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· TERM PAPER PART 2: Statistics in Quantitative Methods or Mixed Methods (any one method of research)

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The purpose of the assignment is to develop skills associated with selecting and applying methods for data collection, stationary and time series data analysis and hypothesis testing.

Data collection
Identify the sources that will offer the information that you need to answer the research question (journals, books, internet resources, government documents, people, etc).

1. What data do you plan to acquire to answer your research question? Why? What kinds of instruments, variables, materials, or sources will you use (i.e. will you use observations, surveys, interviews, case studies, focus groups, experiments, documents, media, data base searches, etc.)? If you plan to use mixed methods, will they be sequential, concurrent or transformative? Why?

2. List the kinds of data/information that you plan to collect (e.g. testimonials, statistics, business/government reports, other research data, audio/video recordings, etc.). Also, consider two or three alternative ways you could gather data/information for this research.

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3. If you plan to use research participants, where will they come from? How will they be sampled? How many participants will you require? If you are not using research participants, who will you use as the target audience of your data? Who would most benefit from your research, and why?

4. Business research topics relate to events that develop in time.

· Explain how would you acquire a snapshot of data relevant to your research question. Within the snapshot, the data become effectively stationary.

· Consider the evolution of data with time. How would you acquire the time series data relevant to your research question?

5. What ethical issues will your research project present? What biases might you bring to the research and how will you address that bias?

Analysis of stationary data

1. What method will you choose to analyze the stationary data that you plan to collect?

2. Has this method of data analysis been applied in similar situations by other authors? Include references and illustrations from the literature to show the advantages and disadvantages of the method.

3. Attach a worked out example of application of the method using simulated or previously published data.

4. How will you validate your findings/conclusions?

Testing hypotheses

1. State you hypotheses.

2. Explain whether your hypotheses will be tested using frequentist or Bayesian approach, and justify the choice.

3. Have similar hypotheses been tested by other authors? Include references and illustrations from the literature.

4. Attach a worked out example of hypothesis testing using simulated or previously published data.

5. How will you validate your findings/conclusions?

Analysis and forecasting of time series

1. What method will you choose to analyze and forecast the time series data that you plan to collect?

2. Have these methods of data analysis and forecasting been applied in similar situations by other authors? Include references and illustrations from the literature to show their advantages and disadvantages.

3. Attach a worked out examples of analysis and forecasting using simulated or previously published data.

4. How will you validate your findings/conclusions?


mpactof Service Quality,

Customer Satisfaction


Brand Image

and other factors on

Customer Loyalty

in banking

Research Methodology

Sampling and Data Collection: The study would be based upon the population of Singapore, who are customers of various banks. The sampling customers would be heterogeneous, and which holds savings or current accounts. As the research is quantitative so quantitative data has been used in terms of questionnaires, and all the instruments in quantitative are well defined in prior researches. A multi-stage sampling design will be used. First, the list of banks such as HSBC, Citibank Singapore, Standard Charted Bank, will be chosen. The customer’s file will be extracted from different banks. Then the study will involve the stratification sampling of the people based upon the age of the customer and the education level. After filtering a specific age group from





years old and based upon education level, random sampling will be applied to the list. The research involves many variables such as CSR, brand Image, service recovery, etc., which requires mature and educated people to handle those questions, so the people were filtered out accordingly. When particular people are random, sampling will be done. The sample size will be based upon the formula. (Park & Kim,





N= Z*Z*p*(1-p)/d*d

N= Sample Size,

Z= value based upon confidence level

P= population proportion

D= Margin of error (Normally 5%)

From the above formula, we find our sample size to be


respondents. As the study involves questionnaires that are lengthy and involves many variables, a 2$, as token money, will be shared with respondents on successful completion of the survey on time. When the questionnaire is ready, the survey monkey platform would be used to extract the data from the sample people. The survey monkey is already being by many researchers in the past researches in obtaining data from people to conduct hypothesis testing.

The data can also be collected based upon the telephonic conversation with the chosen sample people. The people would answer one to one based upon the questions being asked on the other end. This method is not convenient as compared to email, as questionnaires being lengthy, the sample people would not be interested in devoting all of the time in a single call. Apart from that, the researcher needs to ask for a convenient time from the sample people and plan accordingly. This process is time-consuming as the research needs to have at least 200 customers, and this telephonic survey would consume a lot of time. The same hurdles apply in the face to face data collection method.

Target Demographic Profile of Respondents (N=200)










Respondents Division



Percentage (%)















High School or Above

As we are dealing with banking customers, many ethical issues such as revealing the identity of the people, which also pose a security threat in the minds of respondents. This issue will be sorted out as the bank will not provide the exact name of their customers, but only the first two letters of their first and last name. With this, the identity of the customers will be in safe hands. The monkey survey has also been in the contract that after the research gets over, all the data would be destroyed at their end.

Many biases could arise from this research. Preferences such as inclusive bias, where samples are chosen for convenience. This bias has been removed as after filtering out the desired population; random sampling will be done on them to extract 200 respondents from the data. The monkey survey is an efficient platform that would help in reducing the procedural biases and response biases, as it would not pressurize the people in completing out the study during rush hours or peak time. Measurement bias that arises from the faulty scale will be removed from this study as the components of the instrument would be based upon the previous researches, which are well-published data and journals. The biases could not be removed completely, but with the steps mentioned above, it could be reduced to as low as possible.

