
AmericanJournal of Nursing Research, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 5, 575-576

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Published by Science and Education Publishing

The Implication of COVID-19 Pandemic
on Nursing Workforce

Nashi Masnad Alreshidi*

Regional Nursing Administration in Hail Region, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author:

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Received August 10, 2020; Revised August 21, 2020; Accepted August 30, 2020

Abstract The rise of Covid-19 cases became a worldwide outbreak and has made a great impact on the world
population including nursing workforce. Search of related literature was conducted to gather data similar to the study.
This review gives us a grip of the reality on what our nurses are experiencing in this time of pandemic. It gives a
summary of the holistic view of the frontline nurses body response to their work, with great challenge to
psychological and emotional aspects.

Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, nursing workforce, mental distress, compassion fatigue, burn-out
Cite This Article: Nashi Masnad Alreshidi, “The Implication of COVID-19 Pandemic on Nursing
Workforce.” American Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 8, no. 5 (2020): 575-576. doi: 10.12691/ajnr-8-5-10.

1. Introduction

Corona Virus Disease 2019 has been known to be a
public health crisis touching every sector including the
health care sectors [1]. This was named by the World
Health Organization as a “public health emergency of
international concern”.

There is a rapid spread of Covid-19 which has caused a
challenge worldwide in all aspects. The threat caused by
this pandemic is huge. The escalating number of cases has
alarmed every population more so with the medical
frontliners, the nurses in particular. A big part of the
challenges is posted to the frontline nurses. Covid-19 is a
newly identified disease; its vaccine and treatment are
under development. Nurses fulfill their professional
obligation compromising not only physical but also
psychological and emotional as well. It was found out in a
study that frontline nurses experienced many different
mental health challenges especially burn-out and fear [2].
In a report, nurses experienced a high level of anxiety and
the highest prevalence of anxiety [3,4,5]. Anxiety stems
from their fear of being infected and infecting their loved
ones. Some nurses have inadequate knowledge in handling
and caring for patients who are affected by the deadly
disease. It can also be added that they experience
discrimination in their communities. Nurses in critical care
settings have been observed to be experiencing severe
emotional distress which is associated with the
development of compassion fatigue/burn out [6]. The
demand is longer working hours, prolonged use of
Personal Protective Device (PPE) during longer shifts
under physically demanding environments. This poses a
negative effect on the nurses. They experience inadequate
breaks for personal care, hydration, and nutrition.

2. Methods

An electronic search of related literature was done to
gather relevant about the impact of covid-19 pandemic on
the nursing workforce.

3. Results

The review studies on how the current SARS-CoV-2
pandemic affects the well-being of nurses revealed that
frontline nurses experience physical exhaustion in addition
to mental distress.

4. Conclusion

The longer exposure to the routine pandemic working
environment, the more likely to have mental distress.
Revising the current working condition could reduce the
impact on nurses’ physical and mental health.

[1] World Health Organization. (2020). Mental Health and

Psychosocial Considerations During the COVID-19 Outbreak.
[2] Deying et al. (2020). Frontline Nurses’ burnout, anxiety,

depression, and fear statuses and their associated factors during
the Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China: A Large-Scale Cross-
Sectional Study. Elsevier Ltd.

[3] Alwani, S. et al. (2020). Evaluation of knowledge, practices,
attitude and anxiety of Pakistans nurses towards COVID-19
during the current outbreak in Pakistan. MedRxiv, 1- 26.

[4] Luo, Met al. (2020). The Psychological and Mental Impact of
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on medical staff and ?sfvrsn=6d3578af_2%23_blank ?sfvrsn=6d3578af_2%23_blank ?sfvrsn=6d3578af_2%23_blank

576 American Journal of Nursing Research

general public-A systematic review and meta-analysis.Psychiatry
Research, 291, 11319.

[5] Zhu et al., (2020). A novel coronavirus from patients with
pneumonia in China, 2019. N Engl J Med, 382(2020), pp.727-733.

[6] Alharbi, Jalal et al. (2020). The Potential for Covid-19 to
Contribute to Compassion Fatigue in Critical Care Nurses. Journal
of Clinical Nursing 2020; 29: 2762-2764.

