need a response to 2 post International Logistics

need a response to 2 post International Logistics wk 5

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peer response week 5 IL

Tania Figueroa

2. What are the benefits of the use of RFID?

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An RFID tag is a Radio Frequency Identification tag which is used for tracking shipments. RFID tags became especially popular after the terrorist attacks of September 11th


and began to get used to track containers. Some benefits that come from using RFID tags are the visibility and security, shippers also benefit from the tags by being able to monitor shipments more efficiently. Other benefits in using RFID tags on cargo are increasing the accuracy of and reducing the time spent taking inventories, reliable tracking and tracing in challenging physical environments, and increased efficiency and cutting down on rework.

While stationed in Japan I was introduced to RFID tags and since then have had the opportunity of working with RFID tags in other duty stations I have been at. While in Japan I worked in the shipping department and we would burn tags and add them to whatever we were sending out over seas. At the time I was a young Marine, so I did not understand the bigger picture of things, but as the years passed and I had more of a passion for my job I learned just how important RFID tags are. RFID tags can be very valuable to the military and real time visibility is something that people want to see! Over the years RFID tags have improved and I have seen quite a few people try to present newer and smaller tags in order to keep up with the latest technology. A neat thing about RFID tags is that you are able to go onto different websites and see where exactly the RFID tags have pinged, giving you a better understanding of where your cargo has touched as well as information associated with the tag.




Sick USA Blog. (2014, September 24). 5 Benefits of Using RFID in Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management. Retrieved from Sick USA Blog:

Branch, A. E. (2009). Global Supply Chain Management and International Logistics. New York: Routledge.

Bryan Emory

2. What are the benefits of the use of RFID?

            – when it comes to using RFID for all our shipping needs it can defiantly become an asset to have and there are several reasons why.  One of which is that I create and improves the quality and transparency of data across the supply chain.  RFID does this by basically tracks the products so there is no mystery as to where it is at in the shipping process.  Another reason is that it makes it easier to implement flexible manufacturing processes.  A third reason is it increase the accuracy of and reduces the time spend taking inventory.  Know this aspect of RFID is extremely important for most manufacturing companies because having an employee going around keeping track of what is in stock can take hundreds of man hours to accomplish.  A fourth reason is reliable track and trace in different physical environments.  This one to me is also important because once something is shipped its very difficult to figure out where that product is while in transit.  RFID would eliminate that mystery all together. 

3. What are the main benefits to shippers of RFID based systems, which incorporate e-seals on containers?

            – When I’m looking at what benefits do shippers have when utilizing RFID bases systems, it would be that they can track the products at any point in the process.  So, for example if the product was on an 18-wheeler and it just so happen to get stuck due to inclement weather, then it would be easy to figure that out and inform the receiver.  When it comes to customer service that is the ultimate advantage because it saves time in calling around in trying to find the driver and figure it out, now it all happens at the click of a button.  To top it off like I stated before the amount of time and money you will save on automation is astounding, inventory is simple because all products are scanned in and out, so the computer system keeps track of all inbound and outbound products for the company. 


5 Benefits of Using RFID in Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management. (2014, September 24). Retrieved from Sickusablog:

Benefits of RFID – Why do you need RFID Solutions? (n.d.). Retrieved from CoreRFID:

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