Analysis of Data

The descriptive analysis will be used in this study, which includes the mean and standard deviations of the independent variable, dependent variables, and the mediating variables. To find a working relationship among various variables, each variable would be having a particular set of questions. This study consists of a total of


5 questions reflecting the different variables requirements and their relationship with each other. To analyze the data for this study, Cronbach’s alpha values will be used to confirm whether the questionnaires and the variables used for checking customer loyalty is a reliable instrument or not. According to (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010), for inner consistency, these alpha values were regarded as acceptable because they were above the limit value 0.


0. The reliability and internal compatibility of various variables such as tangibility, reliability, assurance, empathy, communication, satisfaction, responsiveness, service recovery, corporate social responsibility, brand image, and loyalty in the instrument will be tested based upon Cronbach’s alpha values.

To increase the effectiveness of the questionnaire, the various items and scales of the surveys were modified and designed by multiple previous researches described in the literature review. 5 point Likert scale, reflecting 1 for strongly disagree, 2 for disagree, 3 for neutral,


for agree, and 5 for strongly agree, will be used to analyze the data provided by respondents. (Qasem & Alhakimi, 20


). The below questionnaire is designed to teach all the variables and their effect on customer loyalty. All the below elements in the form of variables and surveys were tested using Chronbach’s alpha values and were found quite suitable. The reference for this instrument is available in Appendix-1, 2, 3. (Lau et al., 20



Sr No


Questionnaires and Variables for the respondents






Strongly Agree


Customer Loyalty


I will prioritize my bank when selecting the same type of banking service among banks


I will continue to choose my current bank’s products or services


I agree that I am an HSBC’s loyal customer




The bank can provide customers the services as promised


The bank can provide accurate service to customers.


The bank can honor their commitments.




Staffs are knowledgeable to solve customers’ problems


Staffs have the enthusiasm to understand customer needs.


Staffs consider customer needs in the first place




Customers can feel a sense of security during the transaction process


Banking service can increase customers’ confidence and trust in quality services


Staff can provide customers prompt and appropriate services




The equipment of the bank is sufficient and visible for customers’ usage


The bank facilities and designs make customers feel comfortable


Sufficient staffs are available to provide customers banking services




Staffs can provide customers precise personal services


Staffs can understand customers’ needs


Staffs are helpful to customers


Customer Satisfaction


I feel satisfied when using my Banking services


I am satisfied with the overall service quality of my bank


Overall, I have a good and positive impression on my bank


Corporate Social Responsibility


This bank is socially responsible.


This bank protects the environment.


This bank contributes to the welfare of society


This bank contributes to the donation programs


Brand Image


This bank has a good image in the mind of customers


This bank has a unique image


The hotel is conveniently located


I have a good impression of this hotel


Service Recovery


The service failure is rectified in a given time


The service failure has been rectified with dignity


The explanation for the service failure has been explained clearly


The appropriate compensation has been provided on time

Summary of proposed Instrument


Customer Satisfaction

(Mei et al., 2013)


> 0.80

Customer Loyalty

(Mei et al., 2013)


> 0.80

Corporate Social Responsibility


> 0.80

Service Recovery


> 0.80

Brand Image

(Liat, 2017)


> 0.80



No. of Items

Cronbach’s alpha

Service Quality (5 variables)

(Mei et al., 2013)

> 0.80

(Al-Ghamdi, & Badawi, 2019)

(Liat, 2017)

Hypothesis Testing

H1o: There has been no positive impact of Service quality on customer satisfaction in the banking industry context

H2o: There has been no positive impact of Service quality on customer loyalty in the banking industry context

H3o: There has been no positive impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in the banking industry context

H4o: Brand image does not have a mediating effect between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the banking industry context.

H5o: There has been no positive impact of Service recovery on customer satisfaction in the banking industry context

H6o: There has been no positive impact of CSR on customer satisfaction in the banking industry concept

H7o: There has been no positive impact of CSR on customer loyalty in the banking industry concept

Steps to do the hypothesis testing in general regression analyses

Step 1. The significance level alpha (α) will be set. As per various research mentioned in the literature review, many researchers have taken the significance level α to be 0.05, so this study would also take the same significance level.

Step 2. The p-value will be computed based upon various online software such as Gretl

Step 3. If p-value < alpha (α), the null hypothesis will be rejected, and the alternate hypothesis will be accepted.

If p-value > alpha (α), the null hypothesis will not be rejected, and the alternate hypothesis will be not be proved.

Bayesian approach will be used in this study to test the hypothesis, because in Bayesian approach apart from working on the model it has the history or previous worked out data based upon the model. Then the result of the new research can be added to the previous framework concept with new data.

Concerning the conceptual framework (Fig. 2), service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty will be analyzed by regression analyses. In that, the beta value (β) would be calculated as well, showing the relation between variables. Further, the p-value will be calculated using software and will be compared with the significance value (α= 0.05). The decision of whether to negate the null hypothesis H1o, and H3o will be based upon the comparison mention above in three steps. Apart from that, the R-square value of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty will be calculated in the regression model to show the strength of the relationship between them. The same process would be repeated in defining the direct link between independent variables such as service quality and service recovery on customer loyalty. The p-value would be calculated, and based upon the three testing steps mentioned, the decision on null hypothesis H2o, and H5o would be taken. The reference for this analysis has been shown in Appendix 4.

