nursing assigment

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Title of Assignment:

Module 2 assignment: Immune system disorders

Purpose of Assignment:

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Apply knowledge and understanding of the pathophysiology of immune system disorders. Autoimmune disorders are generally considered the host attacking itself, which manifests in different types of disorders.

Course Competency(s):

· Determine the cellular functions required to regulate homeostasis.



Identify a person you know who has an immune system disorder or cancer. Review content in your text for potential types of disorders.

Interview the affected person and write a 3-5 page pager identifying your findings including:

· Identify the pathophysiology of the immune system disorder

· Discuss the treatment for the immune system disorder

· Summarize the findings of the interview.

· Use at least one scholarly sources to support your findings or identify therapies that may be new or different from what the affected person may be using. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

· Cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format. Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

Questions you may want to use to guide your interview:

1. Which immune system disorder do you have?

2. How long have you had this disorder?

3. How has this disorder changed your life (home and work)?

4. Are you able to carry out daily activities independently?

5. What therapies are you using to manage this disorder?

6. What, if any, side effects does the treatment have?

7. What therapies are you using to manage this disorder?

8. What, if any, side effects doe the treatment have?

9. Has this disorder changed your body?

10. Does this disorder have any emotional effects on you?

11. Have alternative therapies, such as Eastern medicine (acupuncture, herbal treatment, yoga) been tried or recommended?

Grading Rubric:

Points: 12

Levels of Achievement







(10 pts)

Did not include discussion on the pathophysiology of one immune system disorder.

Failure to provide pathophysiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Identify the pathophysiology of the one immune system disorder.

Identified the pathophysiology of one immune system disorder and included one example of how the disorder impacts the patient.

Identified the pathophysiology of one immune disorder and included multiple examples on how the disorder impacts the patient

Points: 6

Points: 8

Points: 9

Points: 10


(20 pts)

Did not present treatment for immune system disorder.

Failure to provide treatment will result in zero points for this criteria.

Provided treatment options for immune system disorder.

Provided treatment options with expected outcomes for the immune system disorder.

Provided detailed treatment options with expected outcomes for the immune system disorder.

Points: 12

Points: 16

Points: 18

Points: 2



(15 pts)

Did not include interview discussion to show the client pathophysiology of the immune system disorder.

Failure to provide interview information will result in zero points for this criteria.

The interview discussion presents the pathophysiology of the immune system disorder.

The interview discussion presents the pathophysiology of the immune system disorder and provides and one example.

The interview discussion shows the relationship between the clients with the pathophysiology of the immune system disorder and provides more than one detailed example.

Points: 9

Points: 14

Points: 15

APA/Spelling and Grammar

(5 Pt)

Six or more APA, spelling or grammar errors. Detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than five APA, spelling or grammar errors, minimally detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than three APA, spelling or grammar errors. Does not detract from the readability of the submission.

No APA, spelling or grammar errors.

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

Points: 29

Points: 39

Points: 45

Points: 50


Title of Assignment:

Module 3: Musculoskeletal disorders

Purpose of Assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and analyze a musculoskeletal system disorder to process the possible manifestations of a selected disorder. The concept map will help you identify the pathophysiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Course Competency(s):

· Evaluate pathophysiologic alterations that affect the integumentary and musculoskeletal systems.



Prepare a concept map for a musculoskeletal disorder from your readings. Use the included template to outline the system disorder including the pathophysiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment.


· Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides.

· Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a references page using APA format.


You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

Points: 13

Points: 14

Points: 15

Points: 10

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

Levels of Achievement








Did not include discussion on the pathophysiology of one musculoskeletal system disorder.

Failure to provide pathophysiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly identify the pathophysiology of the one musculoskeletal system disorder.

Clearly identified the pathophysiology of one musculoskeletal system disorder.

Thoroughly identified the pathophysiology of one musculoskeletal disorder.

Points: 10

Points: 13

Points: 14

Points: 15


(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the etiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Failure to provide etiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly discussed etiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Clearly discussed etiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Thoroughly discussed etiology of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Points: 10

Clinical Manifestation

(10 pts)

Did not provide examples of the clinical manifestation of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Failure to provide clinical manifestation will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided examples of the clinical manifestation of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Clearly provided detailed examples of the clinical manifestation of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Thoroughly provided detailed examples of the clinical manifestation of the musculoskeletal system disorder.

Points: 6

Points: 8

Points: 9


(5 pts)

Did not present treatment for musculoskeletal system disorder.

