Need ONE Response Per Each Discussion Total 8 Responses.

Yamile Carrazana

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Discussion # 1

As advance Nurse Practitioner we have the opportunity to make the difference in the primary health care attention, working like a primary care provider, with our education and preparation, we can lower the time of waiting for the patient to be evaluate by the physicians, we can give access to more information and education to the population, we can take the care to remotes areas, to the undiagnosed patients, we can create foundations, group for therapy base on their necessities, we can use better the available resources to diagnoses, to treat, and promote health. Establishing direct communication with our population we can educate then and prevent many illness, topics like preventive vaccination, maternal breast feed, contraception, sexual transmitted disease prevention and treatment and many other considered taboo for many social group can be discuses and establish a feedback in order to clarify many wrong concepts and lower the incidence and prevalence.

We have the opportunity to be specialized in an specific matter, and be more useful in areas and population careless for this specialty, lowering the time to receives care and lowering the cost of the service. We area very prepared and skillful to be responsible for different socials groups, we can work hospital setting, ER, units, ICU units, our spectrum of care is wide and valuable.

“”APNs possess the competency to assess, diagnose and treat normal and/or acute health problems and situations and to provide follow-up care and treatment for chronic conditions. Furthermore, APNs are capable of assessing a patient’s health situation and history, evaluating and identifying a patient’s need for care, ordering diagnostic or laboratory tests and prescribing medications (rights vary from country to country) as well as referring patients for further care and/or admitting or discharging patients from hospital and any other care units”

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6 hours ago, at 2:10 PM


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   As a future advanced nurse practitioner I can promote access to health care in many different ways in my community. Promoting access to health care in my community would start with my family members friends and my patients/clients. Most people are not aware of the services and health care that is available in their community, therefore as a healthcare provider one of my roles is to educate my community.  

   First way I would promote access to health care in my community is through my family members and friends due to the fact that I will be making them aware of preventive care and explaining how they can attain the services needed around their area. Educating my family in accessing health care in their communities is a start to influencing others around them to do the same. It is important for everyone to have an annual well exam every year as well as preventive care measures.  

   Also, promoting health care access to my patients or people in my community will be accomplished by educating them through social media, conversations and also going around the community offering preventive care services to those in need that struggle to receive health care. Doing community events where simple screenings can be accomplished will gain people’s attention and through that method, I can educate those in my area that are in need of health care. Accomplishing an event or two annually around my community is the goal to promote access to health care more efficiently and consistently.  

Daylamis Gonzalez

9/11/20, 9:59 AM 

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Discussion Board

Daylamis Gonzalez

Instructor: Deborah Crevecoeur

Describe how your future practice as an advanced practice nurse can promote access to health care in your area. Be specific about the interventions that you will do?

As a FNP student, I will adhere to the Nurse Practice Act, which is established to ensure that all nurses have the qualification and competency with regards to the performance of their job subject to the highest standard. This particular Act will be my guiding principle in the future subject to the fact that it provides an outline with regards to the authority, composition, and power regarding the board of nursing, educational programs standards for nursing, and establishing standards and scopes with subject to the nursing practice (Bulechek, Butcher, Dochterman, & Wagner, 2013).

With a subject to my local area, I would enhance the accessibility to healthcare services by improving ARNP’ greater utilization with subject to advanced practice. Consequently, I would enhance health promotion and accessibility by providing the information needed by patients regarding the management and ultimate improvement of their health. I would use the interaction opportunity with my patients for the provision of education regarding healthcare services and their accessibility. I would also volunteer through the usage of medical knowledge subject to the promotion of health in my area, the provision of health screenings subject to community events. I would enhance the prioritizing of accessibility to community-based fundamental healthcare through addressing shortages in physicians, stabilization of individual insurance plans, and ensuring adequate funding with regards to health insurance programs. Additionally, the patient health care accessibility can be enhanced through the adoption of telehealth alongside the remote monitoring of patients with regards to increasing efficiency in my local health organizations (Perry, Potter, & Ostendorf, 2015).

Guillermo Carabeo

9/10/20, 9:02 PM 


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Discussion #1

This future practitioner has been working as a registered nurse for the Miami Jewish Healthcare System in a Community Clinic (Hialeah Pace Center) for almost five years. This experience working as a nurse in a primary care setting have allowed me the opportunity to find out about vulnerable populations’ needs, serve them, gain more experience in this area, and realize that this is one of the greatest passions of mine. It could be extremely rewarding when one could help other people in need specially when it comes to healthcare needs. 

           When finish this APRN program this practitioner would like to find a job in a primary care practice like a community clinic, which would give me the opportunity to provide healthcare to individuals and families. Besides, with my work in a community clinic I could help in eliminating healthcare gaps because I would be serving vulnerable populations. One of my goals would be to improve services offered by the practitioners and nurses and bring healthcare closer to the communities. This could be done by educating people on the importance of healthcare and making services cheaper to remove some of the existing barriers that people face to get healthcare access. Teaching self-based care to the patients to practice home-based care could be a great initiative. Healthcare providers should engage patients as much as possible in their own care, therefore, patients could gain more health literacy.