Further, the study would analyze the mediation effect of brand image on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In-order to prove the mediation effect, the three conditions are to be met. First, customer satisfaction (Independent variable) should positively influence customer loyalty (dependent variable). Second, again customer satisfaction should positively impact the brand image (Mediating variable). Finally, the brand image (Mediating variable) should positively influence customer loyalty, which is the dependent variable. (Baron & Kenny, 1986). All of the three conditions for the mediation will be tested and verified based upon the beta (β) values and the corresponding p-value. Then the Sobel Test, a test used for intervention, will be applied to check the mediating effect of the variable on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. As per the research conducted by (Cheng 2017), it was found that the brand image shows the positive mediation effect, with p-value < 0.05 (less than the significance value, α). So the same test will be considered, and the null hypothesis H4o will be negated if the p-value comes out to be less than 0.05. The reference for this analysis has been shown in Appendix 5.

Further, the regression analyses will be done to find out the effect of corporate social responsibility on customer satisfaction and on customer loyalty. The questionnaire instrument will be used and further analyzed to find out the beta (β) coefficients, standard errors, and relative p-value. The same steps for comparing the p-value with significance value (α) will be done. Based upon that, the decision on null hypothesis H6o and H7o will be taken whether to negate the null hypothesis and to conclude that the alternate suggestion i.e., CSR having a positive influence on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is correct, or there is no significant relationship between the variables are true. The research in this field has been conducted by (Park & Kim, 2019), and its hypothesis testing is shown in Appendix 6.

Research Time Table





























































































April (Week Wise)

May (Week Wise)

June (Week Wise)

1 2 3 4

Finding Research Topic-based upon the interest


Literature Review

Research Methodology

Data Sampling and Collection

Data Analysis

Hypothesis testing

Conclusion and recommendations

Research Budget











Sr. No.

Cost Description

Cost in USD

Questionnaire Filling form money to respondents


Monkey Survey Consultancy


Assistant Salary

Office Supplies

Banking Data extraction- Appointments with bank officials

Travelling Cost on Taxi







Charan, J., & Biswas, T. (2013). How to Calculate Sample Size for Different Study Designs in Medical Research? Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 35(2), 121–126.

Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2010). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach (5th ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Park, E., & Kim, K. J. (2019). What drives “customer loyalty”? The role of corporate social responsibility. Sustainable Development, 27(3), 304–311.



Showing the reliability of various components of the test instrument with Chronbach’s alpha. (Liat, 2017)

Appendix 3.

Showing the reliability of various components of the test instrument with Chronbach’s alpha.(Al-Ghamdi, & Badawi, 2019)

Appendix 4.

Appendix 5.




Term Paper 1

Chandra Sekhar Reddy Erigela


University Canada West

Professor: Dr. Shirley Tang

RSCH 600 Research Methodologies and Inquiry

30th August 2020

Organizational Conflicts: Causes, Negative Impacts, Benefits, and Solutions


Over the years, the concept of conflict has acquired multiple meanings and connotations, and this has left many scholars and administrators quite unsure about its meaning and relevance, and therefore, the best ways to cope with it. Conflicts are inevitable in any one’s life as long as they are in an environment that has other people. Conflict is also a process where one party feels that another party is opposing its interests. In most cases, people only see the observable nature of the conflict, which includes being angry and bad words, but conflict is deeper than that. It is considered a perpetual gift of life, but it depends on the viewpoint of the parties involved. Some people see conflict as a negative situation, which makes the life of those affected harder, while others see it as a necessary tool for management. Other people may see it also a tool for growth or making them better people in the society. It all depends on the person and how they view conflict (Omisore & Abiodun, 2014).

Conflict can be defined as the struggle over claims and values to scarce status, resources, and power, whereby the opponents aim to neutralize, harm, or eliminate their rivals. Conflict in organizations has some characteristics like; it is natural, it can be reasonable and necessary, and the basis of many conflicts is on real differences (Omisore & Abiodun, 2014). Conflicts mostly occur when working with toxic people who may be defined as those that show patterns of counterproductive behaviors, which may affect their workmates and the organization as a whole. Conflicts have some adverse effects like; it may cause stress, anxiety, or depression to those who are subjected to it, it may reduce the productivity of the company, especially where the workers don’t get along well, and it can generally affect relationships among people. The proposed benefits include; improved understanding of the task at hand, improved decision making, and team development (Overton & Lowry, 2013).

This topic attracted my attention because conflicts in any organization will cause significant issues such as a decrease in productivity. In some severe cases, it might also lead to Hugh amount of wealth loss to the companies. This paper shall look at the various aspects of conflict, including its classification, causes, negative implications, benefits, and solutions. This paper also explains various causes of conflicts and why these conflicts are caused. The impact of these conflicts are unknown, so this paper also provides some of the benefits along with the solutions to resolve this conflict to increase productivity among organizations.

Literature Review

Classification of Conflict

Omisore & Abiodun (2014) classified conflict in various ways which include; relationship conflict which is caused by incompatibility among the members of the organization which may be due to animosity, tension, personal clashes, and annoyance, task conflicts which are caused by the disagreements about the contents of a task and the set objectives and are due uneven distribution of resources, differing interpretation of facts, and differences in the procedures to be followed, and process conflicts which arise to how a particular task has to be done and the how roles and responsibilities should be awarded to those involved. The authors also classify conflicts as interpersonal, intragroup, interdepartmental, and inter-organizational. Classification of conflicts is an essential step in understanding its concept better.

