Needs Assessment

The assignments in this course are interrelated and based on a practicum experience. The assignments culminate in a final presentation submitted during week 10.  As a nurse, you understand the challenges facing under-served populations.  For this practicum assignment, you will identify a vulnerable, at-risk population in your community.  You will examine the challenges currently facing members of this group and the resources available to assist them.  You will gather information from a variety of sources and interview a professional who is involved in the provision of services to this group.  A vulnerable or at-risk population can be defined as a population with a common identified risk factor or risk exposure presenting a threat to health. Examples of at-risk populations include, but are not limited to the following:

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  • Urban or rural individuals and families living at or below the poverty line
  • Immigrants and non-English-speaking individuals
  • Stigmatized or marginalized groups 
  • Undocumented workers
  • Incarcerated individuals
  • The homeless
  • The mentally ill 

This five-part assignment is submitted in weeks 3, 5, 8, and 10.  Please refer to the Practicum Assignment link on the navigation pane for an explanation of all steps.  Please read it in its entirety before starting.  

You will work on this assignment over weeks 1-3.  It is submitted at the end of week 3.  In this assignment, you will:

  1. Identify your vulnerable, at-risk population of interest.
  2. Complete a needs assessment, analyzing data available through scholarly references that is specific to the identified population. At least 3 references should be used to complete the needs assessment
  3. Present your needs assessment data by filling out the attached worksheet below. Fill out the chart and answer the questions listed on the worksheet. Attach a reference page to the worksheet to list your references utilized in step 2. 

Week 3: Needs Assessment

Provide an overview of the at-risk group you are investigating and its presence in your community. Provide any available demographic data.

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Why are you interested in studying this group?

Complete the following chart. Be as specific to your community (city or county) as possible. Common sources of data include: US Census data, Chamber of Commerce, community libraries, social service agencies, US Department of Labor, the Department of Public Health and Department of Education.

Needs Assessment

Assessment Data for the At-risk Group

Environment/Living Arrangements

Access to Transportation

Financial considerations

Cultural/language barriers

Public perception of the group

Common health risks

Access to health and social services

Based on the information you gathered and what you find in the literature, address the following questions:

1. What are the primary health concerns for this group?

2. How does the care provided to this population differ from the care provided to other populations?

3. Explain how health inequalities impact healthcare access and delivery for this group.

4. What impact does this under-served population have on the healthcare delivery systems in your area?

5. How might this affect nursing practice?

Week 3: Needs Assessment

Provide an overview of the at

risk group you are investigating and its presence in your community.

Provide any available demographic data.

Why are you interested in studying this group?

Complete the following chart.

Be as specific
to your community

(city or county)
as possible.
sources of data include: US Census data, Chamber of Commerce, community libraries, social service
agencies, US Department of Labor,
Department of Public Health and Department of Ed

Needs Assessment




Access to



Public perception of
the group

Common health

Access to
health and
social services

Based on the

you gathered
and what you find in the
literature, address the following


What are the primary health concerns for this group?


How does the care provided to this population differ from the car
e provided to other


Explain how health inequalities impact healthcare access and delivery for this group.


What impact does this under

served population have on
healthcare delivery

systems in your



nursing practice?

Week 3: Needs Assessment

Provide an overview of the at-risk group you are investigating and its presence in your community.
Provide any available demographic data.

Why are you interested in studying this group?

Complete the following chart. Be as specific to your community (city or county) as possible. Common
sources of data include: US Census data, Chamber of Commerce, community libraries, social service
agencies, US Department of Labor, the Department of Public Health and Department of Education.

Needs Assessment Assessment Data for the At-risk Group

Access to



Public perception of
the group

Common health

Access to health and
social services

Based on the information you gathered and what you find in the literature, address the following
1. What are the primary health concerns for this group?
2. How does the care provided to this population differ from the care provided to other
3. Explain how health inequalities impact healthcare access and delivery for this group.
4. What impact does this under-served population have on the healthcare delivery systems in your
5. How might this affect nursing practice?

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