© The Author(s) 2020. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (

Notes from the Medical Press

Source: The American Journal of Nursing , Oct., 1916, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Oct., 1916), pp.

Published by: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and
facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact

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Record describes his experience in the administration of heroin in
childbirth. He gives z grain, hypodermically. It mitigates the
pain so that the patient can put forth all her efforts to assist nature,
without extreme suffering. It does not destroy the involuntary forces,
nor produce unconsciousness, but enables the mother to do her part
by abolishing the agony that inhibits effort. It produces analgesia
but neither hastens nor retards labor.

EFFECT OF DIET ON THE TEETH.-In an article in the Journal

of the American Medical Association, the importance of a well-balanced
diet in infancy on the development and health of the teeth is empha-
sized. It is stated that orange juice may be begun at any time after
the first month. Vegetables, fruits and meats, properly prepared and
given in small but increasing quantities, may safely be begun as early
as the sixth or seventh month. It is recommended that strips of
tough meat, bacon rinds, bones, bread crusts, etc., be given the child
to chew, to develop the muscles of mastication and enlarge and strength-
en the jaws.

TRANSIENT ANAESTHESIA.-The Lancet mentions a method of ob-

taining analgesia for slight operations such as circumcision, removal
of septic ingrowing toe nails, etc., by means of a small quantity of
ether. A Shummelbusch mask is placed over the patient’s face and
3 drachms of ether poured on it. A folded towel is then closely ap-
plied over mask and face. If the patient breathes deeply and regularly,
in from thirty to fifty seconds analgesia has set in and will last from
fifty seconds to three minutes, the average being slightly less than
two minutes. The patient is usually able to walk from the operating
room and feels no unpleasant after effects.


Medical Journal says that the gravid uterus pressing on the kidneys
is one of the causes of nephritis in pregnancy. He advises as a pro-
phylactic measure, where the tendency exists, or as contributing to
its relief, the use of a special bed. It consists of a head piece and foot
piece, each with a separate mattress and spring, between these is a
broad band of rubber cloth. This is sufficiently long so it can be hol-


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�������������� on Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:36:13 UTC���������������
All use subject to

Notes from the Medical Press

lowed to accommodate the abdomen. The patient lies prone, that is,
face downwards, thus relieving the pressure and permitting a com-
fortable reclining posture.

PoLIOMYELITIS.-There is much discussion of the etiology and
treatment of infantile paralysis. A writer in the Medical Record
states that the secretions from the nose and throat in poliomyelitis
are acid. The blood and spinal fluid are subalkaline. He seeks to
counteract this by administering milk of magnesia. Of 150 children
living in an infected district, but one contracted the disease under
this preventive treatment. The point of entrance of this infection is
said to be in the nose and throat, the virus thence passing to the intestine.

CLEANLINESS.-It is said in Preventive Medicine that long experi-
ence has taught that cleanliness offers a protection against disease,
that clean surroundings are apt to be free from infection and that clean
food is apt to be safe food.

INFANTILE SCURVY.-A writer in the Americal Journal of Dis-
eases of Children is of the opinion that pasteurized milk is an incomplete
food and should be supplemented by an antiscorbutic, such as orange
juice, the juice of orange peel, or potato water. Pasteurized milk is
valuable as a security against infection, but to avoid the dangers of
scurvy the use of orange juice should be begun as early as the end of
the first month of the child’s life.

PNEUMONIA AFTER ETHER.-In a discussion at a meeting of the
American Association of Anesthetists, it was stated that pneumonia
following the administration of ether was sometimes caused by exposure
after the operation. By keeping the recovery room warm and the
patient well covered on the way back to the ward, the number of cases
was very materially lessened.

the American Medical Ass6ciation reports that a Chicago maternity
hospital uses the footprint as a means of identifying the babies in its
charge. The baby’s foot should be rubbed with cold cream, then a
sheet of plain white paper pressed against the sole, so that it comes in
contact with the entire surface. After this, powdered charcoal is
spread with a camel’s hair brush over the surface of the paper touched
by the baby’s foot. This brings out the latent impression perfectly.
The same method could be used to determine the degree of flatness in a
person’s foot.

recommends refined petrolatum as having a valuable lubricating action
and healing influence on the minute excoriations of the intestines
caused by abnormally hard feces. He gives one or two tablespoon-


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�������������� on Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:36:13 UTC���������������
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The American Journal of Nursing

fuls after dinner at night, or before breakfast, keeping it up for two or
three weeks and repeating the course as needed. He believes it a
marvelous means of keeping constipation under control, without
drastic measures. It aims at a lasting cure in time.

