Boiled 2 item 155 kcal
    Sugar, White Granulated 1 t. 16.254 kcal
    Entries for 07/08/2020

    7/10/2020 Diet & Wellness Plus!/ng/reports/combinationReport 22/23

    Total: 1,363.696 kcal


    Morning SnackMorning Snack

    Mango 1 item 124.2 kcal

    Entries for 07/08/2020
    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.5 c. 102.7 kcal

    Rajma (Indian Curry Dish made with Kidney

    1 svg. 342.72 kcal

    Entries for 07/08/2020
    Afternoon Snack

    Taco, Chicken 1 item 299.983 kcal

    Entries for 07/08/2020

    Rice, Fried, with Meat or Poultry 1 c. 322.74 kcal

    Entries for 07/08/2020
    Total Water
    Water, Tap 1 gal. 0 kcal
    Entries for 07/09/2020
    Coffee, Instant, Powder 1 t. 6.354 kcal

    Biscuit, Plain, Ready to Eat 2 item 236.6 kcal

    Sugar, White Granulated 1 t. 16.254 kcal
    Entries for 07/09/2020
    Morning Snack
    Banana 1 item 105.02 kcal
    Entries for 07/09/2020

    Pudding, Rice, Mix, Prepared with Whole Milk 0.5 c. 174.24 kcal

    Usal (Indian Curry made from Dried Peas) 0.5 svg. 360.478 kcal

    Entries for 07/09/2020
    Afternoon Snack

    Corn, Yellow, Sweet, Boiled, Drained 1 c. 157.44 kcal

    Entries for 07/09/2020
    Rice, White, Long Grain, Boiled 0.5 c. 102.7 kcal

    7/10/2020 Diet & Wellness Plus!/ng/reports/combinationReport 23/23

    Total: 1,379.653 kcal

    Daily Activity Log

    You have not recorded any activity entries for this day.


    Dal Curry 1 c. 189.367 kcal

    Cucumber 2 c. 31.2 kcal

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