Failure to provide treatment will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided treatment options for musculoskeletal system disorder.

Clearly provided treatment options for musculoskeletal system disorders.

Thoroughly provided detailed treatment options for musculoskeletal system disorders.

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

APA, Spelling and Grammar

(5 pts)

Six or more APA, spelling or grammar errors. Detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than five APA, spelling or grammar errors, minimally detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than three APA, spelling or grammar errors. Does not detract from the readability of the submission.

No APA, spelling or grammar errors.

Points: 30

Points: 40

Points: 45

Points: 50

Title of Assignment:

Module 5: Disorders of the genitourinary system

Purpose of Assignment:

Health care providers must be aware of the issues related to sexually transmitted infections. This recent news release from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

Retrieved from:

Course Competency(s):

· Determine pathophysiologic alterations that affect the reproductive and endocrine systems.


Review information in your assigned readings to work on the assignment. The website below also has a variety of information to support your readings for the week.


Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below:

· What is the pathophysiology of one STI

· What is the etiology of the selected STI

· What are the clinical manifestations of the selected STI

· What is the treatment for the selected STI

Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

Visit this link for an example of how to cite a video:


Have questions about APA formatting? Visit the online APA guide:

Grading Rubric:

Points: 10

Points: 13

Points: 15

Points: 10

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

Levels of Achievement







(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the pathophysiology of one STI.

Failure to provide the pathophysiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly identified the pathophysiology of the one STI.

Clearly identified the pathophysiology of one STI.

Thoroughly identified the pathophysiology of one STI

Points: 10

Points: 13

Points: 14

Points: 15


(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the etiology of selected STI.

Failure to provide the etiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly discussed included etiology of the selected STI.

Clearly discussed etiology of selected STI.

Thoroughly discussed etiology of selected STI.

Points: 14

Clinical Manifestation

(10 pts)

Did not provide examples of the clinical manifestations of the selected STI.

Failure to provide clinical manifestations will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided clinical manifestations of selected STI.

Clearly provided clinical manifestations of selected STI.

Thoroughly provided clinical manifestations of selected STI.

Points: 6

Points: 8

Points: 9


(5 pts)

Did not present treatment for the selected STI.

Failure to provide treatment for selected STI will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided treatment options for the selected STI.

Clearly provided treatment options for the selected STI.

Thoroughly provided detailed treatment for the selected STI.

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

APA, Spelling and Grammar

(5 pts)

Six or more APA, spelling or grammar errors. Detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than five APA, spelling or grammar errors, minimally detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than three APA, spelling or grammar errors. Does not detract from the readability of the submission.

No APA, spelling or grammar errors.

Points: 30

Points: 40

Points: 45

Points: 50

Title of Assignment:

Module 8: Respiratory pathophysiology

Purpose of Assignment:

This assignment will help the student evaluate of a respiratory disorder, which, if untreated, can be a serious condition. Students need to understand respiratory complications and how it can impact ventilation and respiration is important to the study for maintaining homeostasis in the body.

Course Competency(s):

· Evaluate pathophysiologic alterations that affect the neurologic and respiratory systems.


J.S. is a 42-year-old man who lives in the Midwest and is highly allergic to dust and pollen and has a history of mild asthma. J.S’s wife drove him to the emergency room when his wheezing was unresponsive to his fluticasone/salmeterol (Advair) inhaler. J.S. was unable to lie down, and began to use accessory muscles to breathe. J.S. is immediately started on 4 L oxygen by nasal cannula and intravenous (IV) D5W at 75 mL/hr. A set of arterial blood gases is sent to the laboratory. J.S. appears anxious and says that he is short of breath.

Vital signs

BP = 152/84 HR = 124 bpm RR = 42 Temp = 100.40F


pH = 7.31 PaCO2 = 48 HCO3 = 26 PaO2 = 55


Investigate the pathophysiology of asthma and the clinical manifestations of the disease. Analyze the case study provided and determine what symptoms support the diagnosis of asthma. Identify the treatment provided in the emergency department and determine what additional therapies are needed to mitigate the asthma symptoms and return the client to wellness.

1. Do you have any concerns with the numbers above?

2. Identify what may be causing (etiology) J.S. to have an exacerbation of asthma.

Prepare a 3-5 page paper outlining the causes of asthma, the symptoms that the client presents and the management of the disorder. Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

Grading Rubric:

Points: 10

Points: 13

Points: 15

Points: 10

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

Levels of Achievement







(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the pathophysiology the respiratory disorder.