Thakore (2013) also expounds on forms of conflict. The first category is an intrapersonal conflict that is experienced internally by a person but may also affect those around them. It is considered one of the most challenging forms of conflict to manage. It occurs when an individual is torn between two incompatible tendencies, and they have to discriminate between the two, which often leads to them expressing frustration. The second classification is intergroup, which occurs among members of different groups. It is widespread in organizations. For instance, there might exist conflicts between the manufacturing department and the marketing department on how many units to produce. The third classification is intragroup, which occurs between teams and groups. It can be classified further as relationship and task conflicts. The other classification is an inter-organizational conflict that takes place between two or more organizations.

Yasmin & Aleya (2017) show their efforts as well in trying to classify conflicts. In their work, they perform a qualitative study to be able to accomplish their objects. They use various sources like newspapers, scholarly articles, and books to describe the forms of conflict as follows; an interpersonal conflict that takes place between two individuals, which may be caused due to differences in views, beliefs, and lifestyles. The second classification is an intrapersonal conflict or intrapsychic conflict, which occurs in an individual. It might occur due to one own ideologies, thoughts, and emotions. The third classification is an intergroup conflict that arises between two groups, which have different viewpoints on a particular issue. Lastly, an intragroup conflict that takes place among the individuals in the same group.

Causes of Conflict

Isa (2015) points out that conflicts are bound to happen in any organization. In his article, he lists several factors that lead to conflict, and they include; poor communication, which hinders the effective passing of information from one party to the other. Poor communication has been considered as the leading cause of conflict in organizations. Lack of enough information may make the employees make assumptions and, therefore, make poor decisions that may have a negative effect on the whole organization. The other causes are; differences in personalities considering that the employees come from different backgrounds, and they have different beliefs as well, lack of enough resources to share equally, stress due to mental or emotional pressure, and sexual harassment, which targets a person because of their sex.

Murerwa & Guantai (2019) also talk about various causes of conflict in an organization. Interpersonal conflict is caused by individual dissimilarities, which include; personality, behavior, culture, opinions, approaches, views, and beliefs. Power struggle also causes conflict, especially where two individuals are competing for a position of power in an organization. Personality conflict is caused differences in drives or where there is malice towards each other. The conflict between the man and the society may be caused where the individual stands against an institution, practices, and social evils such as human trafficking, oppression, and corruption, to mention but a few. Other causes of conflict include; scarcity of resources, which sometimes is called economic conflict and value conflict, which occurs due to differences in ideologies.

Tonder, Havenga, & Visagie (2008) researched sources of conflict where they considered one local public authority, and one private agricultural company. The former was a nonprofit organization while the latter was profit-oriented. The data was collected utilizing questionnaires to explore the participants’ views on the causes of conflict in organizations. The study also utilized a 4-point Likert scale to determine the extent of agreement or disagreement with the provided causes of conflicts in organizations. From the results, it was possible to point out some of the causes of conflicts. Employees indicated that many of the conflicts resulted from the actions of the management, which may seem racially related and workplace discrimination, which may also be referred to as abusive of power. Other causes include; lack of physical resources, adoption of new technology, shortage of adequate personnel, and scope and content of work, to mention but a few.

Negative Implications of Conflict

Ongori (2008) performed quantitative research intending to understand organizational conflict and how it affects the performance of the organization. The study employed managers from various organizations as participants. The researcher used questionnaires in which the first sections required demographic information, while the rest of the documents had open-ended questions. The study showed that if not managed well, the conflict could easily lead to reduced performance of the employees. Conflict also leads to a lack of cooperation among the employees or between the management and the workers who also affect the productivity of the company. The researcher also discovered that conflict leads to wastage of resources, which adds expenses to the organization. Therefore, conflict interferes with the normal functioning of the organization.

Gwakwa (2015) also talks about the adverse effects of conflict on both individuals and organizations. The author does both qualitative and quantitative studies to reach his goal. Data was collected by the use of questionnaires, telephone interviews, and existing material. If the conflict is not managed well, there is a risk of promoting presenteeism, which is a high turnover in companies. Employers do not quit their jobs, but they allow others to take on their responsibilities. It’s like the employees have retired from their work, but they still perform the essential functions as required of them if they have to. Such mentality affects the performance of the business, which leads to a reduction in profits made. Allowing uneven distribution of the workload does not guarantee the long-term survival of the organization as well. Other effects include; loss of customers, increased absenteeism, and morale problems, among others.

Erol-Korkmaz (2019) did a study on organizational conflict to establish the various adverse effects associated with the situation. The participants were various academic members. Data was collected via questionnaires, which were divided into the demographics section and coping style questionnaire. The results were that the individuals who were victims of employees had a reduced performance in the organization. This was primarily due to the fact the management hadn’t provided practical ways of dealing with conflict, most of the time leaving the employees to deal with conflict on their own. The individuals affected by conflict seemed to be stressed, and this affected their relationship with the rest of the members in their organization. Therefore, this prompts the organization to invest in practical conflict management approaches for the betterment of the working environment.

