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  • Objective
  • s:

    • Establish an analytic framework to evaluate performance of a digital marketing campaign
    • Identify important digital marketing metrics and establish
    • KPI
    • s for a successful campaign

    • Develop a campaign budget
    • Plan and coordinate marketing initiatives across a spectrum of marketing channels

    Instructions: Sections 9-12

    This week, you will develop Part 3 of your Digital Marketing Strategy. The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of campaign integration, finances, and measurement.     

    For this assignment, you will submit a 3-4 page APA paper that includes your integrated marketing strategy, marketing budgets, KPIs and analytics.  

    Section 9: Integrated Marketing Strategy

    Describe how you will use integrated marketing communications to optimize and send a consistent message to your target audience.  How will you integrate messages and media to develop a holistic marketing approach?  How will you time the messages so they operate to support each other and reach potential customers?

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    Section 10: Campaign Budget

    Using the Marketing and Advertising Year 1 Expense from your Proforma Statement in Entertainment Business Finance (last month’s class,) conduct research and determine a realistic year-long marketing budget for your campaign.  Typically, a business will not spend more than 20% of their sales on marketing and advertising.  Develop a table or pie chart that includes the total annual cost and individual costs associated with each marketing channel (both digital and traditional,) labor expenses, and other direct expenses.  Be sure to also include some funds to cover networking expenses like association dues, networking event fees, etc.  

    Remember, this budget will be part of your overall start-up costs and expenses for your updated Business Plan in Final Project. 

    Section 11: KPIs 

    Provide the best metric, or key performance indicator, that will be most useful in determining EACH marketing channel’s activities are successfully helping you accomplish your objective.  Be sure to identify the following for EACH marketing channel:


    1. Goal
    2. KPI

    3. Target

    Section 12: Analytics

    Describe your measurement plan and provide specific details of how you will measure and assess the campaign’s success.  What tools will you use to measure your KPIs and what objectives need to be achieved?

    Research Requirement

    Cite the research using APA in-text citations. Add the full APA reference to the references list at the end of the document, on the References page. Do not include the full APA reference inside the body of the document.

    Budget & KPIs 2

    Strategy Pt 3: Budget & KPIs for Tatum Studios Inc.

    Barbara Tatum

    Full Sail University

    March 21, 2021

    Running head: Budget & KPIs 1

    Strategy Pt 3: Budget & KPIs for Tatum Studios Inc.

    Section 9: Integrated Marketing Strategy Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: 18/25

    As per the grading rubric, you are

    In ensuring consistency in communications made to the target audience through the messages sent from the organization, integrated marketing communications will be used at an optimum combination. This will involve the use of both traditional marketing channels and the digital marketing channels (Valos et al, 2017). This “includes the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram”, the use of search engine platforms and mass media such as Television. In using the integrated marketing channel, a series of steps will be used which begin with classification of the identified target audience of the marketing messages. This will involve identifying the specific characteristics of each segment of the target audience based on the demographic factors such as age, professional status and income levels. Understanding the characteristics of each group will enable Tatum Studios, Inc. determine the most appropriate message and mode of transmission that is most suitable (Camilleri,2018).

    The second step in using the integrated marketing communication is developing a situational analysis based on the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats that can affect the Tatum Studios brand. This would be necessary in determining the most effective strategies to use for maximum output. Tatum Studios, Inc. will then determine the budget in implementing the combined marketing channels based on the available financial resources. After determining the budget, the studios will then determine the tactics and strategies to use in sending the messages to the different categories of target audience. In ensuring there is effectiveness and efficiency in the use of the integrated marketing channels, there will be regular evaluation and measurements of the effectiveness of each marketing method using key performance indicators. Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: This section is redundant- You did a SWOT analysis in Section Two and Three. Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: This is not needed for this section.

    Based on the characteristics of the target audience, messages will be uploaded at the same time on the social media platforms and the search engines. This will ensure the primary and secondary customer segment which comprise of young people and who are likely to be on social media can access the messages on time. Digital search engines will ensure the decision makers, most of whom rely on search engines while at their workplace access the information on time. After sending the messages through social media and search engines, mass media such as


    will be used to support the other marketing communication channels. This will ensure a wholistic approach of disseminating information to the target audience (Laurie & Mortimer,2019).

