Need help on International Logistics wk5

Need help on International Logistics wk5  Article Review

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Unit 5: Article Review

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· Available after Apr 12 at 12am


An area of growth in the early part of the twenty-first century has been security in international trade. It applies to all elements of the supply chain and the US is very much in the lead in its development. Logistics personnel designing the transit operation and the supply chain managers must have full regard to the ISPS Code, CSI and C-TPAT constraints and the RFID. It is a complex area, especially with regard to the interface between ship and port and customs clearance.. Locate an article that highlights security in international trade and Global Logistics. Your article review must be at least 2 full pages in length and submitted in the required format and with the proper file name. File name example GaryParkLG305Week5.


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