Need an assignment done for my Religion college class. Looking for Plagiarism free work with good grammar and spelling. Need two in-text citations with references at the end. Need done by Sunday, January 5, 2020


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Select one alternative religion (e.g., Church of Scientology, Transcendental Meditation, Wicca, Druidry) and one traditional Western religion (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam) to research and compare in this assignment.


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Alternative    Religion

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Western   Religion

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Part 1:




In the table below, list at least two similarities and two differences between the religions you selected. Some categories to consider include holy days, symbols, rituals, core beliefs, ethics, and the role of women.

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Part 2: Analysis

Write a 350- to 525-word analysis of the similarities and differences between the two religions you selected. Discuss how the faiths are practiced and how they are perceived by those outside of the faiths in terms of the similarities and differences you noted.

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Include references formatted according to APA guidelines. You may find helpful resources for formatting citations in the

Center for Writing Excellence

in the University Library.



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Religion Analysis

REL/134 v6

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Religion Analysis

Select one alternative religion (e.g., Church of Scientology, Transcendental Meditation, Wicca, Druidry) and one traditional Western religion (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam) to research and compare in this assignment.

Alternative Religion

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Western Religion

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Part 1: Similarities and Differences

In the table below, list at least two similarities and two differences between the religions you selected. Some categories to consider include holy days, symbols, rituals, core beliefs, ethics, and the role of women.



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Enter text.

Part 2: Analysis

Write a 350- to 525-word analysis of the similarities and differences between the two religions you selected. Discuss how the faiths are practiced and how they are perceived by those outside of the faiths in terms of the similarities and differences you noted.


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Include references formatted according to APA guidelines. You may find helpful resources for formatting citations in the

Center for Writing Excellence

in the University Library.

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