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Preparing Additional WRITTEN PAPER: Additional Questions

· Page Length: 2-3 pages EXCLUDING title page and reference (APA format)

· Answers must be descriptive and comprehensive.

§ Each answer must have 2 complete paragraphs with at least 10 sentences in each paragraph.

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§ Must use complete sentences. 

· Paper must be written following Paper Format using APA format (Title page, Running head, Page number, Headings, In-text Citation, Full-sentences, and References)


Body Weight and Physical Status

· How does excess body weight affect Five body systems?

§ Describe the mechanisms of extra body weight on each body system.

§ Cardiovascular (CV)System

§ Gastrointestinal (GI) System

§ Musculoskeletal System

§ Endocrine System

§ Immune System

· Must include in-text citations

Barriers and Challenges 

· Identify Three barriers and challenges to losing weight in the U.S.

· Describe how and why each identified barrier and challenge affect losing weight? 

· Must include in-text citations

Cultural Considerations

· Identify Three different cultures. 

· Describe how and why each culture influence weight and weight loss with clients in each culture

· Must include in-text citations

Advice for Mark

· What would you suggest to help Mark achieve a healthy weight?

· Must include in-text citations

PLAGIARISM: “Turnitin” Percentage: Less than 25 percentage: Acceptable Percentage.

· Turnitin Draft Submission Box

§ Submit your draft of paper into Turnitin Draft Submission Box to check your percentage as many times as needed before you submit your final paper to designated Unit. 

· If your Final paper has 25% or higher percentage, you must revise/modify your paper contents BEFORE you submit your paper due date and time.

· If your Final paper has 25% or higher percentage AT/AFTER you submit your final paper due date and time,

Academic Integrity Violation Procedure

s will be initiated

Academic Integrity Violation Procedure

· Academic Integrity Violation letter will be sent to student

· Assignment Grade will be 0 point

· The violation case will be reviewed and a further sanction will be determined by the Administrators.



: Nurse’s Touch Guidelines: Wellness & Self-Care: Eating Healthy & Maintaining a Healthy Weight: CASE STUDY

Preparing Additional WRITTEN PAPER: Additional Questions

· Page Length: 2-3 pages EXCLUDING title page and reference (APA format)

· Answers must be descriptive and comprehensive.

Each answer must have 2 complete paragraphs with at least 10 sentences in each paragraph.

Must use complete sentences.

· Paper must be written following


APA format
(Title page, Running head, Page number, Headings, In-text Citation, Full-sentences, and References)


Body Weight and Physical Status

does excess body weight affect
Five body systems

· Describe the
of extra body weight on each body system.

· Cardiovascular (CV)System

· Gastrointestinal (GI) System

· Musculoskeletal System

· Endocrine System

· Immune System

· Must include in-text citations

Barriers and Challenges


Three barriers and challenges
to losing weight in the U.S.

how and why each identified barrier and challenge affect losing weight?

· Must include in-text citations

Cultural Considerations

Identify Three different cultures.

how and why each culture influence weight and weight loss with clients in each culture

· Must include in-text citations

Advice for Mark

would you suggest to help
achieve a healthy weight?

· Must include in-text citations

PLAGIARISM: “Turnitin” Percentage: Less than 25 percentage: Acceptable Percentage.

· Turnitin Draft Submission Box

· Submit your draft of paper into Turnitin Draft Submission Box to check your percentage as many times as needed before you submit your final paper to designated Unit.

· If your Final paper has 25% or higher percentage, you must revise/modify your paper contents
you submit your paper due date and time.

· If your Final paper has 25% or higher percentage
you submit your final paper due date and time, Academic Integrity Violation Procedures will be initiated

Academic Integrity Violation Procedure

· Academic Integrity Violation letter will be sent to student

· Assignment Grade will be 0 point

· The violation case will be reviewed and a further sanction will be determined by the Administrators.

Grading Rubric

5 Screen Shots


Written Assignment:
Descriptive & Comprehensive following Paper Format guidelines.




Assignment Criteria

Satisfactory or Highest Level of Performance

 25 Points

Needs Improvement


0 Points

Poor or Failing

0 Points

Reviews case study and four questions

Reviews case study and satisfactorily completes the five questions (100% or 5 correct answers) and provided detailed information for all


additional questions.

Unsatisfactorily completes the five questions (See additional points)

Does not complete the case study questions an

Not submitted written paper for 4 additional questions

Additional points

(If not satisfactory on first attempt)

Added additional insight into the case study and questions to further understand the concepts in the module and score additional points as follows (Note: total score with additional points cannot be greater than 100%)

SECOND attempt:

· If satisfactory, gain an additional 5% to first score

· If unsatisfactory, no additional percentage added to first score

Does not remediate on case study questions as directed by instructor.

Gain 0% to the first score

Total Possible = 25 points

Points Earned

NR228 Nutrition Health and Wellness


NR228 Nurse Touch Guidelines x Revised 09/19/2017 css


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