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Part II: Reflective Paper

Future Plans

Upon completion of my university degree in marketing, I will continue to focus on my video production business. Before entering university, I had started a video production company – dedicated on bringing ideas to life, and potentially disrupting social norms and traditional practices in the process. We cover a wide range of video services from, events, social media content to commercials, ensuring the best creative delivery specifically tailored to the target audience and their verticals. My production company has been operational since August 2017, and has since then built our portfolio and clientele substantially.

As the Director and Co-founder of the company, I am required to exercise creativity and problem solve on a daily basis. Not only am I, managing client relations, generating quotes and invoices and generating creative video pitches for potential clients, I am also on-set either, as a director or a camera operator.

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As a director, I am responsible for communicating a message, and or conveying a certain emotion through a visual medium/platform. This entails considering, lighting, angles and focal lengths, as well as directing talents acting approach, which can be extremely demanding – creatively. Problems arise every minute on set, and it is up to the director to navigate through these challenges creatively in order to achieve a quality outcome.

Applying digital tools to future work

As a business owner, it is imperative that internal relations and productivity are well managed, to ensure an efficient and conducive work environment. Asana, created by former Facebook executives Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein in 2008, is a simple management system intended to “help humanity thrive by enabling all teams to work together effortlessly.” (Hull 2020). Asana had been internally implemented into my company in late 2019, and since then task-assignment and productivity has been smooth and clear. Asana has allowed us to lay out clear expectations of one another, and manage our workload. Asana has allowed the company to have a better gauge of each of our workload capacities, and how to manage our weekly workload efficiently. Asana is one of our favourite digital tools as it allows us to assign the highest priority work first, balance start and due dates whilst, including the team into the conversation

Another digital tool that my company subscribes to is Dropbox. Cloud-sharing is an essential in the media industry as everything can be done through the internet nowadays. From client meetings, to streaming the shoot through a live-feed – where clients can review the shots from the comfort of his/her own bedroom. Dropbox has also allowed us to share and upload videos faster online and store media assets, which has allowed client revisions to be a smooth process.

Applying course skills applied to future work

Whether it be my current company or any future endeavour, this course has taught me invaluable skills and lessons that I will be able to apply to any job or occupation. Understanding the factors that affect creativity in individuals, teams and at the organizational level, has strengthened my ability to manage teams and allow each member to reach the creative potential through creating an innovative, encouraging and positive working environment.

This course has also allowed me to practice my pitching through Video Pitch Assignment. During this assignment, I was able to get creative with multiple aspects of the project, from the scripts delivery and how it should be phrased for comedic effect, to the production side of using a green screen, and manipulating the background to add value to pitch. Skills such as scriptwriting, presenting, and production will definitely come into play in the media industry where clients are always looking out for good pitches and ideas.

Implementing skills to overcome real challenges

My main takeaway from this course has been its emphasis on team productivity, and how creativity and innovation are valuable to organisations in having a competitive edge (Parjanen 2012) . During the video assignment, we had a tough time managing all of our schedules, finding time to meetup, delegate the workload to the right people and manage our expectations. According to the componential theory of individual creativity (Amabile 1997), the chance of creativity is higher when individuals are met with their related expertise and possess intrinsic motivation for the job assigned to them. Therefore, we had managed to coordinate our schedules and set up a meeting, where we discussed each of our areas of expertise and the what we wanted to achieve as a group. With the motivation high and expectations set, we were able to facilitate the project through the use of Asana, and complete the project according to our projected timeline and submit something we were all proud of. As a group, we had felt positively about the project and consistently supported one another, contributing ideas and asking if help was needed, as social support plays a significant role when encouraging creative behaviour in the workplace (Caplan 1974).

In final analysis, I personally feel that the course Creativity, Innovation & Design (BUSM 4551) allows students to focus in and understand what creativity, innovation and design is at its core. CID introduces and breaks down creative concepts and models for students, allowing them to build them back up with their own understanding. CID has taught me skills that were extremely useful in solving real life issues, and has exposed me to solutions which were once out of my creative radar. Now that I have completed the micro-credential, it is undeniable that creativity allows organization today to operate in a highly competitive, global environment, making creativity a crucial (Dewett and Gruys, 2007).


Amabile, T.M. (1997). Motivating creativity in organizations: On doing what you love and loving what you do. California

Caplan,G. (1974). Support systems and community mental health: Lectures on concept development.

Dewett, T. and Gruys, M., 2007. Advancing the case for creativity through graduate business education. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2(2), pp.85-95.

Parjanen, S., 2012. Experiencing creativity in the organization: From individual creativity to collective creativity. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge & Management, 7.

Review, A. and Hull, L., 2020. Asana Review 2020 | Reviews, Ratings, Complaints. [online] Merchant Maverick. Available at: [Accessed 7 October 2020].

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