DIET OF CHILDREN.-In an article on this subject in the Journal
of the American Medical Association it is stated that the minimum
quantity of water taken by a child two years old should be a liter, or
quart, increasing to about three pints for a child of seven. For con-
stipation in young children, two months to a year old, apple pulp,
apple sauce, or prune pulp is advised, one to three tablespoonfuls.
A common mistake during the second year is to contiuue the giving of
large quantities of milk at the expense of a more varied diet, an occa-
sional egg, baked potato, macaroni, dry toast with a little butter, bread,
etc. A small quantity of green vegetables, thoroughly cooked and
strained, is beneficial. Simple deserts, junket, custard, tapioca, etc.,
may be given.

DEATH OF NISSER.-Albert Nisser, the discoverer of the gonococcus,
has died at Berlin. His discovery was made in 1879 and he was one
of the first to insist on the tuberculous nature of lupus. He was par-
ticularly active in studying the prophylaxis of venereal diseases in


comments upon the treatment of erysipelas by means of ordinary
diphtheria antitoxin. A German experimenter reported that a case
of facial erysipelas, which would not yield to ichthyol applications, was
cured by injections of antitoxin. The face and scalp were involved
and there was a high morning temperature. Three thousand units
were injected, the swelling decreased and disappeared at the end of
twenty-four hours but areas of tenderness remained in the scalp, one
thousand more units were given and in five days the patient was dis-
charged cured.

cussion on this subject at the meeting of the American Association of
Anaesthetists is reported in the Journal of the American Medical Associ-
ation. It is said to depress the entire nervous system and even
produces anaesthesia. Three men operated upon after intravenous
injections of magnesium sulphate felt no pain, one of them did not
believe the operation had been performed. It is hoped no one will under-
take its use until further experiment has shown just how it should be
employed. One doctor stated that the only severe case of tetanus
he ever saw recover was saved by intraspinal injections of magnesium
sulphate. It was also said to be a good remedy to apply to burns of
the first and second degree.


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  • Contents
  • image 1
    image 2
    image 3

  • Issue Table of Contents
  • The American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 17, No. 1, Oct., 1916
    Front Matter [pp.i-iv]
    Editorial Comment [pp.1-6]
    Tracing the Sources and Limiting the Spread of Infantile Paralysis. First Paper [pp.7-11]
    The Need of Trained Public Health Nurses [p.11]
    Diet Kitchen Efficiency [pp.12-18]
    Reaching the Rural Mothers through Lectures [pp.19-23]
    The Development and Value of Nurses’ Registry [pp.24-28]
    Diseases of the Throat [pp.29-32]
    Saving the Steps of Pupil Nurses [pp.33-36]
    Some Historical Facts concerning the Hygienic and Therapeutic Use of Water [pp.37-41]
    Why I Prefer Obstetrics in Private Nursing [pp.42-44]
    Department of Nursing Education [pp.45-50]
    Civil Service Examination for Inspector of Nurse Training Schools, Education Department, State of New York [p.50]
    Narratives from the War [pp.51-52]
    Events of the Day [pp.53-54]
    Nursing in Mission Stations [pp.55-57]
    Foreign Department [pp.58-59]
    Department of Public Health Nursing [pp.60-63]
    Hospital and Training School Administration [pp.64-67]
    Notes from the Medical Press [pp.68-70]
    Letters to the Editor
    A Reply [p.71]
    What a Young Woman’s Business Club Has Done [p.72]
    A Cottage Hospital [pp.72-73]
    Nursing News and Announcements [pp.74-92]
    Book Reviews
    untitled [pp.93-94]
    untitled [p.94]
    untitled [pp.94-95]
    Back Matter [pp.96-100]

Notes from the Medical Press

Source: The American Journal of Nursing , Oct., 1916, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Oct., 1916), pp.

