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Using the internet, search for an enterprise company (i.e Amazon) that you feel follows this enterprise architecture and consider the implications of each function represented. For each function in this diagram, define the purpose and interaction with other function, give examples. Define and discuss credible attack surfaces for each function, if any. Does the function include interactions with third party systems? If so, should they be trusted at the same level as the internal systems. Discuss threat agents and what targets may be of interest.  

Conceptual Sample Enterprise Architecture (attached diagram): Representations of the business functions and their interrelationships.

Project Report:


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•Report should be no less than 10 pages of content. 

•You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources. 

•You must have at least 10 references, 5 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles. 

•In addition to the 10 pages of content, you will want a title page and a reference sheet. 

•Please ensure to use the proper APA citations.

Report format:

Title Page

Introduction of Company and brief background (Establish date, Location, what makes this company an enterprise, etc.)

Company Architecture (What exactly does this company do…)

Company Functions (define each function that relates to the company)

Function Integration (how/if the functions integrate with other functions)

Discuss Credible Attack Surfaces for the functions 

Discuss interactions with 3rd party systems and trust levels

Discuss Threat agents and targets

Your thoughts/improvements/gaps, etc.



attached-presentation format

Announce your

Team Name

Introduce each Member of the Team

Opening slide should have the following:

Team Name

Team Members

Title Slide

Course Info (Name, Term, Year, Instructor)

Introduction slide


Company Name
Date Established, CEO
Industry (Healthcare, Banking)
# Employees, Annual Sales, etc.
ENTERPRISE company slide


Company architecture
Architecture diagram
Company functions (1 slide)
Function integration (1 slide)
Credible attack surfaces (1 slide)
3rd party interactions (1 slide)
Threat agents and targets (1 slide)


Team Thoughts
Provide your teams opinion of the current status of architecture that was highlighted.
Does the current structure suffice? Does it require improvement? Any missing functions?


Summarize your conceptual sample enterprise architecture


Conclude your presentation

Ask if any QUESTIONS (Be prepared to Answer)

Thank your Audience
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