Benefits of Conflict

Hussein & Al-Mamary (2019) discussed the concepts of conflict and their effects. One specific part they talked about is the positive effects of conflict. This means that conflict is not always negative, as many people may think of it. Some of the benefits include; individuals are influenced to work harder and exert more effort, it satisfies specific psychological requirements such as egos, dominance, and esteems, it gives creative and productive ideas, they lead to social changes which ensure that work lives are not always monotonous, it leads to better understanding among people and influences coordination among them, it increases creativity by allowing parties to compete towards finding solutions to specific problems, and they also discourage premature group decision making which would have caused detrimental effects to the organization.

Yarbag (2015) also talks about some of the benefits of conflict in organizations. Conflict pushes workers to express their creativeness to the highest level as possible because of trying to prove their viewpoint as being better than the other groups. In the process, new ideas are also generated, and these might be very helpful to the organization. In trying to prove their points, the workers will be prompted to carry research on the issue, and in the process, they may discover things they had not anticipated. This also improves the creativity of the members. The members can then present their findings to the management to support their claim. This improves the performance of the organization. Conflict also gives the organization a chance to resolve problems that had been overlooked before.

Potluri, Puttam, Pemula, & Butta (2014) describe conflict as necessary evils in their article. Conflict encourages novelty and transforms where members are required to do away with some of their unwanted character traits. Conflict also encourages better decision making because all the facts are considered before arriving at an inevitable conclusion. It also leads to group cohesiveness by encouraging discussions among the members. Conflict may also hold up the goals of the group, and in the process, percolate its performance. Conflict also gives the management an idea that certain unwanted practices are present in the company, which makes them address the issues to prevent them from affecting the whole organization. Conflict encourages internal and external transformation. It also acts as a prospect for people to check their performance.

Solutions to Conflict

Overton & Lowry (2013) talk about the various ways of achieving conflict management. The first step towards resolving conflict is by setting a safe environment, as pointed out by many materials. A safe environment guarantees the participants that they will be respected and treated fairly. The second one is communication trust, which ensures that people will be honest in what they share with others and keep private information confidential. Lastly, capability trust, which gives all the members present an assurance that each one of them will deliver on their promises. In a safe environment, various models can be used to achieve conflict management. For instance, VALUED model which entails value, ask open-ended questions, listen to test assumptions, uncover interests, explore options, and decide on solutions.

Madalina (2016) also expounds on various approaches to achieve conflict management. The researcher utilizes an observation method to collect the relevant data to aid in concluding the topic of interest. The approach recommended for the study is conflict management through effective communication. This model consists of the following aspects; encouraging the members of the organization to send their honest feedback to the management on various issues. Management should be able to participate in both formal and informal means of communication to understand their employees fully. This also ensures that the employees participate in the conflict management process without hindrances. Communication should be clear and easily understood by the parties present. Lastly, messages should be delivered as facts and not insinuations.

Hossain (2017) explains the effects of conflict on employee performance and various ways to solve a conflict. The author used primary sources to collect data, and they included reports, government publications, and letters, among others. The study defines five conflict-handling intentions which include; competing where one individual wishes to achieve their goals regardless of those around them, collaborating where individuals with differences come together to make something out of it, avoiding where an employee decides not to participate in a conflict, accommodating where one party puts the interests of the other above its own and compromising where there is no clear winner or loser. Organizations and individuals may apply these approaches according to the extent of conflict to help them find common ground.

Literature Gap

The articles considered do not speak of professional models that have been set up to deal with conflicts in organizations. The methods used are rather conventional and do not, at any point, see that conflict may be related to any health condition. Sometimes the conventional methods may not provide a solution to the problem at hand, and this means that the conflict may always arise because its root has not been dealt with. In such cases, conflict management may require third parties who have specialized in the process of dealing with conflict in a very effective way. The management and the workers may not always solve their problems on their own. Also, the benefits of conflict are not well-defined, and this calls for the need for more research on the same.

Problem Statement

The research is about the significant causes of conflict in organizations and the various methods of finding solutions. The research depends on data from other people’s work, which aims at finding solutions to conflict. The research justifies that there is a need to address the conflicts in an organization in a more professional way to avoid future reoccurrence of the same. It also seems that conflict has few benefits, as pointed out by some of the materials considered in this research. This is also a gap area which can be investigated further. I hope to learn more about organizational conflict, how to classify it, causes, effects, and solutions. The anticipated outcome is to be able to devise a practical approach to deal with the problems of conflict. Also, by conducting research, I would hope to learn why organizational conflicts arise in the first place and what these conflicts can result in. The research is important and useful because it will provide various parties with relevant information to help them understand organizational conflict better.

The gap area if this research is to deal with the conflicts professionally so that the problems that arise in the future regarding the conflicts can be solved effectively. By conducting research, we get to understand what are the critical reasons for the rise of conflicts in the first place, and the organizations can take the required measures to stop the conflicts. Also, after completing this research, this paper will provide a detailed explanation of some of the solutions that can be used to suppress the rise of the conflicts and also to solve a conflict that started and ongoing in the organizations. This research will help the researchers the various reasons for the conflict, along with some of the negative effects of these conflicts on the organizations. Researches can also be able to understand what informations is missing in the previous research, and the researcher will understand what steps to be taken for completing the missing research. For organizations and society, this research will help to identify the issues that cause the conflicts, and they can take the required steps to solve these issues by following the solutions provided in this paper.

Research Questions

The research questions as follows:

· What are the various forms and sources of conflicts in organizations, and what measures can an organization undertake to solve these conflicts?