Published by: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Stable URL:

JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide
range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and
facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact

Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at

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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend
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The American Journal of Nursing

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Record describes his experience in the administration of heroin in
childbirth. He gives z grain, hypodermically. It mitigates the
pain so that the patient can put forth all her efforts to assist nature,
without extreme suffering. It does not destroy the involuntary forces,
nor produce unconsciousness, but enables the mother to do her part
by abolishing the agony that inhibits effort. It produces analgesia
but neither hastens nor retards labor.

EFFECT OF DIET ON THE TEETH.-In an article in the Journal

of the American Medical Association, the importance of a well-balanced
diet in infancy on the development and health of the teeth is empha-
sized. It is stated that orange juice may be begun at any time after
the first month. Vegetables, fruits and meats, properly prepared and
given in small but increasing quantities, may safely be begun as early
as the sixth or seventh month. It is recommended that strips of
tough meat, bacon rinds, bones, bread crusts, etc., be given the child
to chew, to develop the muscles of mastication and enlarge and strength-
en the jaws.

TRANSIENT ANAESTHESIA.-The Lancet mentions a method of ob-

taining analgesia for slight operations such as circumcision, removal
of septic ingrowing toe nails, etc., by means of a small quantity of
ether. A Shummelbusch mask is placed over the patient’s face and
3 drachms of ether poured on it. A folded towel is then closely ap-
plied over mask and face. If the patient breathes deeply and regularly,
in from thirty to fifty seconds analgesia has set in and will last from
fifty seconds to three minutes, the average being slightly less than
two minutes. The patient is usually able to walk from the operating
room and feels no unpleasant after effects.


Medical Journal says that the gravid uterus pressing on the kidneys
is one of the causes of nephritis in pregnancy. He advises as a pro-
phylactic measure, where the tendency exists, or as contributing to
its relief, the use of a special bed. It consists of a head piece and foot
piece, each with a separate mattress and spring, between these is a
broad band of rubber cloth. This is sufficiently long so it can be hol-


This content downloaded from
�������������� on Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:36:13 UTC���������������
All use subject to

Notes from the Medical Press

lowed to accommodate the abdomen. The patient lies prone, that is,
face downwards, thus relieving the pressure and permitting a com-
fortable reclining posture.

PoLIOMYELITIS.-There is much discussion of the etiology and
treatment of infantile paralysis. A writer in the Medical Record
states that the secretions from the nose and throat in poliomyelitis
are acid. The blood and spinal fluid are subalkaline. He seeks to
counteract this by administering milk of magnesia. Of 150 children
living in an infected district, but one contracted the disease under
this preventive treatment. The point of entrance of this infection is
said to be in the nose and throat, the virus thence passing to the intestine.

CLEANLINESS.-It is said in Preventive Medicine that long experi-
ence has taught that cleanliness offers a protection against disease,
that clean surroundings are apt to be free from infection and that clean
food is apt to be safe food.

INFANTILE SCURVY.-A writer in the Americal Journal of Dis-
eases of Children is of the opinion that pasteurized milk is an incomplete
food and should be supplemented by an antiscorbutic, such as orange
juice, the juice of orange peel, or potato water. Pasteurized milk is
valuable as a security against infection, but to avoid the dangers of
scurvy the use of orange juice should be begun as early as the end of
the first month of the child’s life.

PNEUMONIA AFTER ETHER.-In a discussion at a meeting of the
American Association of Anesthetists, it was stated that pneumonia
following the administration of ether was sometimes caused by exposure
after the operation. By keeping the recovery room warm and the
patient well covered on the way back to the ward, the number of cases
was very materially lessened.

the American Medical Ass6ciation reports that a Chicago maternity
hospital uses the footprint as a means of identifying the babies in its
charge. The baby’s foot should be rubbed with cold cream, then a
sheet of plain white paper pressed against the sole, so that it comes in
contact with the entire surface. After this, powdered charcoal is
spread with a camel’s hair brush over the surface of the paper touched
by the baby’s foot. This brings out the latent impression perfectly.
The same method could be used to determine the degree of flatness in a
person’s foot.

recommends refined petrolatum as having a valuable lubricating action
and healing influence on the minute excoriations of the intestines
caused by abnormally hard feces. He gives one or two tablespoon-


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�������������� on Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:36:13 UTC���������������
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The American Journal of Nursing

fuls after dinner at night, or before breakfast, keeping it up for two or
three weeks and repeating the course as needed. He believes it a
marvelous means of keeping constipation under control, without
drastic measures. It aims at a lasting cure in time.

