NURS-6050N-66/NURS-6050C-66-Policy & Advocacy


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The proposed health policy chosen is titled Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act” or simply the HEROES Act. The policy was introduced in the house on 05/12/2020 with the main objective of responding to the Covid-19 disease outbreak by factoring in its impacts on the economy, public health, local and state governments, Americans as well as various businesses. The bill also has other provisions and these include providing emergency supplemental materials to the federal agencies during the FY 2020. What’s more, the bill also ensures that the state, local and territorial governments have the assistance required to fight emergencies such as the global pandemic (, 2020). In addition, the HEROES Act expands paid sick days, as well as ensuring that the family and medical leaves are long enough and addresses the issues of unemployment, nutrition and other health concerns. With regard to fighting the global pandemic, the bill pushes for funding and ensuring that the Covid-19 requirements including testing and contact tracing are properly done, as well as the elimination of cost sharing specifically for Covid-19 treatments (, 2020). Most significantly, the bill also proposes that all employers should develop and engage in the implementation of infectious disease exposure control plans as well as ensuring that employees are well trained and can easily access the PPEs with reference to the global pandemic.

            The Corona Virus pandemic has caused several losses of lives in addition to numerous hospitalizations in the US. Being a highly infectious disease, it is of utmost significance to understand the prevalence of the disease and for the highly susceptible populations, necessary measures should be undertaken to reduce the spread. One of the measures proposed by WHO include containment measures, contact tracing, keeping distance and washing hands among others. Since WHO has proved that these measures may help in the prevention of Covid-19 and other infectious diseases, it is evident that the HEROES bill, if passed, may help in reducing the number of Covid-19 cases, especially by ensuring that the WHO guidelines on containing the pandemic are adhered to, as well as ensuring that employers comply to the containment measures as well as ensuring that their employers are safe. Moreover, another significant component of the bill is that it addresses the impacts of Covid-19 on the US economy, together with ensuring that the disease does not affect individuals, as well as their businesses. All these support the benefits of this bill and how it will aid in opening the economy, honoring heroes as well as sending money to the Americans as asserted by the National Law Review (2020).

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