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David Hwu

ThursdayOct 29 at 10:08am

Manage Discussion Entry

The triple bottom line is a concept that helps businesses navigate through competitive markets. The customer base for this market can be a well-informed audience that looks at the quality and trades of the product itself. Using the Triple bottom line companies incorporate ethical principles that improve business and consumer relations. Triple bottom line, or the 3 Ps, refers to the belief that it is important to be a good corporate citizen and stresses the importance of putting equal effort into people and the planet in addition to profitability (Scott, 2012).


The growing concerns of global warming and health concerns have led companies to change and adapt to provide solutions for consumer concerns. To grow and sustain a company must be agile and pivot to meet the customer needs. Jessica Alba a mother and consumer of baby products found out the nature of the underlining chemical that can cause irritation and allergies with baby products. She was able to capture the opportunity and co-founded a business to provide safe products for babies after becoming a mother and not being able to find products that did not contain harmful materials (Field, 2013).  Jessica Alba found out what many other business owners who use the triple bottom line have discovered; it can be profitable to prioritize people and the planet (Field, 2013).

Companies that focus on consumer concerns and overall uses this information to change the impacts of their harmful chemicals or the manufacturing that negatively impacts global warming is a game-changer. With social media and how quickly information is distributed, companies can send the right message and increase their revenue by marketing to the correct consumers. Understanding the needs and reacting positively can help companies grow and sustain in an overly crowded market. For example, simple changing packaging material or using less material can help drive business to become more environmentally sound.


Field, A (2013). 

Jessica Alba’s triple bottom startup raises $25 million (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

. Forbes. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)


Scott, R. (2012). 

The bottom line of corporate good (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

.  Forbes. Retrieved from


Christopher Cooper

SaturdayOct 31 at 6:38pm

Manage Discussion Entry

In our everyday life people try to save money on transportation. Edith and Mathew agreed to carpool together to save money on both traveling expenses. As price continues to rise our economy picks up and proceeds to grow. Agree to carpool will be a great way to save money and can reduce stress for either person because while one is driving the other one can relax and the other way around. By them carpooling it will definitely save time driving in one car instead of two cars. Mathew and Edith had different ways to get to the job and by them carpooling they are trying to figure out the fastest route to get to their job. Looking at Edith and Mathew routes traveling to work with my calculations I decided to go with Edith route travel on I-20 highway. Edith route is faster and have the shortest time on the I-20 highway getting to work than taking Mathew route by Shea Boulevard. Edith traveling time using I-20 highway to and from work is 560 minutes with three times per month traffic time. The change of minutes for bad weather on the highway with additional six more days per month being that there are three months of winter comes to 620 minutes. Calculating Mathew route using the Shea Boulevard time you will take 700 minutes per month with 20 working days. Using the I-20 highway route Edith way faster than Mathews routes. When adding the bad weather to Edith route then Mathews route becomes faster. Once you implement more time for bad weather with Mathews route it becomes more time to travel. When adding all the time for the year with Edith and Mathew route carpooling it will give you a better understanding of which ones travel time saves you money and gets you back ad forth to work. Mathew purchased a new smart-phone app that could show the status of the highway traffic prior to their drive each morning. The app suppose to reduce the probability of getting into traffic before proceeding to their route each morning. But, with Mathew new smartphone app there is no guarantee that is will show you traffic that take place in an instant or even to redirect you away from the traffic. With traveling to work Edith route saves you time and money on gas.

I-20 highway     No Traffic    Traffic

Days                   17                 3
Travel time         25                 45
                           425               135
Total = 560

I-20 highway     No traffic      Traffic

Days                     14.                6
Travel time           25                45
                              350              270 Total = 620

4. David Hwu

SaturdayOct 31 at 8:37pm

Manage Discussion Entry

For the first question in the decision-making process, my answer would be yes.  They should use the highway. The option of taking the fastest route with a very low rate of traffic jams would be the best choice. Even if they had decided to take the Shea Boulevard the entire twenty days, it would have taken more time to commute to work; rather than taking I-20 with the three traffic jams. Taking I-20 for twenty days to work with traffic jams:

 Traffic Jams trip is: (45min*3days=135mins), (25min*17days=425 mins), Total 560 minutes/month

Whereas taking Shea Boulevard for twenty days no traffic Jam: (35min*20 days)=700 min /Month

As a result, even with the jams it still is better to take the I-20 route.

How would your conclusion change for the winter months, if bad weather makes it likely for traffic jams on the highway to increase to 6 days per month?

In the winter months, the traffic jam days will increase to six days of traffic jams. In the calculation, it will equal more time for the I-20 route: (45min*6 days=270 min) + ( 25min*14 days=350 min) for the remaining days, which Totals to 750 minutes/ 20 days.

Inconclusion the I-20 route for 20 days will be longer than Shea Boulevard in the winter with no traffic jams, (700 minutes for twenty days). It would be advised to take the Shea Boulevard route rather than the I-20 route in the winter for 20 days.

How would your conclusion change if Mathew purchased a new smart-phone app that could show the status of the highway traffic prior to their drive each morning, thus reducing the probability of them getting into a jam down to the only 1day per month (where on this day, the app showed no traffic jam, but a jam developed in the meantime as they were driving along the highway).

Using an app to tell them the status of each route for each day, I would still advise using the I-20 route; because it’s the fastest route.

The app will tell them if it’s a traffic jam, speed cameras, or emergency activities which in case of any of these alerts they can take the Shea Boulevard route, which will save them 10 minutes. If the Shea Boulevard route also has a traffic jam it would be best for them to take the I-20 route because if the Shea Boulevard route is 35 min without a traffic jam.  

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