· What are the negative implications of conflict on organizations? What are the proposed solutions to conflict?

Alternate research question:

· What are the impacts of organizational conflicts on organizational productivity and management, and what steps can be taken to resolve these conflicts?

The scope of my research is quite to provide information about the conflict and the various methods which can be adopted by organizations to deal with it effectively. The study also provides solutions on an individual basis. It shows that conflict is unavoidable, but individuals and organizations can learn to live with it. The scope is valid because it helps us to understand conflict and how we can live with it in our daily lives.


Aleya & Yasmin, K. (2017). Workplace conflicts: Classifications, causes, and management strategies. International Journal of Academic Research and Development, 2(4): 210-216.

Erol-Korkmaz, H.T. (2019). A diary study on organizational conflict: Augmenters of the negative effects of conflict. Turkish Journal of Psychology, 34(83): 38-43. DOI: 10.31828/tpd1300443320180124m000002

Gakwa, M. (2015). Conflict and violence prevention at workplace: Is it the grass that suffers/ Effects of conflict and violence on individual and organizational performance in Zimbabwe. European Scientific Journal February, 13(5): 231-257.

Henry, O. (2008). Organisational conflict and its effects on organisational performance. Research Journal of Business Management, 2(1): 16-24. Retrieved from

Hossain, Z. (2019). The impact of organizational conflict on employees’ performance in private commercial banks of Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 19(10): 12-21. DOI: 10.9790/487X-1910021221

Hussein, A.F.F., & Al-Mamary, Y.H.S. (2019). Conflicts: Their types and their negative and positive effects on organizations. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8(8): 10-13.

Isa, A. (2015). Conflicts in organizations: causes and consequences. Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research (JEPER), 2(11): 54-59. Retrieved from

Madalina, O. (2016). Conflict management, a new challenge. Procedia Economics and Finance, 39 ( 2016 ): 807 – 814. DOI: 10.1016/S2212-5671(16)30255-6

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Organizational Conflicts: Causes, Negative Impacts, Benefits, and Solutions


Organizational conflicts are some of the major disturbances that occurs in corporate companies and these conflicts leads to some of major and drastic looses to the company it might be profit or sometime it might be reputation of the company or it might be some form of personal problems


Conflicts in organizations always results a negative effect but some time these conflicts also acts as motivation for the other employees to work hard for the company and it might eventually increase the company’s productivity. This paper is gong to elaborate some of the major cause of these conflicts and the negative impacts that these conflicts bring upon the individuals in the company and to the company itself. All these causes and the negative impacts are going to be collected from the data that this paper is going to collect by using the quantitative research method. This paper also provides some of the solutions those can be used against these conflicts and the solutions that can be adopted to solve the conflicts by conducting various quantitative research among several people in the corporate companies.

Data collection and presentation

Imai, (2018) Research data is gathered using a variety of methodologies, research data takes many different forms like videos, images, artefacts and diaries that are later presented in a research project so that they are effectively analyzed quantitatively using statistical tools through inferential and descriptive data analysis techniques. This information is collected, stored, and processed to produce and validate the original research results. Primary data sources like observations, surveys and interview and focus groups could be more advantageous in the research, collected data in research projects is obtained from different sources. For this these primary sources are very important because these data collected will help this research to identify what are the major causes of the organizational conflicts and what negative impact it caused on them can be learned effectively. The collected data is later converted into a readable- machine that is inform of a numeric format used for appropriate analysis by the computer programs. Stored data should be presented in a spreadsheet or database that can always be recognized when in demand. The stored data has to be frequently checked for accuracy via the occasional in spot checks on a given set of items on observations during the time of entry. During data entry, the researcher has to check the coder for bad data’s common evidence adequately. Missing data has always been an inevitable part of any form of the empirical data set. In the field, respondents may not be up to answer some questions as they may appear ambiguously worded or too sensitive.

The participants used for this research are the people that work in the organizations because this paper is mainly focused on the organizational conflicts. By using participants that works in organizations will helps us to get as much information as possible. All of the participants are sampled from different departments of an organization so that the information can be collected broader and it helps to understand the study effectively. The required number of participants required to take part in any research would depend on the researcher’s profile towards convincing an elite person to accept to get interviewed. To secure access to senior managers at the beginning of processes does not necessarily mean that the research would not be collected data from them. Research participants include vulnerable and elite participants. Vulnerable participants are specifically human beings considered to be susceptible to endure a given influence in a research setting. At times, this group entails persons who may be considered incapable of getting to understand what it means to participate in a given research. Vulnerable individuals have a demised capacity to anticipate, cope with, or become resistible to be in a position of recovering from the impact from a human -made hazard or a natural cause. The vulnerable groups may be up consisting of individuals who cannot care for themselves and have an increased chance of self-harm or the likelihood of harming others.

Chu, Lin, Gao, Xin, Zhang, & Wang, (2016) states that research that entails vulnerability occurs when the participants are not in a position to protect a person’s interests and thus increase the probability of being intentionally or unintentionally harmed. The vulnerability can result from the inability of a person to understand and provide informed consent related to an unequal power relationship that is always up to hindering the basic rights. During research studies, an experienced researcher needs to interview the elite status people by making appropriate preparations, establishing appropriate trust, and facing interpersonal challenges that may occur during the interview. This means that interviewing individuals in senior positions in the organizations should show up unique methodological challenges that had not been there before, especially for the less experienced researchers, due to the power imbalance between the interviewee and interviewer. The target audience for this study are the people that works in organizations, entrepreneurs, and corporate employees. Because most of this study focus on the conflicts in organizations it helps the employees and business entrepreneurs to get to know what type of conflicts will arise and how to handle such conflict after reading this paper.

