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NURS2390 Clinical Reflections Paper

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As part of your clinical requirements for NURS 2390 Clinical in Alternate Settings, you will complete a guided reflective paper that demonstrates progression to the RN manager of care role by using an actual care conference exercise. The purpose of this assignment is for you to recognize the RN role in a care conference setting.

Instructions for this paper:

· Your clinical instructor will assign you to a resident who is scheduled for a care conference when you are at your long-term care clinical site.

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· Follow the criteria under each QSEN competency as listed below.

· This assignment is to be typed as a paper. Do not simply list answers to the questions. References (using APA format) are to be included at the end of the paper. The paper is worth 100 points. Points will be deducted for poor writing mechanics and failure to address each competency thoroughly.

A. Patient Centered Care

Competency Definition: Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs.

a. Identify specific concerns (i.e. med management, safety, personal care services, etc.) identified in the care conference for your client and their family?

(5 pts.)

b. Identify team member roles (professional and nonprofessional) and what they can contribute to your client’s plan of care. (5 pts.)

c. What ethical and legal aspects of your client’s care were discussed or might be discussed at the care conference? (5 pts.)

B. Teamwork and Collaboration

Competency Definition: Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.

a. What mutual client goals were established at the care conference? (5 pts.)

b. Discuss techniques of communication between care conference team members that

will serve to facilitate mutual-goal setting between your client, their family and team

members and to foster effective quality care.

(5 pts.)

c. How were conflicts between team members, client and family handled? (5 pts.)

C. Evidence-based Practice

Competency Definition: Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care.

a. Find one scholarly nursing article that relates to “continuity of care” or that pertains to the needs of your client (must provide a link to the article, a doi number, or attach the article). (10 pts.)

b. Summarize and apply the article findings to your client’s unique situation. (10 pts.)

D. Quality Improvement

Competency Definition: Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and

safety of health care systems.

a. Describe how nurses can affect quality pt. care outcomes by organizing a care

conference. (10 pts.)

b. Discuss how a care conference can promote continuity of care (refer to the evidence-based article you read). (10 pts.)

E. Safety

Competency Definition: Minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.

a. Provide and discuss examples of how effective communication and planning during an interdisciplinary conference could promote safety. (5 pts.)

b. Provide and discuss examples of how poor communication during an inter-disciplinary care conference is linked to a safety risk to the client. (5 pts.)

F. Informatics

Competency Definition: Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making.

a. Provide examples of how technology and information management may be used to

plan and manage a care conference. (5 pts.)

b. Explain why information and technology relate to safety and quality in patient care. (5 pts.)

G. Professional Writing:

a. APA guidelines are used to cite within the paper.

b. Reference list is provided and written with APA guidelines.

c. Proper use of grammar and spelling accuracy are reflected in the paper.

(10 pts)

Total Points Earned: ______________/100 pts

This clinical assignment was developed using the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) core competencies of patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety and informatics (



Caputi, L. (2010). Application of QSEN and IOM in health care education. Presented at Health

Educators Conference, Chaska, MN April 16, 2010.

Murray, M.E., Douglas, S. & Girdley, D. (2009). Teaching quality improvement. Journal of

Nursing Education. 49(8), 466-469.

Preheim, G. J., Armstrong, G. E., & Barton, A.J. (2009). The new fundamentals in nursing:

Introducing beginning quality and safety education for nurse’s competencies. Journal

of Nursing Education. 48(12), 694 – 697.

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. Retrieved from


The Joint Commission. Retrieved from



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