           Also, as an APRN I could advocate for those vulnerable, high risk populations such as elderlies and minorities who lack access to healthcare, which I think could impact their quality of life and expectancy. On the other hand, I could teach in areas of health promotion, chronic disease management and disease prevention to empower people to take control of their own health. For example, Hispanic adults are 1.7 times more likely than non-Hispanic white adults to get diagnosed with diabetes and were 2.6 times more likely to be hospitalized for treatment of end-stage renal disease related to diabetes, as compared to non-Hispanic whites. Also, in 2017, Hispanics were 1.4 times more likely than non-Hispanic whites to die from diabetes mellitus (OMH, 2020). When it comes to Cardiovascular Diseases, the racial disparities in hypertension and this disease outcomes have been related mortality-morbidity risks when comparing African American and White populations. These excess risks from high blood pressure have a big effect on life expectancy for African Americans which is significantly less than for Caucasian Americans (Lackland, 2015). Thus, good health promotion and healthcare access could impact these populations in a positive way which would be my goal as a future practitioner.

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Maritza Leon Cosme

9/10/20, 11:32 AM 

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With the rapid rise in demand for healthcare services globally, advanced nursing practice interest has increased to enhance high quality and affordable healthcare services. Chronic diseases have grown in our communities due to the increased number of the aging population. My future practice as an advanced practice nurse will promote acute care access for the elderly with chronic conditions and with complex acute illnesses. It will also increase the access to emergency and primary care in my area because I will be the first contact access to any healthcare need (Barton & Allan, 2015).

My advanced nursing practice will also help in reducing the cost of patients seeking medical attention. I will intervene in these through a care association of advanced nursing practitioners in drugs offering lower prices for all patients and those in acute care environments. This will encourage members of my community to access healthcare services whenever they need it. As an advanced nursing practitioner, I will also build a relationship with my patients based on trust in order to promote patient satisfaction in healthcare services. I will be listening and understanding my patients’ concerns. This will build trust between me and my patients and encourage their access to healthcare services in my area (Butts & Rich, 2017).

I will also conduct some community education where I will be educating my community members on ways of taking care of their health. I will also educate them on the importance of good nutrition and frequent body exercises in keeping their bodies healthy. I will also encourage them to frequently visit healthcare facilities for random health checkups (Macha & McDonough, 2011).

Maria Arista Salado

Discussion 2

The Advanced Practice Nurse characterizes a nurse working in a variety of advanced roles, including midwives, nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. According to Woo, Lee, and San (2017), in the last two decades, advanced nurses have built up into a well-established profession in countries such as United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States, to name a few. As an Advanced Practice Nurse, also recognized as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), I will be authorized by the U.S department of labor to deliver and manage patient care as well as to offer primary and specialized healthcare services. The initiatives I strive to make in my field involve patient-related results that include taking care of patients as well as engaging with the community, to serve as a connection between the doctor and the family of the patient. As mentioned by Fagerström (2012), in an emergency care survey, patients described higher levels of pleasure and satisfaction when attending Advanced Practice Nurse compared to care provided by general practitioners. This will help facilitate faith and confidence between the patient and the healthcare facility in decision-making, course of treatment, and assessment.

As far as care-related outcomes are concerned, I aim to ensure that patients suffering from heart failure have fewer readmissions and spend less time in the hospital. I will do this by working to ensure that I increase the length of the patient’s consultation and undertake more examinations, especially in comparison to primary care physicians. This is in conformity with the results of research conducted in Finland and Sweden, which conclusively proved that APNs promote increased access to care, free General Practitioners’ time, and provide appropriate care. In palliative care areas, I aim to reduce anxiety among patients by improving the perceptive and emotive functioning of the patient. In conclusion, I plan to make my area of practice creative to increase access to healthcare services.



Nurse practitioners provide primary care for millions of Americans. NPs can diagnose common medical problems, order tests, prescribe medication and make referrals. It’s cost-effective and high quality care. They are key members of the health care team. (Sumners,C. 2017). NPs play an important role in access to health care across the lifespan, they care for and promote the health of people across the state and the nation. It is important that nurse practitioners- particularly in rural areas- be educated in their home communities if they wish. Nurse practitioners are more likely to stay and practice in their home community if they are educated there, and their patients are more likely to seek their care because they know and trust them. (Jenkins,J. 2018).

As a future nurse practitioner, I will do all the nursing roles, including clinical nursing practices, consultation, treatment follow-ups, patient education and diseases prevention. I will ensure that I promote the access to health care in my community. I will follow all health promotion recommendation, based in health promotions which will inclined to the existing social and health policies. I am going to fight so that my patients can access health services and receive quality care.

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Robert Alonso


Health care promotion practices

There is plenty for the society from Advanced nurse practitioners. Perhaps, nurses play essential roles in ensuring better and effective access to healthcare. As an advanced nurse practitioner in the region, there are plenty of services to offer to community to improve and promote their health status. To help those people in my area as a highly trained and skilled nurse I will educate them all things concerning health, and this will help to reduce the cost of treatment among individuals. Educating the community on health issues such as cleaning their hands and ensuring they live in a clean environment will help reduce the rate of infections according to Bryant‐Lukosius, et al. (2016).

           As an advanced nurse practitioner, enlightening the community through learning programs on mental health disorders will be a critical element (Zaccagnini, & Pechacek, 2019). Furthermore, I will ensure the community effectively deals with mental health disorders by providing counselling to families and patients. Such program is intended to reduce the rate of mental health disorders that might result to deterioration of the general health of patients. There are plenty of community events to engage in as an advanced nurse practitioner to offer volunteer services such as screening to enhance treatments. However, playing the main role as an advanced nurse practitioner will be of great importance to the general health of the community. Thus, addition to other services, I will provide treatment to patients in the community. This, together with public education will decrease occurrence of diseases and thus mortality rates.

In conclusion people must be educated on how to control or prevent certain disease infection this will help them from getting infected, and also will help in reducing high cost of treatment among individuals in an area, also people have to be able to observe balanced diet to improve body immunity.

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