Ethical Issues and Biases Consideration

Merino-Saum, Clement, Wyss, & Baldi, (2020) stated that research ethics involves the daily requirements at work, protecting subject dignity, and publication in the research. There are several ethical issues that will rise in this research. At first is the identity of the participants, because we are interviewing several employees from an organization. If their identity gets reveled that will lead to the loose of employment or it might lead to rise of conflicts. Next is reveal of the research data is also major concern because if the data is revealed to unknown sources it might lead to the damage of the company reputation and it might also leads to some serious lawsuits. Research ethics should be established in the dissection process. Therefore, when tackling ethical issues and challenges in the dissertation, it’s important to consider the research strategies that one can easily adopt and impact it through ethical issues. To eliminate the biases in the research all the collected data is taken into consideration from all the collected samples. Because some of the collected data is reliable as most of the participants are working employees of an organizations. Since they are all working in the same organization everyone will or should have faced some form of the conflicts. So, there is no chance of intentional bias but sometimes there will be a chance of unintentional bias.

Analysis of stationary data

Rabbani, Ayatollahi, & Jivkov, (2017) stated that stationary data analysis entails statistical properties, such as the mean, autocorrection, and variance within a given time, that are all are all constant. The statistical forecasting methods are mostly based on the assumption that the time series can appropriately be rendered approximately stationary through mathematical transformations. At times stationaries series predictions can appropriately be untransformed by reversing the existing mathematical transformations that had previously been in use in obtaining effective predictions for the original series. A stationaries series in most times it’s relatively easy for an individual to predict. A researcher should be able to predict that the study’s statistical properties will have to be in the same future just the way they have been in the past. Stationing a time series is always of great importance as a researcher may obtain meaningful sample statistics like the mean, variance, variables, and corrections; these statistics usually serve as future descriptors only if the series is stationary.

Stationary time series is important because the type of tools used in the time series analysis and forecasting is that they both assume stationarity. At times they help researchers identify the driving factors in their research studies such that when a change in time is detected, there is an equal change in some other time series, which may be able to infer a correlation. In cases where a time series is necessary, this clearly defines a lack of a broad trend in the provided data. This is always of great importance, mainly because there is always a close consideration in the time series forecasting. After detrending and deseasonalizing a given time series, the researcher tests the residual time series to enhance stationarity as a stationary time series can be able to have an autoregressive behavior that tells about the short time trends in the time of series.

Descriptive data analysis entails statistically presenting and describing the constructs of interest in between the constructs (Galindo-Martín, Castaño-Martínez, & Méndez-Picazo, 2019). The inferential analysis only involves the testing of hypotheses. Data coding is the process of converting data into a numeric format. This is achieved through a codebook that guides the coding process; thus, a codebook should be more comprehensive. It contains a well detailed descriptive data of variables in research studies. This includes the measures of each of the items in response to the ratio scale. Data coding is most important in large complex studies that may involve several variables and measurable items. Coded data must be fed in the database or spreadsheets into statistical programs like the SPSS. Most of these programs provide a data editor that is more effective in entering data; these programs can store data in their native format. As a result, it becomes more complex to share the stored data with the other statistical programs in a particular institution.

During data, some of the statistical programs can automatically treat blank entries as missing values, while others need numeric values to be denoted as a missing value, at times the missing values have to be just one of the items on a multi-item scale (Ibrahim, Hanna, Russell, Aboutaleb, & El-adaway, 2020). Still, if the missing value belongs to a single-item scale, researchers should use the average of other respondents to the scale’s remaining items. These imputations seem to be biased if the missing value is in a systematic nature rather than a random nature.

According to Xu, He, Zhang, (2020), data transformation is important mainly because data values have to be effectively transformed before meaningfully interpreted. Reverse coded items should convey the coded opposite meaning of data. The other meaning of data entails creating scale measures by adding the individual scale items. Observational data can be effectively captured through the observation of a behavior or a particular activity. When data becomes collected by using human beings through observation, open-ended surveys, or an instrument or sensor to monitor and record an observation, this is so because the type of observational data provided has to be captured in real-time. The most advantage noted in observational research is that it enables businesses to observe potential customers in a natural setting, which can be up to revealing penetrating insights that become unavailable through several records like surveys and focus groups. The observational research studies help researchers to be in a position of modifying their vantage point that is based on real-time variables. Experimental data is collected through active intervention by the researcher to produce and measure change into creating a difference when a particular variable becomes altered. Experimental data typically allows the researcher to determine a causal relationship and is projected to a larger population. Simulation data is generated by limiting the operation of a real-world process over a specified time using computer-based models.

