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People use websites to meet people, find jobs, purchase goods, and even book dream vacations. Imagine you spend months creating and fantasizing about your dream vacation and a “lost” hotel reservation showing up to you last day. Excessive hidden fees were another common travel complaint. Thankfully, new technologies such as Blockchain can be a possible solution to these travel issues. However, a new software/system design will be needed. The purpose of this project is for students to read and analyze the assign case and develop a proposal to book hotels using Blockchain techniques.

Case: The Blockchain Transforms Hotel Booking into a Walk-In Experience1

First, read the assign case from the given website. You are now asked to develop a Blockchain-based application that can reduce fees through automation and increase the transparency of hotel booking process. The use case has been provided on the given website and you may change them if necessary. Make any assumptions if necessary.

Blockchain: If you are not familiar with how Blockchin2 works, search articles, websites, and videos that help you understand the fundamental concepts. For example, the article entitled “What is Blockchain Technology?3” on Blockgeeks provides a step-by-step guide for beginners.

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Use a given sample project as a guideline to conduct the systems analysis. Document your analysis results using the following sections:

1. Background Investigation and Description

2. Problem Statement

3. Proposed Solution

4. Glossary of Terms

5. Systems Requirements

· Functional requirements

· Non-function requirements

6. Use Case Diagram and Casual Description, including Actors and Goals

7. Sequence or Object Diagram with descriptions


Apa format

5-6 pages

No plagiarism

Atleast 5 references

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