DIET OF CHILDREN.-In an article on this subject in the Journal
of the American Medical Association it is stated that the minimum
quantity of water taken by a child two years old should be a liter, or
quart, increasing to about three pints for a child of seven. For con-
stipation in young children, two months to a year old, apple pulp,
apple sauce, or prune pulp is advised, one to three tablespoonfuls.
A common mistake during the second year is to contiuue the giving of
large quantities of milk at the expense of a more varied diet, an occa-
sional egg, baked potato, macaroni, dry toast with a little butter, bread,
etc. A small quantity of green vegetables, thoroughly cooked and
strained, is beneficial. Simple deserts, junket, custard, tapioca, etc.,
may be given.

DEATH OF NISSER.-Albert Nisser, the discoverer of the gonococcus,
has died at Berlin. His discovery was made in 1879 and he was one
of the first to insist on the tuberculous nature of lupus. He was par-
ticularly active in studying the prophylaxis of venereal diseases in


comments upon the treatment of erysipelas by means of ordinary
diphtheria antitoxin. A German experimenter reported that a case
of facial erysipelas, which would not yield to ichthyol applications, was
cured by injections of antitoxin. The face and scalp were involved
and there was a high morning temperature. Three thousand units
were injected, the swelling decreased and disappeared at the end of
twenty-four hours but areas of tenderness remained in the scalp, one
thousand more units were given and in five days the patient was dis-
charged cured.

cussion on this subject at the meeting of the American Association of
Anaesthetists is reported in the Journal of the American Medical Associ-
ation. It is said to depress the entire nervous system and even
produces anaesthesia. Three men operated upon after intravenous
injections of magnesium sulphate felt no pain, one of them did not
believe the operation had been performed. It is hoped no one will under-
take its use until further experiment has shown just how it should be
employed. One doctor stated that the only severe case of tetanus
he ever saw recover was saved by intraspinal injections of magnesium
sulphate. It was also said to be a good remedy to apply to burns of
the first and second degree.


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�������������� on Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:36:13 UTC���������������
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  • Contents
  • image 1
    image 2
    image 3

  • Issue Table of Contents
  • The American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 17, No. 1, Oct., 1916
    Front Matter [pp.i-iv]
    Editorial Comment [pp.1-6]
    Tracing the Sources and Limiting the Spread of Infantile Paralysis. First Paper [pp.7-11]
    The Need of Trained Public Health Nurses [p.11]
    Diet Kitchen Efficiency [pp.12-18]
    Reaching the Rural Mothers through Lectures [pp.19-23]
    The Development and Value of Nurses’ Registry [pp.24-28]
    Diseases of the Throat [pp.29-32]
    Saving the Steps of Pupil Nurses [pp.33-36]
    Some Historical Facts concerning the Hygienic and Therapeutic Use of Water [pp.37-41]
    Why I Prefer Obstetrics in Private Nursing [pp.42-44]
    Department of Nursing Education [pp.45-50]
    Civil Service Examination for Inspector of Nurse Training Schools, Education Department, State of New York [p.50]
    Narratives from the War [pp.51-52]
    Events of the Day [pp.53-54]
    Nursing in Mission Stations [pp.55-57]
    Foreign Department [pp.58-59]
    Department of Public Health Nursing [pp.60-63]
    Hospital and Training School Administration [pp.64-67]
    Notes from the Medical Press [pp.68-70]
    Letters to the Editor
    A Reply [p.71]
    What a Young Woman’s Business Club Has Done [p.72]
    A Cottage Hospital [pp.72-73]
    Nursing News and Announcements [pp.74-92]
    Book Reviews
    untitled [pp.93-94]
    untitled [p.94]
    untitled [pp.94-95]
    Back Matter [pp.96-100]

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