Failure to provide the pathophysiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly identified the pathophysiology of the respiratory disorder.

Clearly identified the pathophysiology of the respiratory disorder.

Thoroughly identified the pathophysiology of the respiratory disorder.

Points: 10

Points: 13

Points: 14

Points: 15


(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the etiology of the respiratory disorder.

Failure to provide the etiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly discussed included etiology of the respiratory disorder.

Clearly discussed etiology of the respiratory disorder.

Thoroughly discussed etiology of the respiratory disorder.

Points: 14

Clinical Manifestation

(10 pts)

Did not provide examples of the clinical manifestations of the respiratory disorder.

Failure to provide clinical manifestations will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided clinical manifestations of the respiratory disorder.

Clearly provided clinical manifestations of the respiratory disorder.

Thoroughly provided clinical manifestations of the respiratory disorder.

Points: 6

Points: 8

Points: 9


(5 pts)

Did not present treatment for the respiratory disorder.

Failure to provide treatment for hematologic disorder will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided treatment options for the respiratory disorder.

Clearly provided treatment options for the respiratory disorder.

Thoroughly provided detailed treatment for the respiratory disorder.

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

APA, Spelling and Grammar

(5 pts)

Six or more APA, spelling or grammar errors. Detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than five APA, spelling or grammar errors, minimally detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than three APA, spelling or grammar errors. Does not detract from the readability of the submission.

No APA, spelling or grammar errors.

Points: 30

Points: 40

Points: 45

Points: 50

Title of Assignment:

Module 6: Endocrine pathophysiology

Purpose of Assignment:

Complications from endocrine disorders can result in wide systemic effects. Analyzing disorders related to endocrine for the nurse is complex and orders provided to treat the client’s condition can sometimes be puzzling. Consideration of an endocrine case study will help the student learn the complexities of understanding the pathophysiology of an endocrine disorder

Course Competency(s):

· Determine pathophysiologic alterations that affect the reproductive and endocrine systems


Diabetes case study

A 21-year old female (A.M) presents to the urgent care clinic with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a fever for 3 days. She states that she has Type I diabetes and has not been managing her blood sugars since she’s been ill and unable to keep any food down. She’s only tolerated sips of water and juices. Since she’s also been unable to eat, she hasn’t taken any insulin as directed. While helping A.M. from the lobby to the examining room you note that she’s unsteady, note that her skin in warm and flushed and that she’s drowsy. You also note that she’s breathing rapidly and smell a slight sweet/fruity odor. A.M. has a challenge answering questions but keeps asking for water to drink.

You get more information from A.M. and learn

· She had some readings on her glucometer which were reading ‘high’

· She vomits almost every time she takes in fluid

· She hasn’t voided for a day but voided a great deal the day before

· She’s been sleeping long hours and finally woke up this morning and decided to seek care

Current labs and vital signs:

1. What is the pathophysiology for the condition you believe A.M. has?

2. Relate the etiology and clinical manifestations for the condition you identified for A.M.

The practitioner at the urgent care facility makes the decision that A.M. needs to go to the hospital by ambulance. Once at the Emergency Department (ED), the ED physician orders these items:

a. 1000 ml Lactated Ringer’s (LR) IV stat

b. 36 units NPH (Humulin N) and 20 units regular (Humulin R) insulin SQ now

c. CBC with differential; CMP: blood cultures X2 sites; clean-catch urine for UA and C&S; stool for ova and parasites; Clostridium difficile toxin, and C&S; serum lactate; ketone; osmolality; ABGs on room air

d. 1800 calorie, carbohydrate controlled diet

e. Bed rest

f. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 650 mg orally Q4 hrs PRN

g. Furosemide (Lasix) 60 mg IV push now

h. Urinary output every hour

i. VS every shift

The orders above — which are questionable related to her condition and which are appropriate?

3. What are the expected treatments for this condition?


Summarize the questions above and formulate what may be happening with A.M. and how you would improve her condition.

Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

Case study adapted from:

Harding, M.M. & Snyder, J.S. (2015). Winningham’s critical thinking cases in nursing: Medical-surgical, pediatric, maternity, and psychiatric. Retrieved from:


Grading Rubric:

Points: 13

Points: 14

Points: 15

Points: 10

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

Levels of Achievement







(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the pathophysiology of the endocrine system disorder.

