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Case 2 Contract Management

The case study is from Chapter 8, Case #1, page 188.  Case analyses are expected to show critical thinking and be adequately supported with at least three (3) correctly cited references and in-text citations to support your thoughts.  One of these references may be the textbook. Each paper should include a synopsis of the issue at hand and an analysis of what should happen next for the particular situation. Each paper will be written using APA format and be at least 1-2 double-spaced pages (not including cover sheet, references, etc). The analysis should be in Word, PDF, or RTF format.

An advertisement appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times for the sale of a Volvo station wagon at Lee Calan Imports, Inc., for $1,095. The advertisement had been misprinted by the Sun-Times. The actual price of the automobile was $1,795. O’Keefe showed up at Lee Calan and said he would buy the Volvo for $1,095. Lee Calan refused to sell the car for $1,095. O’Keefe sued, claiming that the advertisement was an offer that he accepted, creating a binding agreement. Was O’Keefe correct? Explain. O’Keefe v. Lee Calan Imports, 262 N.E.2d 758 (IL).

Advertisement was willingness to offer and not an agreement. More so, no consideration has been acted between the two parties. Thus no binding agreement between the two. The advertisement is always indicative and just a willingness to offer a certain product. The agreement is not binding unless there is consideration between the two parties. The agreement thus will not bind the seller to sell at misquoted price in the advertisement.

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Unit 2: Open Forum

The open forum is a unit participation that is separate from the discussion questions, and will be part of the deliverables for units 2-6.  The forum posts will be worth 50 points each.  The forum is designed to allow the student to demonstrate understanding and application of the material by performing an analysis of an article that is relevant to any of the topics covered during the unit.  The student may select any major topic covered during the unit, conduct an internet search to find an appropriate article that relates to the topic, and post an analysis of their finding.  The analysis must include how the article is relevant to the unit topics, as well as a critical assessment that demonstrates understanding of the legal concept.

Unit 2: Discussion



1. Identify the characteristics of a contract

2. Explain the place of the UCC in contract law

3. Discuss the nature of valid, void, voidable, and unenforceable contract

4. Define the difference between express and implied contracts

5. Explain how the courts determine the elements of offer and acceptance

6. Identify the three requirements of a valid offer

7. State the purpose of the Statute of Frauds

8. Define the mirror image rule

9. Define the elements of fraud

10. Differentiate between fraud and misrepresentation.

Discussions should be thoughtful contributions to the class and at least 1-2 paragraphs in length.  Although discussions may be less formal than a research project, students should still present themselves in a professional manner that respects the opinions of classmates.  Students should also reference materials they utilize to support their discussion posts using APA format.  See the assignments and grading page in the course information module for the rubric.

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