Nursing question

Please use your NEW critical thinking skills to answer the following questions.  I am NOT looking for a detailed explanation or for something out of the book.  These are scenarios where I can assess that you understand information that is being taught to you.  You must also read other student’s posts and respond to AT LEAST 2 other people’s posts.

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1.  You are assigned to discharge a woman from your same-day surgery unit to her home. You strongly believe that she is not ready to go home, and there is no caregiver in herhome.  When you voice your concern to the surgeon, you are told that this is not your problem and that there is nothing anyone can do about the situation because her insurerwill not approve hospitalization. How do you respond? (5 points)

2. . Identify the nursing activities and relationships that cause you the most stress. What are your personal warning signs that a situation is becoming stressful? What doyou do to decrease your level of stress? Who is most important in helping you do this? (5 points)

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