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  1. The financial statements for your company are usually posted in Item 8 of the SEC 10-K document.
  2. Search for the auditor’s report.

Discussion Requirements

1. Answer the following questions.
2. Do not cut and paste from your company SEC report.

  • What is the name of the auditor?
  • Looking at their signature, what city do you see?
  • The first page of the SEC 10-K is very standard and lists two key locations. Using this information, post the state of incorporation and the city and state of the corporate headquarters for your SEC 10-K.
  • Returning to Item 8, near the auditor’s report (this is the letter they sign, giving their opinion on whether the financial statements are fairly presented in adherence with U.S. GAAP), locate the letter regarding internal control. This letter is signed by the company’s management. What are their names and titles? Some companies list all officers whereas others list only the chief executive officer (CEO) and the chief financial officer (CFO). The SEC only requires the signatures of the CEO and CFO.

Clarification: The internal control letter might be an exhibit. You can search for wording “internal control” or any variation of it to help find it. To also help the Rules they are acknowledging are Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)). 

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