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Consider Jim Collins’ bus analogy in Good to Great. In one sense, recruiting is “getting the right people on the bus” and career management is “getting them in the right seats.” Many employers do not follow the textbook’s perfect model of managing their employees’ careers.  Being passive about one’s career doesn’t usually produce good results.


1. Discuss the elements of a recruitment strategy.

2. How can a company be most successful in attracting talent?

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3. How can a company ensure they are putting the right person in the right job?

4. What methods can a company use to meet the career goals of their existing workforce?

5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of internal recruiting?

6. Explain why a diverse recruitment strategy is important today.

one page

minimum 3 references 


The world’s 500 largest companies (


) generated $31.2 trillion in revenues and $1.7 trillion in profits in 2014. Together, this year’s Fortune Global 500 employ 65 million people worldwide and are represented by 36 countries.

Assignment: Choose a company from the list of Fortune 500 global companies, and then prepare a succinct, 5-page essay, using the writing template, and a minimum of 3 references.

Address the following considerations:

1. What does it mean to be global?

2. How has this company been successful in the global business environment?

3. Discuss the opportunities, risks and considerations in becoming a global company.

4. Analyze the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors affecting the company.

5. How does the company manage their International Operations, in areas of recruitment, compensation, benefits and training?

. Reply to these questions in essay (not Q & A) format. introduction paragraph, and conclusion paragraph.

should contain headings which clearly identify each one of these requirements. Try not to use the objective word for word but paraphrase

Use the provided writing template, and follow 7th edition APA writing conventions

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