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Module 04 Course Project – Power Struggles

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This section will focus on identifying the power differences between the two parties in the ongoing negotiation. In the situation between Nikki and Michelle there is a definite power differential between the two parties. Power can be derived from many sources. For this part of the project review the scenario fact pattern and address the following questions in your paper:

1. Compare and contrast the power differential between the parties. Where does Nikki derive her source of power? Identify whether Michelle has a source of power.

2. Create a list of how the party perceived to be in the “lesser power position” should prepare and proceed with the negotiation. Relate your list to the facts of this case.

In your paper, follow standard mechanics in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Provide proper APA cited research: in text and full citations.


Nikki is the manager of a small-midsize call center that handles orders for a national chain of floral shops, InBloom Flowers. She recently implemented a policy change based on the needs of InBloom. Previously, employees worked from 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday through Friday. Due to an increase in orders, InBloom requested that the call center expand its hours and add Saturdays (Saturdays seem to be a high need day). In order to fulfill this request, Nikki changed the hours to 7:00 am-6:00 pm Monday through Friday, and to 8:00 am-4:00 pm on Saturdays. This change means that employees will be given a new schedule based on their seniority. Those with the most seniority were allowed to pick their shift first. Below are the shift options

A: 7:00 am-3:00 pm M-F

B: 10:00am-6:00pm M-F

C: 7:00am-3:00 pm Tuesday-Saturday (8:00-4:00pm on Saturdays)

D: 10:00am-6:00 pm Tuesday-Saturday (8:00-4:00pm on Saturdays)

Obviously, those with seniority were able to pick their ideal shift while those with less seniority were left with less options. One of those who felt that she received a less than ideal shift was Michelle. Even though she has worked for the call center for over two years and is a stellar employee, because of the longevity and lack of turnover in the call center, she ranked around the bottom 20% for picking a shift. Michelle ended up with Shift D: 10:00am-6:00 pm Tuesday-Saturday (8:00-4:00pm on Saturdays). Furious with this shift assignment she wants to meet with Nikki and demand that she get a shift that better fits her home life responsibilities. Michelle is a single mom and has an ideal daycare provider who only has hours from 8:30-5:30 Monday through Friday.

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