Need a Theory Utilization and Application Paper Using the nursing theory peaceful end of life by Cornelia Ruland and Shirley Moore. See direction below


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Theory Utilization and Application Paper Using the nursing theory peaceful end of life by Cornelia Ruland and Shirley Moore, identify an area of interest in nursing, locate examples of the theory’s application and utilization in practice. Additionally, opportunities for enhancement of existing nursing environments by utilization of theory application will addressed. The paper should be no more than ten typewritten pages, using appropriate APA format. Theory Usage and Application Paper – Guidelines and Grading Criteria In this paper, you will describe a nursing theory and its application to nursing practice. This paper should be no more than 10 pages long. It should coincide to the theory presentation that you have submitted. The focus of this paper is on the application of theory to nursing practice. A brief description of the components of the theory should be presented in this paper, however, since this should be done in your presentation the focus here will be on application. The proposed guidelines are based on Chinn and Kramer (2004). 


APA format please use resources with in the last 5 years and most of all DO NOT TURNITIN

Components of the theory 

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• Major concepts of theory 

• Philosophical basis/underpinnings; worldview 

• Conceptual model (if available) 

Structural aspects of the theory (including but not limited to) 

• Assumptions, theorems, propositions, etc.

• relations of concepts and assumptions 

• clarity, simplicity, and ease of application of theory

• consistency and adequacy of theory 

Use of theory in: 

• nursing practice

• nursing education 

• nursing administration 

• nursing research 

A literature review will provide the basis for this section 

Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable. 

• The area may be used to theory test, theory generate, etc.

• What is the question that the theory will help to answer? 

• Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory/theoretical model. Why or how is it appropriate to use this theory. 

• Discuss the use of theory in pursuing this area of interest. What are the steps /methods that you might use? 

• Are there weaknesses in this theory that make it difficult to use in real situations? If so, what are they. 

Evaluation of theory – your thoughts about the theory 

• How “user friendly” is the theory? 

• What are some of the difficulties you encountered or would you anticipate you might encounter in trying to use this theory. 

• What would make this theory more usable or applicable to practice, and why? 

Peaceful End of Life Nursing Theory

By Cornelia Ruland and Shirley Moore

Often, terminally ill patients get to a point where they decline further medical treatment. They accept their fate and are prepared to die. At this point, nursing plays a crucial role in ensuring the patient is as comfortable and as peaceful as possible as he/she nears the end of life.
The Peaceful End of Life Nursing Theory by Cornelia Ruland and Shirley Moore provides nurses with pertinent information to help them effectively deal with such patients.
This presentation gives a brief but concise overview of this theory and its application in nursing.

Overview of the Theory
The theory provides nurses with clinical guidance to aid them in facilitating meaningful and peaceful living for terminal ill patients during their last moments on earth.
The theory was developed by Cornelia Ruland and Shirley Moore

Theoretical Background.
The theory is based on three theoretical sources:
The theory is founded on Donabedian’s model of outcomes, process, and structure. This model is based on the general system theory that offers an explanation of the complexity of healthcare.
The theory is underpinned by the preference theory, which is crucial in explaining the quality of life concept.
The theory relies on the doctoral theory, which is crucial in using empirical knowledge, synthesized knowledge, and clinical practice knowledge to solve healthcare issues (Higgins & Hansen, 2017).

Context: Person, Environment, Health, and Nursing
The theory only addresses two concepts of the nursing metaparadigm: Nursing and Person. It addresses them through 4 assumptions:
The feelings and happenings at the end of life are individualized and personal.
Nursing is essential in facilitating a peaceful end of life experience.
Family is a crucial element in end of life care.
The objective is to maximize treatment to enhance quality of life and give the patient a peaceful death rather than to optimize care to be the best treatment available.

5 Major Concepts of the Theory

Concept 1: Not Being in Pain
Being free from the pain and suffering associated with terminal illness is essential for many patients during their end of life experiences.
Pain and suffering refer to both physical and emotional attributes that arise from the specific illness.
Nurses can alleviate their patients’’ pain through administering pain relief medication and monitoring their pain levels.
Nurses can also offer relevant interventions, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological.

Concept 2: Experience of Comfort
Comfort in this regard refers to the state of peaceful contentment where one is at ease because his/her life is pleasurable or easy.
Such an individual has been relieved from discomfort.
Comfort can be facilitated by giving the patient enough relaxation and rest to their his/her contentment.
The nurse can also monitor and relieve any physical discomfort as time goes by.

Concept 3: Experience of Respect/Dignity
A terminally ill individual ought to be valued and respected as other humans.
The patient must get a sense of personal worth, which is facilitated by the nurses’ respect of his/her autonomy.
Any critical decision making process should include the patient.
The nurse should respect the patient’s wishes, needs, and preferences, even if he/she does not agree with them.

Concept 4: Being at Peace
Peace refers to the sense of contentment, harmony, and peace.
A peaceful patient is free from fear, worries, restlessness, and anxiety.
Being at peace covers three dimensions: spiritual, psychological, and physical.
The nurse should offer physical assistance and relevant guidance to the patient as necessary.
The nurse should also ensure the patient is not anxious and offer him/her anti-anxiety interventions as necessary.

Concept 5: Closeness to Significant Others
The terminally ill individual must feel that he/she is connected to people who genuinely care about him/her and his/her wellbeing.
Significant others can foster intimate and warm relationship with the terminally ill individual through emotional and physical affection.
The nurse should provide an environment that fosters many opportunities for family closeness.
The nurse should effectively deal with the family’s questions, worries, and grief.

Application of the Theory in Nursing
The theory is applicable in the following nursing roles:
Symptoms management.
Pain management.
Sedation to prevent suffering.
Improvement of hygiene.
Provision of emotional support.
Involvement of family and friends in facilitating the wellbeing of the patient (Gott et al., 2019).
Providing any necessary service that offers comfort for a terminally ill individual.

The Peaceful End of Life Nursing Theory by Cornelia Ruland and Shirley Moore provides nurses with pertinent information to help them effectively deal with such patients.
It focuses on ensuring the patient is not in pain, experiences comfort, experiences respect/dignity, is at peace, and is close to significant others.
This theory is crucial in respecting the autonomy of a patient who no longer wishes for standard treatment to continue.
The theory ensures patients die while at peace and in the most comfortable way possible.

Gott, M., Robinson, J., Moeke-Maxwell, T., Black, S., Williams, L., Wharemate, R., & Wiles, J. (2019). ‘It was peaceful, it was beautiful’: A qualitative study of family understandings of good end-of-life care in hospital for people dying in advanced age. Palliative Medicine, 33(7), 793-801.
Higgins, P., & Hansen, D. (2017). Peaceful end-of-life theory. Retrieved from
Tomey, A.M., & Alligood, M.R. (2016). Middle range theories: Peaceful end of life theory. Nursing Theorists and Their Work, (pp.775-781). Missouri: Mosby.


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