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  1. Textbook reading:

    “Keys to Mastery” Pages 175-201
    “Emotional Pitfalls” Pages 202-204
    “Strategies for the Creative-Active Phase” Pages 205-246

  2. Identify someone in your area of Mastery that inspires you.
  3. Write a research paper to include an introduction (thesis statement), body (to support the thesis), and conclusion.

    Introductory Paragraph & Thesis Statement: Use this paragraph to provide researched facts on your chosen person. The thesis statement(s) should provide a summary of what your paper will discuss. Your paper will discuss the relation of your person to The Creative Task, Creative Strategies and Creative Breakthrough. The thesis will introduce the idea of how the individual faced an ’emotional pitfall’ along their journey, as well as the comparison between your person and one of the nine people profiled in the reading.
    Body of the Paper: Cover the following topics, with headings, in 3-5 pages.

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    Relate and describe your person’s path to the; 

    Creative Task, 
    Creative Strategies, and 
    Creative Breakthrough that is discussed in the reading.

    Identify and analyze an “Emotional Pitfall”, with heading, your selected person has experienced and overcome. 

    How did it impact their path to Mastery?

    Provide a cross-comparative analysis between your selected person and one of the nine people who were profiled in the “Strategies for the Creative-Active Phase” of the reading.

    Conclusion: Pull together the your final thoughts by highlighting the points that you included in your paper.

    Consider the following: How did the journey of your selected person lead them to their level of Mastery in their field?

  4. Required research: 4 minimum reference requirement.

    1 resource is the Mastery book.

  1. 1 (at least) outside resource.
  2. APA formatting: Using APA formatting for all research, you must include properly formatted in-text citations and references page. Here is a resource to assist with proper APA formatting: APA Formatting Resource

    Title your attachments: LastName_FirstName_Assignment

    Example: Whaley_Kari_Week2_ResearchPaper

  3. Carefully and thoroughly proof your paper. Use tools such as, Spelling/Grammar check in Word to assist. Read through the paper several times. Try to budget a day between the first proof, final draft and final proof.

Research Paper Formatting

  • Cover Page with Running Head

    Example: Running Head: TITLE OF PAPER

  • Times New Roman12 pt font
  • Double-spaced consistently throughout
  • 1” margins
  • 3-5 pages of content
  • Avoid use of 1st Person

    Example: Instead of “In this paper, I will discuss…” use “This paper will discuss…”

  • References Page

    APA formatted reference page in alphabetical order

  • Utilize an APA Resource Guide for full formatting guidelines:

    Purdue Owl: APA Guidelines and Examples
    Project APA: Abridged tool for APA formatted citations, references, pages

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