Nursing Termpaper outline and class discussion (APA format and zero plagiarism)


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This is part 1 of your required term paper. In this part, you are to choose a topic as your focus. Choose a topic that will incorporate 3-4 of the concepts discussed within this course (such as ethics, leadership, communication, and quality) and write a short 50 word or less summary of what you plan to address. Then, develop an outline of information that you plan to include (Refer to the Outline Template and Grading Rubric). The provided outline template can be downloaded, and your information inserted into the outline. (see Outline Templates and Grading rubric attached below). Be sure to remove any wording that is not pertinent to your own work. 

Topics to Choose from:

1.Healthy Work Environment; how methods to resolve conflicts in the workplace are developed. How might patient care be affected when conflicts are present among nursing staff?

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2. Emergency preparedness and response; how it relates to an emergency health threat such as a bioterrorism incident or the current CPVID-19 pandemic. How might patient care be affected, and policies and procedures changed?

3. Latent Errors: discuss the factors that may lead to latent errors involving nurses. How might patient care be affected?


In this discussion forum, you assigned the responsibility of examining the Self-Care Deficit Theory of Dorothea Orem. Please apply Orem’s theory to the case scenario provided below. In your discussion, include the role of the nurse in providing care to this patient and appropriate interventions to be used to help him meet his needs. Be sure to provide a rationale for your actions/interventions.

Case Scenario:

George is a 70-year-old patient who has been assigned to you as his community-based nurse case manager. George has severe congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, and no family or social support. George had 15 admissions to the hospital and 35 visits to the emergency department this year from noncompliance with his medication and diet regimen. He receives a monthly social security check, which he spends on food, bingo, and medications (in that order)

Please refer to the Discussion Board rubric when writing your post.


Outline Template

Your Name

College Name


Class Number


Short paragraph describing your chosen topic that includes a very brief discussion of why you chose it, how it relates to professional nursing, and how it relates to concepts within this course. Your description only needs to be approximately 50 words in length. Just be sure to include at least three sentences. (This short paragraph is 52 words in length.)

Outline (Template, Remove the words and insert your own)

I. Introduction

a. Introduce the topic with background information

i. Concepts that will be addressed

b. Define specific terminology

II. Body Paragraph 1 – Background of your topic

a. Topic Sentence (Lead-in):_________________________________________

i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________

ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________

iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________

b. Transition sentence: _____________________________________________

III. Body Paragraph 2 – Description of issues surrounding your topic

a. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________

i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________
ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________

iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________

b. Transition sentence: _____________________________________________

IV. Body Paragraph 3 –Importance of your topic

a. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________
i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________
ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________
iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________
b. Transition sentence: _____________________________________________

V. Body Paragraph 4 – Affects on patient care

a. Topic Sentence:_________________________________________________
i. Supporting detail 1:________________________________________
ii. Supporting detail 2:________________________________________
iii. Supporting detail 3:________________________________________

VI. Opinion/Conclusion

a. Statement of Opinion:_____ _____________​​​__________________________

b. Conclusion statement: ____________________________________________


Grading Rubric for Term Paper Topic and Outline




Topic Description:

The description of the topic addresses a specific concept, describes the main focus of the proposed term paper, and is relevant to current professional nursing practice..

20.0 pts

Full Marks

The description of the topic addresses a specific concept, is 50 words or less, describes the main focus of the proposed term paper, and is relevant to current professional nursing practice.

10.0 pts

Partial Points

The topic chosen addresses current professional nursing practice but does not align with any concept that is presented in this course.

0.0 pts

No Marks

The topic chosen does not address any of the concepts presented within the course and is not relevant to current professional nursing practice.

20 pts

Outlined information:

The outline is complete with an introduction, four main paragraphs in the body of the outline, and a conclusion. Within each paragraph outline there are at least three supporting details that relate to the paragraph heading.

15.0 pts

Full Marks

The outline is complete with an introduction, four main paragraphs in the body of the outline, and a conclusion. Within each paragraph outline there are at least three supporting details that relate to the paragraph heading.

10.0 pts

Partial Marks

The outline is mostly complete with an introduction, less than four main paragraphs in the body of the outline, and a conclusion. Within each paragraph outline there are at least one supporting detail that relates to the paragraph heading.

0.0 pts

No Marks

The outline is submitted; however, there is only one paragraph, is not supported by any details, and is missing the conclusion.

15 pts


The format of the outline includes the posted outline template, a title page in APA is present, and the description of the topic is included and in APA format.

5.0 pts

Full Marks

The format of the outline includes the posted outline template, a title page in APA is present, and the description of the topic is included and in APA format.


5 pts

Partial Marks

The format of the outline includes an outline template other than the one included in Canvas, a title page in APA may be present, and the description of the topic is included.

0.0 pts

No Marks

The format submitted is not in outline format and there is no title page., OR the description of the topic is not included.

5 pts

Grammar and Spelling:

There are no spelling errors and grammar is appropriate. Sentences are used for each entry in the outline. Sentence structure and grammar is scholarly throughout the submission.

10.0 pts

Full Marks

There are no spelling errors and grammar is appropriate. Sentences are used for each entry in the outline. Sentence structure and grammar is scholarly throughout the submission.
5.0 pts

Partial Marks

One or two spelling errors are present. Sentences are used for most of the entries in the outline.

0.0 pts

No Marks

Multiple spelling errors are present OR sentences are not used for each entry in the outline.

10 pts

Total Points: 50.0





Initial Entry to Online Discussion




Application of theory is specifically discussed in relation to the article or case scenario, as specified by instructions on discussion board.

20 pts

Rationales are provided for viewpoints on relevance of theory

20 pts

A summary statement is provided that indicates what personal learning occurred from the assignment.

10 pts

Post is written with correct spelling, grammar and syntax. Posts are written directly onto the discussion board without attachment.

10 pts

Initial Post Total Points

Follow-up Discussion Posts

Responses are posted to the initial entries of 2 or more peers within the discussion group

10 pts

Responses to the initial entries of peers are thoughtful and substantial.

15 pts

Correct spelling, grammar and syntax

15 pts

Peer Response Total Points

Total Points

Note: 5 extra points will be given to group leader as long as group summary is posted by due date and is thoughtful and substantial.

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