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  • Conduct an in-depth review of the course concepts regarding your personal “calling” and social intelligence.
  • Brainstorm project specifications.
  • Research critical elements.
  • Develop a framework which will be the foundation for your Mastery Timeline that will be completed in Week 4 of the course.

Brainstorming Worksheet Assignment Example

Attached below is a Brainstorming Worksheet from a recent student who earned maximum points.

  • Feel free to use it an a guide when compiling your worksheet.

For this week’s project you will brainstorm, research, and outline the following:

  • three trends that could shape your industry of choice,
  • three current companies in your Mastery field,
  • three current leaders in your Mastery field,
  • three technical requirements for your field, and
  • three possible paths of training/ education to gain entrance into your industry.
  • Review career resources in your industry by using your Program’s Resource Guide (in FSO References) or career information websites like

    Share three key insights about positions in your field.

  • Use your networking skills to identify three possible mentors and three possible internships/apprenticeships with name and contact information of hiring manager (identified via LexisNexis Academic, LinkedIn or other source).
  • Evaluate the Full Sail online course catalog and;

    Reflect each course in your degree program, and elaborate on how each individually will tangibly enhance your Mastery Journey.
    Outline a personal SWOT analysis of your current readiness in your chosen field,

    provide at least 3 areas of focus, and ways to develop each of those areas of the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats).

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    Do not forget, for your SWOT analysis you must fill out the chart and identify ways to develop each of those areas of the SWOT as separate paragraphs – in addition to the SWOT analysis.
    Bulleted responses are acceptable but professional aspects such as spelling and punctuation are still critical.

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