    10: Campaign Budget Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: 10/25- This section is incomplete as per the grading rubric and live lecture. First, it is not clear how you are allocating your marketing expenditure. I stated specifically in the grading rubric that it would have to be a pie chart to visually represent the budget expenditures.

    Annual projected sales=$ 2,000,000

    Total marketing budget projections=12%*2,000,000=$240,000

    Total allocated budget= $226,000

    Contingent marketing budget=



    Total projected marketing budget $

    Break-down of the campaign cost analysis








    Search Engine Optimization

    Social Media

    Digital Public Relations




    Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: Are these units in Thousands? Not clear. -5




    Customer survey




    Social media monitoring and participation


    Labor expenses


    Agency cost and networking







    Section 11: KPIs Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: 10/25- KPI section not complete. Missing APA citations. Where did you get your data and information for this slide?
    Also, the KPIs were supposed to be set up as:
    And it is supposed to be done by channel.

    Search engine optimization as the first marketing channel is to be done with the objective of creating awareness of the brand across different regions with the goal of building the brand identity across the country. The marketing channel will be assessed on its effectiveness using keywords in Top 10 Search Engine results where the target is to have the brand among the top search lists. Social media as the second marketing channel has the objective of creating awareness among the young people with the goal of stronger brand positioning. The effectiveness of the marketing channel will be determined through the number of blog articles published in every month where Tatum Studios, Inc. targets at having at least one blog article published on twitter, Facebook and Instagram. “The goal of digital public relations is to determine the level of satisfaction of the customer with the goal of building brand loyalty”. In determining the effectiveness of the marketing channel, Tatum Studios will assess the number of referrals and e-book published per month where the target is to have a minimum of ten referral cases where new artist enroll for production. Tv as marketing channel is done with the goal of creating mass awareness of the brand with the goal of enhancing brand image. The effectiveness of the marketing channel will be assessed through the conversion rate for call from customers who saw the advert on the TVv. The target of the use of TVv is to have customers across the country enquiring on the services offered at the studios.

    Section 12: Analytics Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: 8/25- Section Not completed. You are specifically supposed to state the KPI programs that are tied to your marketing channels

    In measuring the effectiveness of the integrated marketing channel, every marketing channel will be evaluated based on the target set. The measurement plan will comprise of five steps which will involve reviewing the business objectives or the targets as the first step. The second step is analyzing the current performance after which KPI short term and long-term targets will be set. The targets to be used include an increase in number of qualified leads, increased number of blog articles published and an increase in website traffic. The set targets will then be reviewed by the marketing team and the progress reviewed for possible modifications. KPIs tools to be used include Gecko board through which marketing teams will design their own visual boards. Simple KPI software will also be used in tracking marketing activities progress (Lazarova & Stefanova, 2018). The objectives to be attained include developing brand equity, target new customers, grow digital presence and increase profit. Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: Where are the five steps? You mention two-three Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: Which KPI software? Comment by Spellman, Daniel [C]: What tools would you use?


    Camilleri, M. A. (2018). Integrated marketing communications. In Travel marketing, tourism economics and the airline product (pp. 85-103). Springer, Cham.

    Laurie, S., & Mortimer, K. (2019). How to achieve true integration: the impact of integrated marketing communication on the client/agency relationship. Journal of Marketing Management, 35(3-4), 231-252.

    Lazarova, S., & Stefanova, K. (2018). An integrated model for designing and developing a key performance indicators system. Business Management [Biznes Upravlenie], 4, 5-22.

    Valos, M. J., Maplestone, V. L., Polonsky, M. J., & Ewing, M. (2017). Integrating social media within an integrated marketing communication decision-making framework. Journal of Marketing Management, 33(17-18), 1522-1558.


    Week 3 Assignment – Part 3: Budget and KPIs (16%) Page 1 of 3


    • Plan and coordinate marketing initiatives across a
    spectrum of marketing channels

    • Develop a campaign budget

    • Identify important digital marketing metrics and
    establish KPIs for a successful campaign

    • Establish an analytic framework to evaluate
    performance of a digital marketing campaign

    Instructions: Sections 9-12

    This week, you will develop Part 3 of your Digital
    Marketing Strategy. The goal of this assignment is to
    demonstrate your understanding of campaign
    integration, finances, and measurement.

    For this assignment, you will submit a 3-4 page APA
    paper that includes your integrated marketing strategy,
    marketing budgets, KPIs and analytics.