Failure to provide pathophysiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly identify the pathophysiology of the an endocrine system disorder.

Clearly identified the pathophysiology of an endocrine system disorder.

Thoroughly identified the pathophysiology of an endocrine disorder.

Points: 10

Points: 13

Points: 14

Points: 15


(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the etiology of the endocrine system disorder.

Failure to provide etiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly discussed etiology of the endocrine system disorder.

Clearly discussed etiology of the endocrine system disorder.

Thoroughly discussed etiology of the endocrine system disorder.

Points: 10

Clinical Manifestation

(10 pts)

Did not provide examples of the clinical manifestation of the endocrine system disorder.

Failure to provide clinical manifestation will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided examples of the clinical manifestation of the endocrine system disorder.

Clearly provided detailed examples of the clinical manifestation of the endocrine system disorder.

Thoroughly provided detailed examples of the clinical manifestation of the endocrine system disorder.

Points: 6

Points: 8

Points: 9


(5 pts)

Did not present treatment for endocrine system disorder.

Failure to provide treatment will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided treatment options for the endocrine system disorder.

Clearly provided treatment options for the endocrine system disorder.

Thoroughly provided detailed treatment options for the endocrine system disorder.

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

APA, Spelling and Grammar

(5 pts)

Six or more APA, spelling or grammar errors. Detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than five APA, spelling or grammar errors, minimally detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than three APA, spelling or grammar errors. Does not detract from the readability of the submission.

No APA, spelling or grammar errors.

Points: 30

Points: 40

Points: 45

Points: 50

Chart information

Vital signs

Blood pressure: 88/46 mmHg

Additional data

Lab results

Glucose: 657 mg/dl

Heart rate: 132 bpm

Respiratory rate: 36/ deep

Temperature: 101.30 F (tympanic)

Potassium: 6.2 mEq/L

Title of Assignment:

Hematologic Disorder Concept Map

Purpose of Assignment:

The purpose of the assignment is to identify and analyze a hematologic disorder and process the possible manifestation of the selected disorder.

Course Competency(s):

· Compare pathophysiologic alterations that affect the hematologic disorder and cardiovascular systems.


Using the concept map, select a hematologic disorder and complete the fields included on the map.

1. Include the pathophysiology of the hematologic disorder

2. Explain the etiology of the hematologic disorder

3. Describe the clinical manifestations of the hematologic disorder

4. Provide the treatment for the hematologic disorder

Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, textbooks, reference texts, and CINAHL nursing guides. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.


You can find useful reference materials for this assignment in the School of Nursing guide:

Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:

Grading Rubric:

Points: 10

Points: 13

Points: 15

Points: 10

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

Levels of Achievement







(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the pathophysiology the hematologic disorder.

Failure to provide the pathophysiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly identified the pathophysiology of the hematologic disorder.

Clearly identified the pathophysiology of the hematologic disorder.

Thoroughly identified the pathophysiology of the hematologic disorder.

Points: 10

Points: 13

Points: 14

Points: 15


(15 pts)

Did not include discussion on the etiology of hematologic disorder.

Failure to provide the etiology will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly discussed included etiology of the hematologic disorder.

Clearly discussed etiology of hematologic disorder.

Thoroughly discussed etiology of hematologic disorder.

Points: 14

Clinical Manifestation

(10 pts)

Did not provide examples of the clinical manifestations of the hematologic disorder.

Failure to provide clinical manifestations will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided clinical manifestations of hematologic disorder.

Clearly provided clinical manifestations of hematologic disorder.

Thoroughly provided clinical manifestations of hematologic disorder.

Points: 6

Points: 8

Points: 9


(5 pts)

Did not present treatment for the hematologic disorder.

Failure to provide treatment for hematologic disorder will result in zero points for this criteria.

Briefly provided treatment options for the hematologic disorder.

Clearly provided treatment options for the hematologic disorder.

Thoroughly provided detailed treatment for the hematologic disorder.

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5

APA, Spelling and Grammar

(5 pts)

Six or more APA, spelling or grammar errors. Detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than five APA, spelling or grammar errors, minimally detracts from the readability of the submission.

No more than three APA, spelling or grammar errors. Does not detract from the readability of the submission.

No APA, spelling or grammar errors.

Points: 30

Points: 40

Points: 45

Points: 50

Hematologic concept map


Focused assessment:











Medical Condition:



Safety Considerations










Planning Client Outcomes

Care After


Other interventions

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