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1. Detailed – Comprehensive Summary of these two chapters. (Look at pictures uploaded where is the chapters info)

2. Which are the three most CRITICAL ISSUES for EACH of these Chapters? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …

    For EACH Critical Issue for EACH chapter please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs

3. Which are the three most relevant LESSONS LEARNED for EACH of these Chapters? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …

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    For EACH Lesson Learned for EACH chapter please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs

4. Which are the three most important BEST PRACTICES for EACH of these Chapters? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …

     For EACH Best Practice for EACH chapter please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs

5. How can you relate EACH of these Chapters with the TOPICS COVERED in class? Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail …

6. Do you see any alignment of the concepts described in EACH of these Chapters with the class concepts reviewed in class? Which are those alignments and misalignments? Why? Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail …


How to Write a Summary of an Article (Links to an external site.)

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