    Section 9: Integrated Marketing Strategy

    Describe how you will use integrated marketing
    communications to optimize and send a consistent
    message to your target audience. How will you
    integrate messages and media to develop a holistic
    marketing approach? How will you time the
    messages so they operate to support each other and
    reach potential customers?

    ….Continued on page 2


    DIGITAL MARKETING (MAR681) | Budget and KPIs Page 2 of 3

    Section 12: Analytics

    Describe your measurement plan and provide specific details of
    how you will measure and assess the campaign’s success. What
    tools will you use to measure your KPIs and what objectives need
    to be achieved?

    Research Requirement

    Cite the research using APA in-text citations. Add the full APA
    reference to the references list at the end of the document, on
    the References page. Do not include the full APA reference inside
    the body of the document.


    When your paper is complete, save it as a Word document.
    Name your file LastnameFirstinitial_DMKPart3 and upload it
    to the FSO platform before the deadline.

    Section 10: Campaign Budget

    Using the Marketing and Advertising Year 1 Expense
    from your Proforma Statement in Entertainment
    Business Finance (last month’s class,) conduct
    research and determine a realistic year-long
    marketing budget for your campaign. Typically, a
    business will not spend more than 20% of their sales
    on marketing and advertising. Develop a table or pie
    chart that includes the total annual cost and
    individual costs associated with each marketing
    channel (both digital and traditional,) labor expenses,
    and other direct expenses. Be sure to also include
    some funds to cover networking expenses like
    association dues, networking event fees, etc.

    Remember, this budget will be part of your overall
    start-up costs and expenses for your updated
    Business Plan in Final Project.

    Section 11: KPIs

    Provide the best metric, or key performance
    indicator, that will be most useful in determining
    EACH marketing channel’s activities are successfully
    helping you accomplish your objective. Be sure to
    identify the following for EACH marketing channel:
    1. Objective
    2. Goal
    3. KPI
    4. Target

    DIGITAL MARKETING (MAR681) | Digital Marketing Strategy


    80% 80 points 40-0 points

    All sections are answered thoroughly.
    Research is used to support claims and
    resources are cited. Content
    demonstrates an understanding of the
    course material.

    Many sections were missed or not
    addressed in a thorough manner.
    Research was not used to support claims
    and content demonstrates a week
    understanding of the course material.

    10% 10 points 5-0 points


    Research and APA
    Style Citations

    9-6 points

    Uses a variety of evidence (3 resources at
    minimum) appropriately and effectively.
    Evidence is correct and supports ideas. All
    sources are properly cited and referenced
    in APA style.

    Only one source, with limited specifics to
    allow the reader to locate the sources.
    APA style was not followed.
    Generalizations are used to support the
    main idea. Examples may not be relevant.

    No source citations or reference page.
    Details are irrelevant. May be unduly

    10% 10 points

    Professionalism The assignment is organized and has a
    professional look and feel. Free of
    spelling grammar, formatting and
    sentence construction errors. Maintains
    third person point of view. Template
    prompts removed. File named according
    to naming convention.

    Ideas are included, but presented
    randomly without logical structure.
    Several errors, which distract the reader
    and impacts the author’s credibility. Third
    person point of view may not have been

    Random flow, lacks paragraph cohesion.
    Paragraphs may not relate to author’s
    objective. Not professional, numerous errors
    throughout the document.

    Most sections are addressed, but some
    could benefit from a deeper analysis.
    Some research is used to support claims
    and resources are cited. Content
    demonstrates an average understanding
    of course material.

    79-41 points

    9-6 points 5-0 points

    Budget &


    Strategy Pt 3: Budget & KPIs for Tatum Studios Inc.

    Barbara Tatum

    Full Sail University

    March 21, 2021

    Section 9: Integrated Marketing Strategy

    Integrated marketing communication
    is a concept that is used by organizations to integrate and coordinate and its many communications channels to deliver a clear and consistent message to the target audience (Finne & Grönroos, 2017). An integrated marketing strategy will ensure that the messages that are passed by the company are consistent and complement each other. Tatum Studios Corporation will use different tools of integrated marketing communications.

    One of the tools that will be used to communicate about the products and the services of Tatum Studios is advertising. Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service and the target audience through an agent. Tatum Studios will advertise both on radio and TV. Tatum Studios will hold a TV and radio show in one of the most popular among the target customers. The TV and radio programs will run for a month. They will create awareness about the studio. It will also be a chance for the studio to show the target audience their values thus creating their brand.

