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Define process control and continuous improvement. How are they different?

The definition of “Process Control is the active changing of the process based on the results of process monitoring. Once the process monitoring tools have detected an out-of-control situation, the person responsible for the process makes a change to bring the process back into control.” As to the definition of “Continuous improvement, sometimes called continual improvement, is the ongoing improvement of products, services or processes through incremental and breakthrough improvements.”

The difference on them is that Process Control is actually changing due to someone changing it. This can happen due to who is doing the process of something, for example, a new hire employee is demonstrated to do things one way, but an employee that has been longer in the same position, might have learned how to do a process differently to come with the same outcome. Although it might get out of control in some occasions, this is when you need to retract and go back to the correct way or readjust to make sure something doesn’t turn in total chaos. On the other hand, continuous improvement, is when you are trying to make a process better. Sometimes to make it better depending on the job requirements, you might need more staff, or different technology equipment. There is always ways to improve, even in our life, we are continuously looking for ways to improve.

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What is Six Sigma? Six Sigma is a set of methods designed to improve business processes or systems.

First off What is Six Sigma and how did it get its name, started in the 80s in the Motorola corporation Bill Smith came up with a concept of strategies that improved systems though the approach. One must seek out and find causes of errors or defects in production, services, processes, and other portions of the system. By placing the focusing on outputs that are critical to consumers the bottom line of the company. Lean is the elimination of addental steps or waste in the system. Often as a system is developed it will need checks and steps that will become repetitive and unnecessary as technology, repetition, or better processes are laced in. Lean is the removal of this waste.

Motorola’s COE popularized six sigma using the benefits of the process, the concept was popularized and “sold to the company” because the Motorola had a complicated process, with extra steps, and lots of additional chances for errors. By using Six Sigma and Lean or Lean Six Sigma the rate of error was drastically reduced dropping the fault/error rate well bellow what it was and saving Motorola large amounts of cost.

Six Sigma is statistical measurement (math) that equals to 3.4 or less defects per million opportunities.


Evans, J. R., & Lindsay, W. M. (2017). Managing for Quality and Performance (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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