Longest (2019).  Data simulation is used to determine what would happen under certain conditions. Simulation data enables experimentation on a valid digital representation of a particular system. Simulation provides a researcher with the ability to analyze the models as it runs set in simulation modeling that is apart compared with other methods. Compiled data involves using the existing data points, often from different data sources, to create new data through some data transformation. Quantifiable information can be used in calculations and statistical analysis in that the real-life decisions can be made based on the derived mathematical derivations. Quantitative data makes measurement more controllable. Quantitative data is usually collected for statistical analysis using surveys and questionnaires sent to a specific section of a population. Qualitative data collection checks out several factors that are up to establishing an understanding depth of raw information. For these, researchers should develop a more systematic empirical study to effectively comprehend data analysis of the empirical experiences needed to develop an in-depth understanding of the arising issues and the resultant strategy to be adopted. Sampling is a technique that allows researchers to infer information of a particular population that is based on the results from a subset of a population. This can be done without getting into the investigations of every individual.

Mishra, Pandey, Singh, Gupta, Sahu, & Keshri, (2019). When a researcher decides to reduce the population number of individuals in a study, this greatly reduces cost and workload. At times reducing the workload and costs may be easier towards obtaining high-quality information. Still, the procedure has to be balanced in a manner that one is capable of establishing a true association. In cases where samples are used, it’s nice that the selected individuals represent the whole population. This measure may involve specifically targeting people who are so hard to get

Taking hypothesis

Matviychuk, Steamers Harbou, & Holland, (2020). This is the method used in selecting samples to help a researcher learn more about particular characteristics in a given population. This is achieved using data measured in samples to determine the likelihood that a particular sample could have been selected, only if the hypothesis regarding a certain parameter is true. Being clear and specific, a research hypothesis provides an outcome of effective scientific research based on a population’s particular property. For a researcher to adequately specify the research hypothesis serves as the best step towards planning a scientific research study. At most times, the quantitative research usually states a priori expectation about the research study results in the research hypotheses before conducting any study. The stated hypotheses have ever designed the planned research study and the research study; thus, the research hypotheses mainly require the researcher to think fully. Probability sampling entails starting with a fully complete sampling frame of all eligible individuals from which a sample is selected. Through this technique, all eligible individuals have the opportunity of being chosen for the sample. One is more able to generalize the assembled data from the study. At most times, the probability sampling methods tend to bring more time consuming and expensive than in non-probability sampling. A simple random sampling procedure involves an individual being chosen entirely by chance, and each member of the population has an equal opportunity to get selected. The best method of obtaining a random sample number in research is finding out the appropriate individual to include. Simple random sampling allows the sampling error to be calculated. It reduces selection bias, and its main advantage this is the most straightforward method of probability sampling while the other side of this sampling method is that a researcher may not be in an appropriate position to select enough individuals with characteristics of the same interest, especially in cases where the characteristics are termed as uncommon.

Agrawal, & Gupta, (2020). Systematic sampling, this is where the individuals become selected at regular intervals from the sampling frame. The researcher chooses intervals to ensure an appropriate adequate sample size. This method is more often and convenient than any other sampling method because it is easy to administer; however, it may sometimes lead to bias. The stratified sampling method is applicable when the population is divided into relevant groups who all share the same characteristic. Researchers chose these methods to determine measurements of interests to vary between the different subgroups. Stratified sampling is up to improving the accuracy and representativeness of the provided result by minimizing sampling bias. Clustered sampling procedure entails subgroups of a particular being used by the researcher as a sampling unit rather than individuals. The population becomes divided into specified subgroups that are randomly sampled into the research study groups. Cluster sampling is more efficient than simple random sampling because it has a large geographical space for the research to take place. The convenient sampling method is the easiest method used in sampling mainly because the participants are mostly selected based on their availability and willingness to participate. These useful results can effectively be obtained. Still, the provided kind of data can be prone to significant bias because the individuals who volunteer to take part may appear to be different from those who decide not to participate. Snowball sampling is used in social sciences by a researcher when trying to investigate hard-to-reach groups. Those existing subjects are further requested to nominate subjects they have well-detailed information about effectively, this technique thus increases in its initial size as that of a snowball.

Analysis and forecasting of time series

Ngantweni & Zondo (2020). Forecast time series involves making predictions majorly about the future. A researcher has to make the models fit on the historical data and use them to predict the future. Its performance towards predicting the future fully determines the type of skills that are provided by the time series forecasting model; the researcher often does this at his own expense such that the researcher can be able to explain on why a specific prediction was made, the existing confidence interval towards that prediction and even be in a position to understand better the underlying causes behind every problem. The time-series data have a temporary ordering; this technique makes time series analysis unique from the cross-sectional studies. There has always never been any natural ordering of the observations. At most times, the researcher had to note that the time series analysis is more distinct from spatial data analysis. The observations were believed to relate to the geographical positions typically.

Saini, & Singhania, (2018). Time series analysis can effectively be applied to a real-value, discrete numeric data or discrete symbolic data that contains specific characters like letters and words. The purpose of the forecast from the research studies is mainly to determine the power and required of the techniques towards governing the selection. Suppose the forecast needs to be set in standard against which would help in evaluating the performance. In that case, it will be so unfortunate that the forecast method would not take into special account actions.


Danner, Barbosa (2018). The researchers have now been in a position of sketching on how the future will be like through forecast. If a company is not in a position to make a significant change in its strategies and tactics, it will probably have to die. A researcher can adequately develop a linear, exponential regression time series forecasting method’s through creating a time index variable that starts with the first observation moving to the most recent; these type of model is more important if a researcher will be in an appropriate position of underlying an assumption that this trend is more appropriate and relevant to the decided period and if the chosen model is not capable of taking seasonality into account then this can be done more effectively with linear regression.


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