    The corporation will also use social media to communicate with its customers. Tatum Studios will create social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. The messages that will be posted on the corporation’s social media sites will be consistent and it will communicate the values of the studio thus creating awareness (Tuten, 2020). Moreover, two members of the studio staff will be sponsored to join Mandy, Movidiam, and Shooting People to share targeted messages about the company.

    The company will also use digital public relations to promote information about itself. The studios will interview willing independent filmmakers once monthly. The interviewees will be asked to share the interview on their social media sites. Additionally, the company will start a blog series to educate independent filmmakers (Verčič et al., 2015). That will create awareness about the studio.

    Section 10: Campaign Budget


    Amount (In $)

    Sponsored SEO


    TV and Radio advertising



    Social Media Advertising


    Digital public relations


    Labor expenses




    Maintenance of Equipment








    Section 11: KPIs

    In this section, the key performance indicators of all the marketing techniques that are used by Tatum Studios Corporation will be identified. The marketing techniques that will be used are search engine optimization, social media marketing, radio and TV advertising, and digital public relations.

    Starting and experienced independent filmmakers

    Starting and experienced independent filmmakers

    Starting and experienced independent filmmakers





    Search Engine Optimization

    To reach more than 1,000 people through the company’s website

    To increase the visibility of the studio and promote its brand.

    The company should reach at least 500 people through their website monthly

    Starting and experienced independent filmmakers

    Social media marketing

    To attract customer interactions via social media and create customer engagement

    To increase awareness about the brand and engage the customers to promote customer satisfaction (Tuten, 2020)

    Sign an average of 50 new contracts monthly from people who learned about the studio via social media marketing.

    Radio and TV advertising

    To promote the brand of the studio through educating the viewers and listeners of the radio and TV programs

    To create awareness about the studio and educate, and appeal to the aspiring or professional filmmakers

    Attract 100 new registrations from people who learned about the studio via radio and TV advertising.

    Digital Public Relations

    Create effective and meaningful relationships with the target audience.

    To educate the people who want to become independent filmmakers and appeal them to sign contracts with the studio

    Sign an average of 50 new contracts monthly from people who learned about the studio via digital public relations and receive more than 100 queries and feedback from customers

    Section 12: Analytics

    In this case, the analytics of how the campaign’s success will be measured will be explained. The objective of the marketing campaign is to increase awareness about the studios thus increase the number of customers. Tatum Studios targets independent filmmakers. The studios offer a variety of services at very low prices. To measure the campaign’s success, the number of customers that have been attracted by each marketing technique will be identified.
    The customers that visit the studios will be asked to indicate how they heard about the studio as they fill out the registration form.
    The data will be compiled and divided according to the marketing technique that was used to reach the customer.
    The data will be analyzed monthly to indicate the number of new customers from the various marketing techniques monthly. That will be used to measure the effectiveness of the marketing techniques and identify the most successful marketing techniques. That will be used to identify the marketing techniques that may be used effectively and come up with strategies that may be used to improve the performance of the marketing techniques that are performing poorly.


    Finne, Å., & Grönroos, C. (2017). Communication-in-use: customer-integrated marketing communication. European Journal of Marketing.

    Tuten, T. L. (2020). Social media marketing. Sage.

    Verčič, D., Verčič, A. T., & Sriramesh, K. (2015). Looking for digital in public relations. Public relations review, 41(2), 142-152.

    �23/25- Overall, a very good introduction. Some formatting issues and a little repetitive. To make this section “sleeker,” I would actually delete the first paragraph.

    �I appreciate the definition of integrated marketing, but you can remove this paragraph. You have a strong introduction in the next paragraph.

    �12/25- Still missing an explanation of why your budget is allocated this way. This is stated directly in the grading rubric and my recorded lectures. Also, is this for the year or monthly? That needs to be stated.

    �20/25- Overall, good effort here, however, you need to switch the content from KPIs to target. The target is the actual, desired and numerical result that you want. This is stated in the recorded lectures (class seven specifically) covering Assignment Three.

    �8/25- Sadly this section is not following laid out in grading rubric or the live lectures.

    �What marketing programs will you use specifically to measure results?

    �Website form?

    �With respect, what does this mean?

    �Again, which analytical programs will you use? Google Analytics? Hootsuite? Constant Contact?

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